Pizza man: I just love your style, it feels so free and full of energy, the videogame-like quest line was super fun and enjoyable!
Greg: Nice seeing traditional work, I enjoyed the action and how you showed their powers!
Pizza: Even though your style isn't super polished, it still has appeal. Especially since your story doesn't take itself too seriously. So everything works quite well! The minimal use of color was a good idea considering the short time frame and the amount of panels you ended up doing. You did a good job in the initial panels with the blinds effect. The whole "adventure" bit was also a great idea and was very reminiscent of videogames quests. Nice way to include a bunch of cameos. The ending though, I don't get...
Gregly: I'm a sucker for use of traditional media! Great use of it here especially with the effect on the last panel of page 8. And great idea using the panels to portray her interdimensional traveling powers. Not sure why Hana collapses at the end though. Just exhausted from having to break through a pocket dimension? Guess we'll never know! (or will we...)
Pizza: the great Void fetch quest of 2024. Your style is immensely charming here and your usual sense of humor serves the comic well. Very fun read
Gregly: this is just such a clean entry. I'm mostly impressed with how you use the runny watercolor to create an effect. I'm a sucker for cool uses of particular mediums. I'm also a sucker for cool and creative use of panel borders.
I loved both of these comics! Hana is an absolute gremlin and you both nailed that energy on her lol. I hope people aren't expecting Hana to pay for any damages, because they're never going to get that money.
Pizza: BAWEEEE you drew Hoya so precious! I loved that you included everyone, it made this comic so fun!
Gregly: AAAHHHH Hoya is the cutest thank you so much for choosing her! I loved the portrayal of her powers and the melty panel was an amazing touch!
Pizza: I like how yours is almost like a folk/fairy tale where the heroes visit people and then go to other people on a chain of item fetching quests. I can see the exhaustion in this one. I concur with what you said on discord about taking a break. I strongly think and feel that you should give yourself a breather.
Gregly: This was just very pleasant to look at from beginning to end. I assume you had more that you intended to do?
Aaaah! AAAAAH GREGLY! You drew everyone so pretty your traditional is so beautiful it made me grin so much reading your side! You also made me realize I totally forgot to draw the demon cat whoopsie!
Comments (7)