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The Stars Were Suns

8 Weeks + 1 Week
Regular Match


The Stars Were Suns
By PyrasTerran & Rivana
chat_bubble 16
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trophy WINNER
Final Score: 8.60
The Stars Were Suns
By Footini & Radji
chat_bubble 16
star star
Final Score: 7.70

Comments (16)

Rose's avatar
3 years ago
Also I feel bad that I didn't read this comic when it came out 😭 You guys wrote Abby so well, and she looks cute af (obviously)! I'm in a bit of a rush because I need to catch up on so many comics for Best of, but lemme leave a lil tidbit for each side! Pyras & Rivana: Amazing colors, fantastic sci-fi combination of Llaana's dimension-hopping powers and Sable's multi-dimensional oversight. You two work together so well! I love how you've created a sort of meta-canon within VOID that accounts for the meta-canon that VOID creates. Definitely a fan. And maybe I'm just tired and emotional, but I felt myself choke up just a tiny bit in the last several pages with both Llaana and Maddie 🥺 Footini and Radji: Amazing colors, excellent horror imagery 😩👌 Love how well you two work together. This comic definitely had me tearing up a bit at the end, especially as a sort of response to Pyras and Rivana's side. It seems obvious that an animancer with power over infinite dimensions would do anything it took to have one last moment with their daughter, even if Llaana was fated to be lost in all timelines. The trippiness of the multiverse was really cool, and I love how you created that one page that was somehow both incomprehensible in its infinity and also perfectly understandable at the same time. I really bunked up by not reading this immediately, but I'm so glad I get to read it now! Both sides were superb!

Rose's avatar
3 years ago
I see you nerds and your RF-2848 Earth. Very clever...

Rivana's avatar
3 years ago
Working on this battle and finally reading both sides was such a blast. All the comments and votes are very much appreciated. Thank you everyone!

Fluffsamasprime's avatar
3 years ago
Rivras: I love the intro for this comic. It really pulled me in. Loved page 8. Fuckit I really loved the colors for this entire comic. Llanna's shadow was always that of a centipede. I took my time on the third read through to really enjoy this. I hope to see more Sable comics, specially if they are a send of to dead characters. It really hits the feels hard to watch a character accept death. Radjtini: I love seeing you guys comic together, they come out so well. Seeing Llanna get to say good bye before leaving was so bitter sweet. Also watching Sable's decent into madness. Might I add, loved the monster tiddies on page 6. I hope to see more comics collabs from you two!

snager's avatar
3 years ago
Footini and Radji: your combined skills are growing so strong! I was like, wow, Footini achieving next level out here, when I saw Sable on the first page. The world design of the dying planet is just almost too-fucked-up for my gentle soul. the human figures all melted together in flesh tones, the rib cage on the horizon, the tiddy monster. it's so very very Metal. I liked the idea of Sable being so high, she can see all alternate reality versions of herself at once, and this story was a good chance to show off how Saal's powers work. But as much as I like all that, the point of the comic seems to have been just that: show how Saal's powers work. Maybe the mission statement had been to show Llana's relationship to her parents, but all the glory seems to go to Saal. Pyras and Rivana's side does a better job of giving development to Llana, and also Sable. Even though there's tons of plot and action, the exposition-through-dialog feels much more fulfilling to the characters' individual stories. A lot of empathy was given to all the fallen (and winning) love childs. It felt like a good balance between the main character, Sable, and giving room to Llana, while still having time for cameos for everyone else. Sable neither hogged the spotlight nor acted as just a prop to talk about other characters. The story also had time to develop the relationship between Par and Sable. I'm loving Par. the AI who doesn't understand sarcasm and nuance is an outdated trope, but Par is so cute and pure and friend-shaped I just don't care. We also had time to hear more from the organization Sable works for, which just gives me so many ideas, tbf. It was ballsy of the foot man to fight two of the most OP players on the site, even if he did team up with Armageddon headliner Radji. clearly, challenging ourselves to battle stronker foes is how we get gains.

Radji's avatar
3 years ago
Footini: Unexpected things happen in life and instead of stressing over this comic anymore we decided to submit as is. .
Seconded. While I would have liked to finish the comic 100%, recent events meant that I had to focus more on my real life and comic drawing time was reduced significantly. Especially Job-wise. That said, all other crits were noted and appreciated.

Footini's avatar
3 years ago
TheCydork: I know you guys were tired, but there was a 2 month drawing time and you <i>chose</i> to take this on. Footini, iirc you also took on several other comics during the draw time? Time management and self control are also important skills in comic making. Cutting down on pages or on other battles would have probably helped.
Don't ever lecture me about time management again. Unexpected things happen in life and instead of stressing over this comic anymore we decided to submit as is. Get over yourself and whatever level of quality you think we owe you for a free comic we make in our spare time. All other crits have been heard and appreciated.

TheCydork's avatar
3 years ago
Pyrana - Stellar comic (no pun intended). Well written, great visuals, interesting in-universe explanation... yeah. Just a well-rounded, quality comic. Visually, loved the horror imagery when Llana first appeared. I could very clearly identify each of the lovechildren, even the ones only in silhouette, and ough the centipede under Sable’s skin was, well, skin-crawling lmao. Pages 19 and 25 were also really cool, love the use of negative space. Writing-wise, I loved Abby’s attitude, and it was neat to see Sable be slightly manipulative at the end! Some more negative-leaning traits always add a nice bit of spice. As said earlier, this was a really interesting way to tie the lovechildren together in-universe and give an explanation for it as well. I have one minor crit - Abby and Maddie both seemed a little wonky. For Abby in particular, fullbody shots were fine but the closeups were oddly flat compared to Sable, and the lovely rendering of most other surfaces. They do only appear for a short while though, so it isn’t much of an issue. Great comic and teamup once again, Sable’s stuff is probably my favourite work by either of you tbh. Radjini - For all the trippy imagery later on, my favourite page was actually the very first one! Idk, something about the huge pink planet, the broken moon, the flesh-covered buildings, all quite imposing but juxtaposed with the pleasantly smiling screen that Sable wakes up... it made for a really striking page. As for the story, it was really neat to have Saal enlist Sable’s help and revive her constantly from afar. Since they’re both time and space hoppers it made a lot of sense. Nice resolution for Llana too. I’m with Putrid though, this spawned more questions than answers. I get this sense that neither of you have a clear idea of how Saal and Llana actually work, so you use cool or trippy imagery and vague explanations to coast by. Why will the pink drink stop Llana? How does Sable inject herself, but still have the vial to inject Llana with? What did injecting herself actually DO besides cool visuals? Who or what is the big spider figure, why is it trying to escape, how and when did Llana assimilate it? I was mostly left confused by the end. As for art crits, the quality noticeably fluctuated. Compare page 2 to pages 11-13 for instance. The lines are wobblier and the colours much more garish without any shading to tone them down. I know you guys were tired, but there was a 2 month drawing time and you chose to take this on. Footini, iirc you also took on several other comics during the draw time? Time management and self control are also important skills in comic making. Cutting down on pages or on other battles would have probably helped. However, you both still did a good job considering you burnt out and came straight off the heels of a tournament!

Dr.Salt's avatar
3 years ago
I think both comics really nailed the emotions they were going for! Pyras & Riv: Yours reminded me of a comic called Outer Darkness. They both have fun sci-fi/supernatural-horror thing going on.

Putrid's avatar
3 years ago
Rivana & Pyras: That whole comic was STUNNING!!! Not only was it a very long comic, but the quality on each one was absolutely amazing- it never dropped! The lighting was fantastic, the gif page was such a great way to make emphasis on what was happening. The ending was so bittersweet and it left me wanting for more of what Sable will get to next, what her other jobs will be about and all. Easily one of the best written comics I've read here, loved it!!! Radji & Footini: Great use of colors overall! Specially when Sable was having that bad trip, the way you played with the panels there really cemented the trippy effect, too. But I gotta admit I had a hard time knowing what was going on and it gave me more questions than answers. Seeing someone as powerful and omnipotent and Saal be so vulnerable was a very nice touch in making them more humane, great job!!

Platinumartist's avatar
3 years ago
Wow, these two were comics of high quailty with their glorious use of color and tones. the tones that were set by both comics were wonderfully crafted and somber. It is sad to say goodbye to Llaana but I feel that this battle is a great send off. Great Job to both teams! you guys did amazing!

Durianknuckle's avatar
3 years ago
Team Rivana and Pyras: Absolute magnificient work omg! Loved the hallucinations and colors! Llaana jumping was so sad 😢💔 Team Footini and Radji: Llaana hugging Saal when she's a small baby is so cute omg ❤ Loved the sound effects! Also, good action!^^

PyrasTerran's avatar
3 years ago
Forgot to add the rating: Ours is rated T for Teen for disturbing imagery and some inhuman gore

Radji's avatar
3 years ago
credits: scenario: Footini and Radji Storyboard: Radji inking: Radji and Footini Coloring: Footini texts and SFX: Radji radji's survival: Monster Energy drinks

Footini's avatar
3 years ago
Im.only internally screaming slightly