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Of Punk and Plush

4 Weeks
Scar Match


Of Punk and Plush
By Batty
chat_bubble 8
star star
Tix Thundersong
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.58
Of Punk and Plush
By Firefly
chat_bubble 8
star star
Final Score: 6.83

Comments (8)

Bobert's avatar
1 year ago
These were both swell and nice. Apologies for taking too long, life got overwhelming. Had to re-read these both a couple of times again in order to string words together eloquently ahah. Batty: This is a nice comic, I think your best-est one recently. You definitely pulled through on the more agreeable side of the struggle with your adhd with this one (I don't know if I do or don't have it but I understand the plight of things getting overwhelming or hard to work on). I get the impression that you were picking your battles in terms of what you were confident with drawing and producing the results you wanted/found agreeable? If that's so then you should do more of that. The lineart is also swee', it's even more clean and volumetric than ever before and that's neat. Firefly: A lot of my praise for Batty's linework can apply to your comic too, there's more line variation in this comic than all your previous ones and that's cool to see, you're gently and steadily pushing the envelope on your skill and you were given lots of opportunity for intermediate challenges here with Tix's van and her familiar skull monsters. I like the idea that Tix would progressively become more and more covered in blobs of colour across her body.

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
1 year ago
Great comics both of you, some many wholesome and charming interactions between Poof and Tix. Loved both scars too! Poof having finally his missing wing is cute and Tix getting more colors is so good hahaha

Firefly's avatar
1 year ago
Thank you for the battle Batty! I adored Tix's interactions with Poof, she's allergic to feelings and yet can't help but fall in love with Poof's cuteness. I really love how you draw Poof, and their new wing is badass! I'm sorry about your missing page though!

Batty's avatar
1 year ago
Wtf one of my pages went missing Edit: apparently I straight up forgot to upload page 3, whoops ^^; Either way! Firefly I loved ur comic! Tix having to tell Humvee to drop Poof was hilarious and excellent, and I loved the idea of Poof getting possessed by a shadow entity! V dramatic and v good job on the fight scene!! The scar is intriguing as well [eyes emoji] potentially possessed magic hand? That has some real fun story implications hehe

DesDemonical's avatar
1 year ago
great pair of comics! Heavenbat, i was just like "AW" the full way through. Love the new wing! Firefly I enjoyed the interactions between the characters and the slightly unsettling final panel...excited to see how things progress from here