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Jane Blonde vs Koosh and Lapin

2 Weeks + 1 Week
Regular Match


Jane Blonde vs Koosh and Lapin
By Mister Kent
chat_bubble 12
star star
Jane Blonde
heart_broken DEFAULT
Final Score: 0.00
Jane Blonde vs Koosh and Lapin
By Lucky Nothin
chat_bubble 12
star star
Koosh and Lapin
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 5.28

Comments (12)

Lucky Nothin's avatar
Lucky Nothin
7 years ago
it's a twin peaks reference, it'll never make sense lol

Energy's avatar
7 years ago
I have to admit, I had no idea what was going on. Love that dancing at the end of the 3rd page, though.

Radji's avatar
7 years ago
Kent: NOooOOoOOoOoooooOOOOO Nothin: Lil Lapin wiggling like a noodle is all i need ^^ could become an official Void gif! I feel like this story needs more developing tho

UndeadOrion's avatar
7 years ago
Since the focus seems to be the wee dancin' bun, I wanna say: heck yeah Twin Peaks

Mister Kent's avatar
Mister Kent
7 years ago
I was being dumb and missed the deadline - I sent Nothin my comic ad will post as BB later I love how you draw her party outfit Nothin :D

Pita (Slowly getting back into it)'s avatar
Pita (Slowly getting back into it)
7 years ago
Let's take a moment to appreciate the little Lapin dance goin' on in that last page. I love this bab.

JCee's avatar
7 years ago
Kent - KEEEEEENNNNNTTT T___T Well, whatever happened on your end, I hope you're doing ok. I was keen to see what our ex-mayor has been up to lately though, I miss seeing Jane Blonde. Nothin - As always, I love how cute and funny your comics can be, and I love the addition of Lapin here. And just saying, I'd love to see a comic where Koosh is dealing with fatherhood, and of course see the relationship between him and his daughter grow. It's such a shame this comic was super short though. Maybe you had more pages planned or so, but what we have here hardly had a story to explain what was happening. Overall, it just felt really brushed through and left me craving to know what was going on and why. Art-wise, I like how everything was rendered on the last page better than the rest. I liked the cleaner, simple look to it rather than the messy soft brush/highlight effect painted in.

Heathen's avatar
7 years ago
Is Bloosh gonna become Void's new premier power couple and attempt to take the city back from Gumshoe?

Animeshen's avatar
7 years ago
watch out hes into blondes =P

JCee's avatar
7 years ago
Oooh sweet! I'm so happy to see both of them in action again. Cannot wait to read this one!