Minteh: This was a really good story and in particular I love the ways you play with the borders like at the top of page 11, stuff like that is always fun and nice to see in comics. It's a shame this is incomplete and if you had even just changed the colors to black it would look more complete. That being said I love the ambition of this comic and still enjoyed it.
Camel: This was absurd and I thoroughly enjoyed it, when a comic goes this over the top with it's story and just keeps running with it I always find that fun. The only crit i would have is that Bartender gets only one line and is completely replaceable with any other character which is a shame. But this was still such a fun ride I don't really midn that. I also like how you tell us the results of the show with the final magazine cover and the way you painted it really comes off as a sort of vogue style magazine thing.
Minteh: I was into this even if it's technically incomplete it's real clean looking
Camel: Cool concept and it's neat how you packed so much in just 6 pages, but the text was so tiny it was actually kinda hard for me to read; I also didn't get much out of the last page and it threw me out, is there a joke I'm missing concerning it? or it's just like a comic cover but in the back? Sorry I'm dumb
Minteh: I agree with Duel, definitely one of the most ambitious comics of the round. I really wish you had just color corrected all the art to black, though. I know you didn't have time to ink, but your pencils are clear enough in most places to serve, so simply black lining everything would have lent a more visually weighty and complete feel to the whole thing. You did a good job of showing and telling enough to convey the plot clearly without requiring a refresher on Bartender's last comic. Having Pa Bil Sag gruesomly prove his host's resilience was particularly fun, even if a more dynamic angle would have packed a bigger punch.
Camel: I love that you went full absurd here, and I don't know if you've been on a fashion show kick recently or something, but the styles on display here are on point. I particularly love Grey's 3D printed pants. Your digital painting style is a little rough, but I like what you're going for; it makes me want to try it myself.
Minteh your comic seemed quite ambitious! Pretty good!
Camel! I feel we don't see enough of your work. This was great and I like the reimagining of Dale.
Mintly: oh man i would have LOVED to see this story inked and polished because im fascinated where it was going! The hardest part of it not being inked is all the places where the background and foreground run together and I cant discern the characters, which i know you would have fixed given the time. I thought you wrote all the characters excellently, i LOVED "totally Lame" Dale and how handsy Gray is lol. Win or lose I'm adopting this as my canon because I like the idea of Cam as Gray's servant!
Camel: I'm kind of conflicted here.... I don't mind an AU, hell i dont even mind Gray as the bitch but this doesnt really feel like Gray at all to me (shes swearing, for one), kind of feels like just any 80's blonde bully.... and poor bartender only has one line. The way shes painted is a bit odd too, her eyes are too close together and theres too much distance between his mouth and nose. BUT! I loved how it was her outfit that makes her float in this version, and i loved Dale's sexy bod and sweet-ass slam dunk, thats the shit I love from you lol. The colours on that page were great too, you nailed the yellow and blue. I realize I'm probably going to sound bias, but I just wish Gray and Bartender had felt a bit more in-character.
Eyyyy Minteh, I love the Merry cameo (that you ended up covering with more rad Dale ads, lol) and that Akira skid shot!
Camel, your humor is on point. Just like that nasty dunk, YO!
It's looking like I won't be able to get a finished comic up, I'm gonna have all my pages and text, but I'm not gonna have any inks. I'm gonna try and make it as legible as possible for y'all with the remaining time I've got! I don't like to make excuses for these kinds of things normally, but I was super hyped for this. I'm sorry I couldn't give 110% here, but in the middle of the first week circumstances at work got super dire and everyone on my team's had to put in extra time, which really took away from my efforts here. I thought I could squeeze in time but it was just not enough, even with cutting pages and compromising content.
I'm gutted to put up something incomplete here, but I hope y'all enjoy what I do have when these go up!
Comments (12)