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Dairyu vs Oblivia

5 Weeks
Regular Match


Dairyu vs Oblivia
By Snowy
chat_bubble 17
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.65
Dairyu vs Oblivia
By marrionberrypi
chat_bubble 17
star star
Final Score: 6.29

Comments (17)

Pizza Man's avatar
Pizza Man
1 year ago
I've been looking forward to reading this fight and you two did not disappoint! Great work from both sides this was such an interesting matchup to read. Snowy: I think this is one of your best comics so far. On a visual level it's very well done and the story is solid. The only thing I can think of for crits is there are times where the character's proportions appear squished and I'm unsure if it's intentional. Berry: Nice turnout that's a pretty package of pages you got there! The story is straightforward and your art beyond the first page makes the comic flow well making for some good work. As for crits I recommend experimenting on new fonts for your dialogue. While the font was readable it doesn't really mingle well with the comic format imo. The shadows from taking your pictures have gotten less noticeable but are still visible. Unfortunately I'm not really an expert on how to fix that but if you ask around on the void discord I'm sure someone will have a good method to try out.

Gregly's avatar
1 year ago
Snowy- neat effects, I especially like oblivia getting launched at the end and the clouds swirling around, that looked so cool but still very readable. I like how worked up Dairyu gets often! Marionberrypi- it was a little hard to tell what was happening at the beginning but when the action started it was all pretty cool! i liked the page with dairyu's sword passing right through, and the way you draw her and her cloudy hair is cool. I liked the sequence with her meeting her discord friend, it had the good feel of an awkward first in-person meeting. nice work!

Flytee's avatar
1 year ago
Snowy- Your page layouts are to die for, everything flowed so wonderfully, when Dairyu looked into Oblivia's eyes I was really gripped by the following sequence. I noticed an improvement in everything, all your comic-making and hard work is paying off massively. I also loved how you used Oblivias abilities to open up new story threads to follow, this really felt like the beginning of a brand-new era. I'm hyped! Marion- Your art style is really lovely, I very much enjoyed how you drew Dairyu. I just really wish you'd tidy things up a bit. I could be wrong but I think you're painting digitally on top of scanned pencils and then skipping the inking phase. I could be wrong, but I'd be curious about your set-up/ approach to making these comics. The slap-dash colours somewhat bring down your lovely line work, unfortunately. ) Writing / layout wise this felt very classic void and at home on the site to me, it was good fun & there were some really competently done sequences, I love how much you move the camera around. Oblivia's such an interesting character I'd love to battle her.

Animeshen's avatar
1 year ago
well i want to fight Oblivia XD Snowy once again your spot blacks are to die for. When her glasses came off and we saw Oblivia's eyes? HOOOLLLEEE SHITT. That was a SCARY look. I was worried for Dairyu there, she seemed to be having a terrible crisis, though I do feel a little bad for Oblivia getting blasted off a mountain... like, i get that would be Dairyu's reaction, but she didnt MEAN to make you see unfathomable horrors sprung from your deepest nightmares =P Marion: Style's a little messy and Im not sure if thats intentional or not. Oblivia is ADORABLE but with a threatening undertone that makes her really interesting. I like how concerned she is with finding her friend, no matter whats in her way- and how despite being the avatar of destruction, she'd really rather just talk it out. A fun complexity! Hitlisted~

Cab's avatar
1 year ago
Marion: it's great to see you back on void, it's been awhile since we last saw your art and I can see improvement, keep up the good work and don't be afraid to be daring, take chances, and always and forever have fun while here in void.

Cab's avatar
1 year ago
Snowy: once again always a treat to look at your comics they are feast for the eyes, I look your layouts and designs, I am interested in the voices dai ryu heard while in the void, I smell some dark hidden past secrets coming to light in the future. I can't wait to see more of Dai-ryu, of Rikter and of course of baby Yamato.

Bobert's avatar
1 year ago
Snowy: This is a pretty groovy comic. The linework is nice and the environment is cosmic, which is fitting for the atmosphere of the Oblivion entity possessing Olivia and trying to tear apart at Dairyus psyche, the screentones and value range is also nice. I'm kind of predisposed towards B & W comics though, heh. Marrion: I like how you're pushing the envelope on what you can do. Keep at it. The nods to the 2022 Armageddon and you actually depicting the temple is cute too but also commendable due to how demanding of your skill it is to draw. Let's see what you do next, hope it kicks ass.

Petrichor's avatar
1 year ago
Snowy: Your character expressions really stood out here, Dairyu's despair over Oblivion's illusions felt authentic and genuine. I feel like you improved a lot in your writing as well! As Firefly said, the interactions felt pretty natural and organic. The inks were as good as ever, and i'm impressed by how well you made use of the effects you experimented with, they really added to the overall aesthetic of your art. Marrion: Even though Oblivia is an anxious character i like how she's so easygoing about the whole Dairyu trying to murder her situation lol, and that although she's an overpowered avatar of destruction she'd rather chill with her human friend than consuming worlds like she used to. I suppose you and I share similar taste in character writing heheh Oh and the vision Dairyu had of Oblivia's arrival was shown in such a cool way through a sequence of panels from pages 5 to 7! I could clearly see it playing like a film, maybe it's because you made the scene look so storyboard-like. I have no critics to add beyond what has already been said. Good job on your first battle.

Firefly's avatar
1 year ago
Snowy: Your line art is always a treat to see, and I really like your writing in this! I feel like it was nicely paced, and gave an equal amount of screentime to both Dairyu and Oblivia. The interactions between the characters felt organic and natural and both characters' personalities really shine in this. The affect of the oblivion on Dairyu could be felt through her actions and overall this was a great read! Marrionberry: The overall story was really sweet and cute. It's nice to see Oblivia's main concern being her friend and their meetup at the end was so wholesome! I liked your usage of the Discord messages, but the text was a bit difficult to read for me. I liked that you went for a fight scene between Dairyu and Oblivia, tho I think it would have been a great opportunity to show off Oblivia's abilities! Despite that, this was an enjoyable, solid comic!

Goldie's avatar
1 year ago
Snowy: I super duper enjoyed the effects of oblivion, you literally drew me in seeing Oblivia’s eyes! The genuine fear I felt when Dai started bleeding, lemme tell you I was so worried ; A ; I’d love to see even more screentones from you in the future, I think it works phenomenally with your style! Fantastic work!! Marrionberry: I thought it was super cute that Oblivia was trying to find her friend amidst a destructive event, solely focusing on just them and seeing them safe and sound! I felt Dairyu was just the tiniest bit of out-of-character with how “no, you’re an enemy” she was. And going forward, I think a simple circle shape for the word bubbles will help not break the emersion. It was a little hard for me to appreciate your panels fully because the bubbles were misshapen, but other than that, good job!

marrionberrypi's avatar
1 year ago
Snowy: I loved how you personified Oblivion, even if that wasn't exactly my idea of how the eyes thing worked. The speech was really good and intense.

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
1 year ago
I really enjoyed these! Snowy the effects you did were really cool and came out really nicely just sticking within greyscale! Now I'm worried who's coming back and if the Yam is okay!!! Marrion I really liked the colors you used, very vibrant but not too over powering. I'm glad Oblivia found her pal!

Snowy's avatar
1 year ago
Marion - Thank you so much for the battle! Your art is so cute, and I love how you depicted the vision in yours! Rockman - Thank you for the comment! I'm happy that you enjoyed the depiction, I was a little worried that it might have been too much, I really appreciate the feedback. : )

Marcelo Rockman's avatar
Marcelo Rockman
1 year ago
Snowy: you have no idea how much I loved your depiction of oblivion, it was super interesting to see how Dairyu reacted to it. I see a lot of improvement in your character acting and composition too! Marrion: I really like the ability of your character and that she is just not trying to fight at all, enjoyed that it was in color. Good job both of you!

Rose's avatar
1 year ago
OwO What an interesting matchup! Can't wait to see what you both come up with!

Snowy's avatar
1 year ago
It's gonna be a challenge for me to think of a good story I think, but I'm excited to see the end result. >:3

Pizza Man's avatar
Pizza Man
1 year ago
Now this here I'm excited for OuO