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Wacky Races 2 Finale

1 Week
Wacky Races 2017


Wacky Races 2 Finale
By Video320
chat_bubble 15
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Jules Saphir
Final Score: 7.81
Wacky Races 2 Finale
By The Man Who Planted Swag
chat_bubble 15
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trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.90
Wacky Races 2 Finale
By Goldie
chat_bubble 15
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Crikey Dile
Final Score: 6.46

Comments (15)

Animeshen's avatar
7 years ago
Video: ahhhh you got me all sad for the evil clown monster!! Racing means so much to him, Im so happy he got to finals! Its nice to see Jules care about something, and I like the hints about his past, I'd love to know more about him! This was gorgeously drawn, I love how you do the lighting effects. I wish Crikey had a bigger part since she just sort of gets annoyed and leaves, having more interaction between her and Smol might have made for a battle obstacle for Jules. The action looks much better this time, getting a much better sense of impact. Swag: I love how Jules became this literal video game endboss, that was amazing and hilarious! Though i'd have pulled the camera out for how he does it, took me several reads to realizing he was inhaling the air from the balloon. The art in this was superb, I love the colours and this Synthwave thing youre doing! great action, the teamup with Smol and Crikey looked great. Im just sad about the ending. he fell on the finish line an then it just sort of stops and he leaves. I know the whole gag was he was in some kind of coma dream but it was a bit anti-climactic. Maybe could have been better if you'd done a wizard of oz deal where he saw some of the other competitors after he woke up? I dunno. Goldie: This was looking so good! Crikey's magical girl transformation was amazing! i LOVE how you draw Jules, hes got this adorable cartoonishly bad guy thing going on! and Smol betraying Crikey was a fantastic plot twist I didnt see coming! the more tragic ending was a nice touch. You did what you could in the time you had so i wont go on about the unfinished pages, im just impressed you were able to do THIS much at all. Great work!

Linclair's avatar
7 years ago
I have alot of fun reading the all the entries for the this tournament and the final did not disappoint! @Video: You had me rooting for the evil clown. How?! Seriously, I was sucked into his storyline and I was completely invested. I think the strongest point of the comic was your use of vibrant colors. It was a stunning palette and it made the city landscape pop and filled every page with energy. It’s a very small detail, but I also appreciate how the hair and clothing were drawn to show it blowing in the wind. It added to the atmosphere. While I like the beginning of Crikey’s magical appearance, her exit from the storyline was abrupt and I felt cheated of a true conclusion. Smol’s exit was more fulfilling. Even if it was him falling to his death. (I am so sorry smol;; ) Also I think I missed the reasoning for him exploding at the end. Just caught off guard by the joke. @SWAG: You skill is amazing! You delivered constant visually appealing comics this whole tournament and I was stunned the entire time. Your style is so charming and your humor is right up my alley. Your plot did the best job integrating the other two racers and enjoyed the entire action scene. It was well paced and the game reference was too funny. I actually enjoy the ending but I can see where Yarn was coming from. The problem was the conclusion’s pacing. Perhaps if it had more than one page it would have helped it more. Visually, that heart monitor was a good start but after rereading it, I think I would have liked to see a callback to his broken broad. He was so upset during that scene, I figured it could have been addressed. @Goldie: I have said it hundred times and I’ll say it a hundred more, what you can produce in like two days is extraordinary. Even with your unfinished pages, your roughs have alot of character so most of remaining story can still be visually made out. I would say page 18 was the hardest to get with visual alone so that felt flat. The magical girl scene was definitely the highlight and your dynamic paneling. Story-wise, I felt like Jules’ exit was a little off. I think the problem for me was the final blow unfortunately landing on the sketchy pages while everything else was rendered. The scene with smol however was messy but clear thanks to red color used for the blood. CRIES CRIKEY JR!! You hurt me. It made Crikey’s win bittersweet and you can see where her priorities lie as she looks towards him as the crowd cheers on. Good stuff good stuff. THANK AGAIN YOU GUYS FOR THE GREAT COMICS!

yarnwitch's avatar
7 years ago
@Video - Your humor is really great. (I'm just gonna say it again, cause it's true.)The gag of veronica smooshing cue was a good callback to the previous comic. I loved the cityscape you did on the first page, and that head-on shot of crikey on page two was super! I felt like things got a tiny bit messier from there, particularly with the skateboard, but overall it was wonderful and the colors were working together really well. @SWAG - oh man. okay so even though i don't really get the humor for smol, I did enjoy the videogame references in here, and that super radical teamup slice. Unfortunately, as fun as all those were, the ending was so anticlimactic in comparison. Your use of purples in this comic was SO GOOD. like, really really good. I liked how you kept exaggerating jules as well. @Golden - AHHHHHHHHH. Okay so it wasn't finished but you know what, even without dialogue and finished lines, that ending got me right in the heart. Which kinda makes me wonder what was so effective about this ending when swag's fell flat. (something for me to ponder for later). The pages that you DO have done are wonderful and I loved the explosion of color when she transformed. I feel like you kept everyone in character really well. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!

Desichan's avatar
7 years ago
@Golden Wow, I was impressed by how long a comic you could make in such a short period, and even though its not exactly finished, its still pretty amazing! I feel like just like last round, your comic could have done with more backgrounds per say, to break things up and the like. For example, in Video's comic we can see some buildings that they're flying past, and in Swag's you can see some structures, at some periods of time. Putting something in the background I feel really could have helped your comic, since things look pretty empty throughout in terms of background. In conclusion though, I really enjoyed your comic, I especially loved the magical girl transformation, and the pretty colors you used for it, and I thought that it was really sad feeling about what happened to the alligator. @video I loved the usage of colors in your comic, and the dynamic feel to your lines! I think the only issue I had, was sometimes things were going so quick I had to look back because I couldn't completely grasp what was happening. I did love the way you portrayed people's characters though, everyone was so entertaining and humorous and it was tons of fun to watch! Everyone's personality came through so vibrantly, which I think was actually a big improvement since your earlier comics in this tournament. Also, may I just say again, I really really love your colors, they looked good in earlier rounds, but somehow they look even more amazing here! @Swag This was a really fun read, something about looking at the characters you draw is really fun, to be entirely honest, and I especially enjoyed seeing that smile you kept putting on Video's character's face. I liked how in your tenth page, while Smol fell, it created this strange feeling, like, that part of the story seemed to give off a feeling of emptiness in a way. I don't know how you did that, but it worked well with your story. But anyway, really nice story, and your jokes all hit really well! My favorite was probably when Smol didn't know the name of his skateboard! Good luck everyone, with the tournament!

Pocketmouse's avatar
7 years ago
wooooooooooooooooooooah guys!! What a tremendous final!!!!!!! *v*7 Video: Wowsers nice colours! This was a good fun read - it was great to see Jules win, even if he did some anti-heroing to get there it was good to see him reach his goals. For a 'do differently' next time is hard to say cause this is such a nicely polished complete comic in only one week! If anything it might be good to use a finer line for your work, or one with slightly less variation as they get too chunky in some places and lose some of the fluidity your drawing style has. Swag: Godamnit Smol is funny. The bit with boards name was a great laugh out loud moment. I love the finish your lines and colouring have and that panel with the mtn dew inventory is just so fucking grand! The earlier panels with the balance of yellows, reds purples and blues were a highlight for me, too. Again, it's so hard to pick out areas for improvement, especially since it's such a great comic in such a tight turnaround, but if i had to choose one thing, it would have be to see more of what was going on around Smol in the 'real' void, not his hallucinated one and the consequences his concussed actions were having. All round this is a fab comic and a good take on the tournament theme! Hoverboards yeah! :D Goldie: Aw yeah! That transformation sequence page looks incredible! And poor CJ at the end :( I hope we see how CJ's recovering in future comics! This comic really showed off CJ and Crikeys relationship, and how much they trust and care for each other, which was a huge delight to read. Your panel-ing is flowing super well through this one too and the shots you chose worked fantastically, cutting between close-ups and long shots for good comedic effect. As always it's hard to critique one-weekers, especially since you've all done so much, and I'm sure if you had the chance you'd have done what i'd suggest anyway :) Incredible stuff for one week guys! My mind is blown - you're all exceptional!

The Man Who Planted Swag's avatar
The Man Who Planted Swag
7 years ago
AAANNNNDDDDDD turned in! Had a buncha fun working on this comic and battling everyone in this tournament. I felt that i deffo learned quite a few things about makin comics in the process as well. Cant wait to see the other comics and find out the epic conclusion to... THE WACKY RACES!!!!

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
7 years ago
Huh. Less than 12 hours left. Good time to start.