This was a super fun read and looks like everyone had a good time ! I’m curious about the secret mysterious Detroit and can’t wait to see how his story unfolds! I feel like Harlow had a lot of entertaining moments and I especially loved his hang out sesh with Keito. I enjoyed everyone’s interactions.
I initially started writing individual critiques for everyone but it was at work and it was exited on accident so yeah, if you want critique specifically lemme know! Good job guys!
Really great stuff everyone!
It was neat to see Detroit getting screentime. I'm not sure what's going on with his character, especially why he acts like a prick, but I guess we'll find out later.
I really like the interaction with Harlow & Keito, mainly because for once Harlow wasn't just an obsessive, annoying nerd. He had a little moment of bonding and growth, and I really hope to see more like that in Harlow's future stories.
THIS TURNED OUT SO GOOD!!! There are way too many collabs in this for me to critique, but if you'd like a critique let me know! I had so much fun reading this!
Fair point, there was going to be another collab that explained that better but it fell apart. Mostly though I considered this one a bit "non canon" and just wanted to collab with Desi ^^;
Not wanting to be that guy BUT
I have many thoughts towards this collab and the biggest one that’s particularly bugging me the most is how Lily’s distaste for the holiday is being played for laughs when her reason for hating Halloween is cause of very traumatic reasons that happened in the Halloween 2016 collab (why is she even at the party in the first place?)
Other than that, good effort guys.
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