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2017 Tag Team Tournament, Round 1


2017 Tag Team Tournament, Round 1
By ScaryWaves & Goldie
chat_bubble 20
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Crikey Dile
Final Score: 6.90
2017 Tag Team Tournament, Round 1
By Julz & Chimaeric
chat_bubble 20
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trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.35

Comments (20)

zee's avatar
7 years ago
Scary/ Golden – I really like your girls and I’m very happy to see them working together! The whole comic was amusing, and like others have said the facial expressions RULE. Some of the colors in this comic are fantastic, like pages 7 and 8 especially- so dramatic and cool!! Julz/ Chimaeric – Boy did I not expect ANY of this, but it was hilarious and a super fun read. I really, really enjoyed how wacky and comical the whole thing was. ALSO, art-wise, this is great. You both did an amazing job. Also, just.. page 9. That might be my favorite comic page ever now. Great job, ALL OF YOU.

Rikun's avatar
7 years ago
Julz/Chimaeric: The art here is definitely top notch and I love the facial expressions you're throwing out there! I wasn't too crazy about the plot, but then again I know that it was moreso an excuse for wacky gags. Waves/Golden: Considering where I've seen your art before this is a major step up! I feel that some of the colors are still on the confusing side, but I'm actually pretty intrigued with how these two team up. Hope to see more from them later, in or out of the TTT!

Jetty Jay's avatar
Jetty Jay
7 years ago
ScaryWaves and Golden: First suggestion I would make is that you should make sure you're considering your dialogue and bubbles while you are doing your layouts. Sometimes dialogue is butting up right against bubbles, othertimes bubbles are shaped a bit oddly and the tails are embedded as they have no where to go. It'll also meant that you won't run out of time adding bubbles at the end and have your dialogue obscured, because they'll already be part of the artwork. The colours in this are super fun though, and there are some super nice moments of art and comedy. Would be cool to see a more polished collab from you guys next time! Julz and Choleric: Just such a neat funny comic. I'm echoing Pomo's hope for the neatness of the first page (especially can see the fatigue on the first page (if you look long enough)) but it was nice looking and Weekend at Bernie's aside, fun execution of characters and nice cute art. I think my only other scritch would be that occasionally your text got a bit oddly shifted in the bubbles (where we could occasionally still see some of the sketch lines coming through) but even so. Nice work.

Pocketmouse's avatar
7 years ago
scarygold: Love the fun colour and unpredictable pallete, its really refreshing. Your expressions are hilarious and a joy to read! Maybe next time you could try using your shading to create more shape and depth in your characters and scenes, as it can be a little pillow-shady at times. Julz-bom: This was so silly in the best way! The layouts are clear-cut tidy and easy to get into the flow of. Your styles meshed excellently in unexpected ways. Next time I'd love to see more of the love in the first page/panel background carried though- though i'm sure it's exhausting to pull off something like this in only 2 weeks! ~*Great job*~, everyone!

neens's avatar
7 years ago
nOICE scary and golden: looks a bit rough around the edges, but you got a big ole comic turned in so that's GOOD! seriously. I guess my first comment would be that the color choices aren't really doing it for me. everything is very bright and saturated and doesn't look very cohesive. on that note, I think I'd suggest more contrast in the shading, as sometimes it gets a bit lost. the lines could also use a bit more love next time, they look sketchy in areas. it was also hard to tell what was going on in some of the action scenes, the first one in the dark room in particular. but really guys, you've done a lot and it's a great showing, especially for someone new! julz and jong: so like, this is probably the most entertaining TTT comic. I thought it was hilarious, and I think you went above and beyond just a movie reference, imo. I defs want to see more. don't worry about having characters be out of character, or too exaggerated or anything because you're doing great. for what it's worth, I did that in my own void comics and I enjoy seeing people go outside canon. also, the pages look super nice. you guys really meshed well, be proud.

mortooncian's avatar
7 years ago
ScaryGolden- I LOVE the colors in this one, but the pages are so cramped or fast, that they can very easily become incoherent. You were very, very ambitious with what happened, and I love the action shots, but things feel like they kind of progress way too quickly. I applaud Golden for trying for a tourney right off the bat, though! That takes guts! CholericJulz- Nobody's mentioned this yet, which surprises me, but... I'm sorry to be the asshole to point out that the plotline is literally just, Weekend at Bernie's ? Even the necrophilia joke. I really enjoy the quality of your pages, and Pluto 'exorcising' Nyasuu by smacking her over the head with a wine bottle, but aside from Nyasuu's rage at Mol and Crikey, the rest is... well, a rehash of Weekend at Bernie's (the initial joke of Miller being Fucking Dead made me lose my shit though) and it's a shame because you're both great writers in your own right

Kozispoon's avatar
7 years ago
Aww yiss, crits n' stuff! TEAM HEXEKROK- Right off the bat, I dig your environments colors. Gave off a sleazy 80's miami vice sorta deal. You can't go wrong with pink and purple buildings! I The first page feels like it doesn't fit quite well as some elements don't match the rosy color scheme you got goin', but once I turned the page this comic turned into the acid color trip I was hoping for! I especially dig Crickey's illuminated face on page 8 as she's fending off the big bad with her axe during all the mildewy action. Also speaking of action, you two have some really standout panels here. Of them all, that epic fist bump on the last page is hilariously detailed/rendered. I also dug little petulant Pluto and how Mol tells them to can it. XD You sure ARE dense is my favorite line. Also yay for flashy fighter outfits! they both fit so well together for as much as they're both kinda 'meh' about the match up. I honestly didn't know what to expect from this team, but this was a shockingly good first showing! TEAM SPACEKITTY- We're gonna sue, SUE, yeah we're gonna sue! XD This was a team up I thought was unexpected/odd, but the moment I got to page 1, I found myself saying 'of course'. Your guys' humor really meshes, as well as your talent for backgrounds/environments. Also, holy hell, the humor. You guys seriously went cray cray. Mol and Crikey are downright hilarious. I can tell anyone who says god now is gonna result in 'we're suing him too!' The Miller gag had me in stitches. I can't even with your opponents banging a dead alien. XD This whole saga came outta nowhere and I gotta say, it was a wild ride.

PyrasTerran's avatar
7 years ago
alright and here we go! TEAM HEXEKROK: This was a fun story and great big applause because you both are very new members and you pulled in mighty fine work. The thinness of the the panel gutters had me getting lost between panels here and there, especially since the gutters were black and the demon was also black. The switching in different styles kinda threw me off in some pages but not as often as it could have. In future battles you want to really consider each others' strengths and weaknesses and capitalize on the strongest aspects of each artist for the collab TEAM SPACECAT: Lo and behold not even Death can end Miller's legendary smolder This is by far one of the most bizarre comics I have ever read on the site, and it definitely grabbed my attention. Some of the jokes hit and a few not so much like the repetition of who they're suing. Crikey and Mol were funny but they're so caricatured to the point that they could be interchanged with any other 2 rowdy bisexual ladies I felt. I know that there was a planned beyond battle that might have bridged the gap between how Nyasuu got from Valentines Day to here, I think the rewrites that led to that cancellation (or delay?) and this product may have been a partial reason for this comic's narrative weaknesses, especially with this hilarious but convoluted plot of Pluto's. Since this ties so strongly to the Valentines Day murder it would be cool to see how Nyasuu came to this point, should this story continue. This is a comic that is trying to be offensive, with the defiling of corpses, belittling of god, etc., trying to get a rise, and it succeeds in that so it's hard to be mad at it for pulling that off Disclaimer: I decided a while ago last year to be more hands off with other artists wanting to use my character for things, just a personal choice. Like the Halloween collaboration comic, this was a Miller cameo that I had no idea where it was headed til it came to page, but regardless I want anyone who might be, to not worry about how I might feel about it, even though I didn't literally sign off on it, I know there's no malice intended and all

Futreblot's avatar
7 years ago
Waves and Golden: This was a really complex little story-line, despite that it didn't feel rushed. the action felt alive and I am in love with the colour pallet. There's always room to improve and the final panel has some really difficult to read text in it, but everything else is either beyond my level to comment on or easily excused when you consider the quality product you produced. Julz and Choleric: You have a funny premise that relies on some reader knowledge of the valentines day colab, you do well explaining the details though. I didn't find the gangster shtick or the necrophilia that funny, But your build up and execution had a technical quality to it which I can admire. everything from start to finish is also extremely clear and easy to read.

Stormcrow's avatar
7 years ago
Waves and Golden: I totally dig this teamup, and I like that you guys used the quick gag from Valentine's as a reasoning for them to interact; they make a silly, adorable team and I definitely want more! Your guys seem to be a good matchup artwise, I like how the comic looks as a whole; some things got a little confusing later on, once things started heating up, but overall I think it's a nice job! One thing I would have liked to see is for Pluto to get brought in a bit earlier; they feel like a little bit of an afterthought, and the shadow beastie that Crikey is chasing felt a bit more like a character than Pluto did (I actually hadn't realized who the competitors were until I went back out to the matchup page). I'd focus in on your competitors a little more next time and think of a good way to tie them together, but that's definitely a challenge with some of the stranger matchups, haha. Julz and Choleric: Ah. Hrm. I think that the art is lovely for this comic, and definitely has the detail and refinement I'd expect in high-end competitors. That element of it I totally dig, and Julz I always appreciate how well you mix serious and silly seamlessly in the same comic. The plot... Really not a fan of the plot on this one. While I know this comic was meant to be over the top and humor based, I felt like a lot of characters were REALLY ooc, even with taking the over-exaggeration for humor's sake into effect. It felt like Mol and Crikey were being portrayed borderline insultingly (I had assumed they were supposed to be absolutely blackout drunk, but I'm not so sure, reading through it again), and wierdly enough the one who felt the most ooc was Nyaasu herself, despite being part of the contributing team. Maybe it's just me, but I always got the sense of Nyaasu as a pretty down-to-earth, self-sufficient but pretty kind person; I could see Tiga being that indifferent to having Miller's apparent corpse sitting around their house (and being used as a puppet for comedic effect?), but Nyaasu when NOT under Tiga's influence? Idk. No matter how mad/horrified she is at Miller after their breakup, that part seemed really strange to me, especially since SHE's the one who just killed him, even if it was under Tiga's influence. Also super squicked that Mol and Nyaasu either fuck a corpse or (if they legitimately somehow didn't realize he was a corpse) basically rape a completely unresponsive guy. That's a hell of a thing to shove on other people's characters. Again, I think the comic was pretty, and I get that it was meant to be over the top, but maybe consider looking over the script a few more times next time.

Flutterbyes's avatar
7 years ago
Scarywaves and Golden: For a while I was like "Wait, who's the team for this comic again?" This is a fun "this is how they teamed up" story. It looks like it got a bit rough and rushed in some parts, but for the most part you figured out how to keep it readable. The parts that suffered most, IMHO are the panels without speech bubbles behind the text. Gotta at least put an opaque area of color there. Also, the text can look pretty awkward and off center in the bubbles. Maybe make a font that looks as rough, or hand-letter it to go with how wild the bubbles themselves and the artwork look? Julz and Choleric: It's not a TTT without at least one rap tournament, is it? Or.... necrophilia. That... went all over the place. I enjoyed it, and I'm not sure if the lack of unity helped or harmed the comic. I don't want to not get the point that it's zany, but at the same time, when you open up with announcing via rap an intent to sue all the gods, I kind of look forward to seeing that happen.

Radji's avatar
7 years ago
team ScaryGolden : the fact they don't immediatly start as allies please me, and i also like the idea that Pluto and Nyasuu are not all allies here. those two were DESTINED i say, to be together in this competition. The alchemy is perfect here. JulzCholeric: OH GOSH MILLER'S CORPSE EVEN DEAD HE STILL FUCK PEEPS lol, jokes aside, the clumsy plot from Nyasuu and Pluto is pure genious in pure cartoony humor. Big ups for Pluto's exorcism skillz

Reecer6's avatar
7 years ago
Scarolden: Very very solid work! The quality of the linework was really surprising because it felt really ScaryWaves, but was way cleaner than anything I've seen of you thus far! I dunno how you apportioned that, or if you two just like, streamed both of your abilities into one hand somehow, but it was really unique! The story felt a bit prefab, like it was built beforehand to work with just about any team you could come across, but Pluto's great dialogue more than makes up for it. Juleric: MAAAAN, Julz, your artstyle is ridiculous, with how expressive and cartoony and yet detailed it is, and this really epitomizes it. <3 it. All over, the comic is super beautiful, although there are a couple of idiosyncrasies with shading that still felt a bit too nuanced and detailed to really fit. The story, though... Like, the dialogue's funny and all, that stuff's great, and the whole premise is also pretty good, but the writing of Mol and Crikey are... just not really passable? I was going your entire comic thinking, "Huh, this secret plan they're undertaking is really convoluted, I can't wait to see what their goal is here behind their super obvious facade." But then it wasn't a facade? They legitimately were acting like that, and not comedically exaggerating fake personalities? And then the comic ended? It really threw me for a loop, and kind of removed any sort of impact the conclusion had.

GPS-Device's avatar
7 years ago
Scary and Golden: HEY, good showing you two! The colors are fun choices, and overall it's a pretty good comic! I'd say in the future, just take a little extra time to make sure the colors aren't bleeding outside the line groups they're in, cause it can make it look a little rushed. I definitely love Pluto's self introduction! And then just, for FX and such, try to make sure they don't blend in too much with the surrounding colors.It's important that it melds with the comic, but if it's too similar, it gets hard to read, like the "Team" bit on the last page. I admittedly can't actually make out the second word. But overall, really fun comic! good work! Julz and Eric: I don't know what I was expecting, but fucking hell I was not prepared. It's got that zany whacky appeal going on, and I fucking love Pluto's saturday morning cartoon brand of problem solving. Some of it is just a bit too, over the top for me? Some of it just kinda flies a bit over my head, but overall, I really enjoyed the humor throughout.

Minteh's avatar
7 years ago
Waves/Golden: Despite being unfinished I thought that your comic had a lot of excitement! I think you (and a lot of other TTT comics) spent more time setting up your actual pair than you needed to, in this case the audience knows pre-emptively your characters are together, it's just as plausible to start reading your comic from Page 4 as it is from Page 1. Julz/Jong: I don't know, I might be alone in this but I was kinda put off by this comic. I guess the jokes didn't really grab me between suing gods and necrophilia and then because they're repeated so often I found myself skipping over stuff. I WILL say that page 9's joke was hilariously unexpected and the combination of your styles is rad as heck.

ScaryWaves's avatar
7 years ago
Post-Episode Credits: ScaryWaves: Story, colors, inks, dialogue. Golden: Colors, inks, dialogue, and shading/FX/all the pretty bits.

Julz's avatar
7 years ago
Submitted baby aww yeah!! Julz-part of the story, drawing, color Choleric- majority of the story, wrote script, textbubbles, spice applier

Kozispoon's avatar
7 years ago
Space kitties, or Croco-witches. Whoever wins, this is gonna be a gooood time