Raltz: I love all the little bits of humor in this, from the 'running with toast' trope to the running gag of Neopetra and friends destroying property, and also the 'Wrong way idiot' bit! I'll echo that the screen tones were a bit Much; I get what you were going for, but with something like screen tones you want to use them sparingly. Smaller dots might have helped, as would leaving some parts white to help the tones not be overwhelming. Using the screentones for just shadows/darker areas is a good starting rule of thumb!
Jelly: I've said it before and I'll say it again, even just your sketches are a delight to see. I can only imagine how utterly badass this comic would be if it were finished! I love the worldbuilding you've done here, and the character designs, and the storyline--honestly I kinda just love everything about this?? very much looking forward to seeing next round!!
SirJelly - HOLY SHIT MAN! Your inks and coloring is soooo goood! I really like your style!
Raltz - cute/dark story, just a little confusing because of the paneling.
Raltz: I don't know if it's just me, but the dot pattern you put for your texture background really messed with my eyes and made it really hard to look at your pages for too long. It made it sort of unpleasant to just lay eyes on your pages, which I'm assuming is not your goal!
Another thing related to the reading experience, is that first panel on page 6. It's so big that I lose part of it on my screen and have to scroll down to discover that there's a word bubble there. Then I have to scroll back up. It puts adds an "obstacle" that messes with the flow of reading. So I would make sure to keep in mind how people will read your comic and make sure you lead them correctly with the least amount of "obstacles".
Last thing is on the last panel, I believe that's a TV giving the news? That could have maybe be done better so that we would really know what it is. It would have also been a good opportunity to use a different style of word balloon to represent that it's coming from a different source that's not human.
Overall though, it's a short and sweet quirky comic. I feel Like you would do well with the shorter styles of 3 panel comics that a lot of humor comics use with your style of storytelling. Keep it up!
SirJellyRaptor - That first panel was a really great use of the vertical format! I really liked the painterly colors and the little surprises as you keep scrolling down. Your inks are very polished and look great. I'm also jealous of your choice of panel shapes. Even though you couldn't finish the inks, we're still able to follow what's going on so it's not too big of a deal. Don't really have any bad crits, good stuff!
SIRJELLYRAPTOR - Dang, great job on this one. Even with the rough pages, this story is a lot of fun. I love the established lore and the city design is a lot of fun. My only gripe is that your word bubbles and boxes are all too small. A few of them have their borders actually touching the text inside. I feel like you have enough space on most of these panels where you don't have to worry about the bubble covering important information. Other than that, I love those colored pages and can't wait to see more!
RALTZ - Very cute story. The death by poisoning was a nice tough. Im not sure how you are saving your files but it looks like they are PNGs with no backgrounds. This was a bit distracting, though easily corrected next time. Good job on the comic!
I've been curious how you were gonna use Husk, given your usual writing style. I don't think I could have predicted this, haha! But yeah this was a very cute comic, I really like what you were going for
Raltz: Petra is a devious little shit wow haha!
Jelly: This was cool. I know you had difficulties but congrats on powering through and I hope the second round treats you better. Husk is cool!
Comments (10)