thank you! yea sorry about the the size goof. I posted a properly sized version below in the comments. Im gonna sit out for a bit to work on an entry for the webtoons contest but afterwards I'm looking to do more comics on void! I really wanna do one with Lily feather <3
Oh these are pretty neat to read!
X eno112:
The colors looks quite nice, but I'll be honest I had a rough time trying to read the story cause of the size. I'm sure that you have figured out by now but it should be stated for reader's use (Recommended is 1000px wide) Hopefully we see more of Sybil in the near future!
Oh these are pretty neat to read!
The colors looks quite nice, but I'll be honest I had a rough time trying to read the story cause of the size. I'm sure that you have figured out by now but it should be stated for reader's use (Recommended is 1000px wide) Hopefully we see more of Sybil in the near future!
Oh these are some solid pencils you got there and they look quite good! I can read it and see what is going on. I know page 3 formatting is a bit off but I'm sure you figured it out by now. Hopefully we see more of Beet-Beet in the near future!
Xeno: Sorry you had a rough go of uploading--one of the biggest hurdles to learning the site is learning how the upload process works and h ow to resize. But, hopefully, next time will be better! I appreciate you linking to your full pages but I did base my votes on what was uploaded to the site--which was very difficult to tell what was going on, lol.
I will say though that you could potentially work with a few more colors. The first few pages especially were a *lot* of pinks and reds. You could've used some complimentary colors to really make some things pop, like you did in the later pages with the blue tones. That said I do really like how you depicted Sybil in this, it worked very well as a sort of intro comic for her! Also really liked the way you portrayed the yo yo attacks, that was neat!
Venom: Sorry you weren't able to finish, and hope everything's going alright! What you did have was pretty solid, some really good poses and expressions. Page 3 somehow ended up absolutely massive, but other than that--I really love that sequence of panels at the beginning of page 4. Most of the critiques I'd give are related to how unfinished it is, so I'll just say, hopefully next time will be better!
Xeno: sorry about the upload confusion but the full pages look really good. I love your color compositions and uses of color. Pyras gave a good link to some sites to get free comic fonts and you should definitly use that, but also you should think more about your word bubbles in your compostions. In this comic it looks like the word bubbles were slapped on cutting over your art. when you're in the storyboarding/sketching phase you should have a script mostly complete (changing the wording as you go on is completely normal) and with that you should be sketching in where the bubbles would go so you're not wasting effort having stuff drawn over. also making your compositoins with the bubbles taken into account will make the page look a lot less cluttered. but still that's easy stuff to work on as youd do more and great job with this comic.
Venom: life happens and one week timelines are brutal but it's good you still got to get something done. Even with just these sketches it's clear you have a good sense of character proportions and gesture. The only advice i could give is start with a further out establishing shot giving us a good sense of where the two characters are in relation to one another, or having one of those in your comic.
I was saying on the discord that the hardest part of digital art and even art in general is learning about DPIxresolution. we got to see two ends of the spectrum with what can go wrong with yall's uploads. but dont worry, xeno, i clicked through the link to the re-upload and based my reading on that!
yall both have nice drawings and figures and loud personalities to work with. everything you need to learn can be picked up with practice. don't be afraid to ask for help over and over in the discord. hope to see you each around void more!
Shame about the uploading issues on both sides.
Venom- The start of something really cool, buckets of potential. I hope to see you in more battles!
Xeno- I'm so glad I checked the comments and spotted your links. Congrats on doing a 6 page, fully rendered comics in a week...that's some decent speed and time management!! There's a lot of cute promising art here too. I'm sure you'll go from strength to strength on void.
Had to give these both a re-read.
Xeno: It's a damn shame that you ran into the accident that you did and I'm glad you had a plan B around the corner to mitigate the shrunken page issue. You gave a lot of polish to these pages and you showed off Sybils powers well. Your weakpoints I think were primarily the spelling and how some of the panels make it a bit hard to discern what's going on, Beet-Beet got angry at not knowing what a dog was and I got confused, because Sybils attack name blended into the background of the page where she showed her technique. I want to see more of Sybil and her particular brand of demons in the future.
Venom: My condolences also, also for life getting in the way. Incomplete comic guys gang rise up! It's clear that life made it tough for you to plot out a whole comic but it's exciting to see what you will give when you're 110% yourself, Beet is pretty cool and I'd like to see her do evil crap in the future.
XENO- thank you for providing us with a link! The rendering is really good! The red and pinks color palettes translate really well, the aciton was pretty sweet!
VENOM- the panel compositions are really neat! timing in comics can get very finicky, I'm sorry you encountered bumps on the road. Looking forward to see more of your work!
Xeno: It's always good to click on the preview to make sure things are sized properly and in the right order. Glad you got a link to see them properly sized.
Venom: It's a bummer you ran out of time cause these pencils looked promising. Would love to battle you corn vs beet
Welcome to Void!
XENO112: Like some of the other artists here I'll also be recommending looking into Blambot or DaFont for solid fonts to help up the quality of your presentation. You have a good eye and I'm confident with more time and practice you'll get even better.
VENOM MASTER: There's always next time! Interested to see more in the future
thanks I do need to give those a go. I normally just use comic sans and run with it
Welcome to Void!
XENO112: Like some of the other artists here I'll also be recommending looking into Blambot or DaFont for solid fonts to help up the quality of your presentation. You have a good eye and I'm confident with more time and practice you'll get even better.
VENOM MASTER: There's always next time! Interested to see more in the future
good thing you brought this link for legibility
Sybil entering the scene in a rather interesting way.
similarly terrifying beings with entirely different attitudes makes for a fun clash and reconciliation.
love the fast setup and wheel bounces.
Comments (13)