Heavyweight Tournament 2019
5 Weeks
+ 1 Week
Regular Match
Heavyweight Tournament 2019
By Animeshen
Final Score: 8.12
Heavyweight Tournament 2019
By Kozispoon
Remy Naufrage
Final Score: 8.52
Heavyweight Tournament 2019
By Monday
Final Score: 8.01
Heavyweight Tournament 2019
By kubo
Final Score: 7.74
Heavyweight Tournament 2019
Estrella D\' Muerte
Final Score: 7.80
Heavyweight Tournament 2019
By JCee
Black Swan
Final Score: 8.27
Heavyweight Tournament 2019
By Goldie
Crikey Dile
Final Score: 7.34
Heavyweight Tournament 2019
By Radji
Kurt and Polterdot
Final Score: 7.93
Comments (46)
Congrats on 47 complete pages! That’s just incredible. What is that like, 10 pages a week? Wow. The setting you went with here was also intriguing. It was a more conventional battle royale but the use of a flesh maze with a floating lava river was really creative (and made for an amazing death scene). I’m not sure what it is about your art or writing, but I found myself going through this way faster than the other battles, despite its length (I usually have to take breaks when I read things, even when I’m enjoying them). I enjoyed your portrayals of Remy and Remy!Wendigo, they’re such smarmy little shits here and I love it. And the last page hit really damn hard. I agree with the others on Gray’s portrayal though. Her character felt all over the place, one minute meek and hopeless, the other gleeful at the horrors of the situation. A few moments with other characters also felt OOC just to make the situation more dramatic.Kozi
I think this is one of the best comics I’ve read on here. It’s laid out really well, looks very professional and polished, and the writing is great, for the most part. It was pretty clever how you linked everyone together AND to your overarching story in this “mission” for Death. I also love the texture you used. Honestly, now I’m wishing I gave a 10 for quality, because there’s so many little details I’ve only noticed on my 3rd read. I love the pink flames on each chapter page and the little white symbols relating to the captured soul within each flame! Like the rabbit face and crocodile. I also like how on page 31, Remy actually looks kind of scared before he’s blasted and then somber afterwards. It’s interesting to see his boundaries and that even he wasn’t happy about accidentally killing a baby. There’s some things I’m confused about though. On page 28 and 29, I’m not sure what is happening or where the action is taking place. I don’t see anybody in that scene die, but later I see Death collect souls marked with their symbols, such as Gray’s tattoos. Also what’s the deal with Lu and Remy? Reading this and the archive I can’t work out if Lu is Remy’s sister or girlfriend. Or both? She’s been referred to as a sister and yet they interact as if they’re a couple. Is it meant to be incestuous? Also a minor nitpick but the blood texture on page 2 doesn’t look right to me. Later the blood looks fine, but on that page it doesn’t look like it’s actually coating Lu’s hands and more like a blood splatter overlaid on top of them. The shape looks flat and doesn’t wrap around the fingers.Monday
Visually, this started off amazing. I love this colouring style and the specific colour choices as well. Like I’ve said before, your fast and loose strokes lend themselves very well to motion and all the action felt very organic. It was also really cool to see reimaginings of these characters in another era and culture, kudos for taking the time to redesign everyone to fit. However, the loose art and affected dialogue gives Usagi’s comics an abstract quality that leave me lost most of the time. A lot of lines are dramatic, poetic even, like sayings or quotes straight from a myth, but that effect can obscure information within the dialogue needed to understand the scene. Here that problem is worsened by having so much dialogue that is crammed together and tiny. And while I like the looseness of your style, sometimes it just gets messy; some of the action scenes here were pretty chaotic and hard to make out. So overall, I get the sense that something really epic is going on.. but can’t actually make out what epic thing is supposed to be happening, or why. I thought it was just me, or that I needed to catch up on the prior comics, but I became more confused after reading the archives. I also couldn’t work out who everyone was supposed to be. I didn’t know which person was Wendigo, or what happened to Gray for instance.Kubo
First of all, 47 pages, wow! Even if you didn’t complete them all, that’s amazing. The stark black and white you went with fit the tone of the battle really well, and there were so many great dramatic moments because of that choice. Page 7, showing the black mass of homunculi behind Wendigo, and the introduction of unicorn-horned Wendigo on page 41 were my favourites. The trail from his red eyes and the completely black and unreadable face were *chefs kiss* Also thank you for the cameo of my boy, hehe. Unfortunately I was completely lost by the halfway point due to the missing dialogue, and ultimately didn’t enjoy the comic because it felt like things were just happening at random. I know that there was a story, but for me there was too little to grasp onto and extrapolate. The text bubbles that were present were hard for me to read as they were pretty small and thin compared to the lines. Some of the opponents also seemed to flash by and have no impact on the story. Usagi shows up for 3 pages and then is never seen again, and I feel like I barely saw Crikey as well.Ponbiki
Wow, I’m just floored that this was done traditionally. There’s so much detail and the shading is ace, so kudos. The last page was also gorgeous and feels more like its own art piece than a comic page. Personally there was way too much black though. For a lot of the panels, I didn’t know where to focus, so I couldn’t make out the action or setting. The story wasn’t clear to me either. A couple of times, the characters ask questions that I wonder myself, but aren’t answered later on (why Gray is with Estrella or why Swan is naked) or bump into each other once and then don’t interact again afterwards (like Polterdot and Usagi both encountering someone and going, “scary”). The comic felt like a weirdly convenient meetup of all the opponents, and then a random fight. As I’ve said before though, when there’s a lot of black or a lot of detail I find myself accidentally skipping or not fully taking in the text even when I re-read a few times, so the last part is probably on me and not reflective of your writing skills.JCee
I really, really like the idea of the battle being completely mental. It was an interesting take and I love how you took characters without any history with Swan and made them represent parts of her consciousness pretty organically. Your palette and illustration of motion are one of my favourites on the site. The muted blues you use here and with a lot of Swan’s battles seem to fit regardless of tone, and the way you draw motion lines is always just the right amount of transparent and opaque for my taste. With Swan you do some lovely action poses too, it’s nice to see the elegance in them. My only problem was that Swan resolved things way too quickly. I know that’s the danger with one-off comics, but you showed before that her trauma really, really affected her, so it feels weird that she was suddenly able to stand up to Remy. If it was maybe a sudden burst of courage and not actual closure I could understand, but since Death knows everything surely she would know if Swan had truly moved on or not?Golden
I really like your style and the way you added little hints of colour in this comic like Crikey’s green tail and Swan’s pink markings. The Void has a great imposing atmosphere, and there’s something about your panelling and composition that’s also really pleasing, though I’m not sure why? I can’t crit too much because it’s half-complete, but some things that stood out to me so far were Wendigo’s rather abrupt appearance and Usagi’s depiction. In all the other comics he appears to be human-sized, albeit short, and extremely serious, but he’s bunny-sized and cutesy here. A lot of the dialogue also felt like exposition as opposed to a natural conversation, especially when Remy or Wendigo were being discussed.Radji
I honestly don’t have much to say that I haven’t said on your other comics. You consistently produce really high quality and aesthetically pleasing work, here I loved the lean towards more solid blacks mixed with a watercolour effect and how Kurt’s abilities were illustrated. Some lines looked a little rushed but it’s hardly worth mentioning.Shen
You've already heard most of my notes on what I loved about this comic, and I'll just reiterate that I loved the way you handled the color scheme, the way you showed off everything Gray has become throughout her time in VOID, from the little lamb who thinks so little of herself that she'll follow anyone who doesn't immediately reject her, even if they're mean, to the demon-like being who can just rip someone apart with her mind. That combination of hope for something and utter despair when it seems clear she's destined to continue wandering lost is why I'm always so engrossed in her comics. I still want to see a happy ending for her, but I have to admit that seeing her struggle is intriguing as well. I think for me, the part that didn't quite land was towards the end when Swan gave the speech about having suffered enough, which felt a little unnatural imo. It was good in that it showed how her recent ordeals have changed her and given her determination that she might not have had otherwise, and the bit about Wendigo stealing her revenge was beautiful, but at the same time, it felt like one of those spontaneous monologues villains give for no reason other than to explain everything to the audience. I think you could have portrayed all of that more naturally by either splitting it up across multiple interactions with other characters sort of prompting those ideas out of her, or showing flashbacks or something so the reader sees what's in her mind without her speaking it out loud. Of course, that probably would have made the comic even longer for you, so it's totally understandable that you went with the solution you settled on. Hopefully that's at least somewhat helpful anyways haha. Bottom line, though? You churned out another comic with a high page count, beautiful visuals, and an emotionally engaging plot, and I think you more than proved yourself worthy of being one of VOID's Heavyweight artists! Whether you win or lose this match, you've done something spectacular here!Kozispoon
I wish I had something helpful to tell you to fix, but I just can't think of anything! I love your use of color to accent each character, I love how fucked up Remy and Lu are, I love that you showed Remy really struggling and having to get creative with all of his opponents, and I especially love (but also kinda hate) the ambiguity of the ending. I can't wait to find out where his story goes next, but I also kinda wouldn't mind if it just ended there, because ambiguous endings give me some sort of masochistic satisfaction haha.Monday
First off, your style and especially the way you reimagined each of your opponents is delicious! I think your use of color here really helps clarify things visually, which is something I think you've run into problems with in the past. On the other hand, your comic feels very dialogue-heavy, and it's hard to keep track of all the details in your world. That's not always a bad thing, but if you expect people to keep track of who's who and what's what outside of the things we already know (i.e. other VOID characters, etc.), it would help to introduce details to us a little more slowly so they can sink in a bit better. Some of the dialogue you could probably just cut out completely to give more emphasis to the action that's going on. I get that the setting of this character's story lends itself a bit to wordiness, so I can't be that hard on you, but as a reader it makes things feel a bit dense. I think possibly a better bit of advice would be to watch out for your speech bubbles and make sure they have enough space for the words to breathe without shrinking them down too far. Cut details out of people's speech if necessary to make it easier to read. Also, wide bubbles are easier to read than tall bubbles when it's in English, so keep that in mind. Overall though, I loved this comic! I love the setting you've created for Usagi, and it's awesome to see how you reimagined each character to fit into that world. Definitely the kind of world I could get lost in! I hope you make more Usagi comics, because I want to see more of this world!Kubo
It always sucks when you run out of time for a comic, but I have to say that I'm impressed at how well I'm able to follow the pages where you ran out of time to add dialogue! You've done a good job of communicating through body language, composition, etc. so mad props for that! I'm loving your visuals, even where they're incomplete. Wendigo's face at the bottom of page 36 is priceless. I love how seamlessly you've woven all the characters' stories together and showcased their powers in such fun ways. It's cool to see stuff like Old Docks vs NVCPD going on in a comic that didn't have to have them in it. The collaborative nature of it all is something I really love about VOID, and you did a great job of showing it off here. Again, it sucks that you didn't finish the whole comic, but you still kept me interested and made me want to read more of everyone's comics, so bravo to you for that!Ponbiki
First off, all those cameos make my heart happy. It takes a lot of work to find and draw all those characters, but it really makes the world feel populated by real people. And I love the sort of frenetic, gritty feel to your inks. They might not look as refined or clear as they maybe could if you'd had more time, but you really make it work! Story-wise, I really love how you've set up unique goals for each character that are independent of each other, but end up crossing over into one meta-narrative that makes your comic feel like something that might happen in real life, where people just happen to run into each other and their fates become entangled rather than everything being planned out in advance. It's cool to see that deviation from what a lot of other artists have done with this battle. And that last page, while not super clear to me, hints at something really cool that I wish you'd been able to expand on more. I'm not sure if that was meant as a cliffhanger (I think it sort of works, but I lack some of the context to make it really work and that's totally on me) or if you just ran out of time, but it was cool nonetheless. Honestly, most of the improvements I could recommend are probably just the result of limited time, so I guess the bottom line is to be careful with how you budget your time and make sure to scale back if you're running behind schedule instead of risking an incomplete comic. Despite all that, it was a pleasure to read! Your stuff is always welcome, and I'd love to see more from you in the near future!Jaykat
I've really been looking forward to your comic. I feel like you've proven yourself as a force to be reckoned with over and over lately, and I hope that only continues to grow! I've also just been looking forward to what you'll do next with Swan, because I'm invested in her story, especially in this troublesome period in her life. I enjoy your approach to this comic of using all the participants as avatars for Swan's inner struggles. There's something really cool about it, as if she's absorbed these people around her and latched onto them as some sort of connection to who she is as a person. It gives you a good chance to show off your opponents and give them fair treatment while also furthering Swan's personal journey at a time when she really needs that internal focus. You've done something really great here that some of the others struggled with. You created a really solid comic, both visually and with your writing, and made sure to schedule yourself so that you were able to finish everything to a satisfactory level of completeness. I really enjoyed this comic, and I'm so excited to see what's next for Swan! Side note: if I'm not mistaken, the font you're using is Mighty Zeo. I actually based my handwriting off of that in high school after I got sick of my friends calling my handwriting "chicken scratches." My handwriting doesn't look like it anymore, but it still helped me improve my handwriting in general. ~*The More You Know*~Goldie
Okay, first off? Usagi is adorable and I want to squeeze him. And just in general, I love how you've drawn each character. Your art is beautiful, and even when unfinished I just love to see it! Also you get extra points for ~*MAGICAL GIRL ADVENTURES*~ Makes me jealous, but then again that's sort of Tiffany's whole point haha. Okay so I didn't realize "drongo" was actually a slang word in Australia! I thought it was just a silly variation they came up with for a D&D podcast I listen to called "Dungeons and Drongos" haha. Just wanted to give you extra points for that attention to detail. So apparently this is turning into me live Tweeting my reading of this comic. I ALSO WANT TO SQUEEZE POLTERDOT OML. Also I'm dying at page 20. I got so caught up in the ~*Magical Girl*~ aesthetic of this comic that I forgot that her powers are actually kind of terrifying. Overall, it's a shame you weren't able to finish this comic. I'm so invested in it, and I loved the story despite some of it just being sketches. I hope this isn't the end for our favorite magical girl!Radji
So to start with, I'm loving the jaded, almost fatalistic attitude that Kurt brings into this whole ordeal, and seeing everybody just going hog wild beating each other up makes me nostalgic for the early days of VOID where every comic was just a brawl between powerful characters. I was going to mention that Kurt seems completely overpowered, almost invincible, but then you showed me how he struggles against entities even more powerful than him (or at least at a similar level of power). You showed him failing, suffering, struggling, and that's what really pulled me in. I want to know more about how these alternate timelines affect his view of the world and how he chooses which timelines to stay in, to move forward with. I think I would have liked to see your opponents shine a bit more, since they seemed like side characters rather than being an important part of the plot, but overall I still enjoyed your comic! You didn't disappoint :)