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EnterVOID Holiday Comic: Halloween Party 2016

1 Week
Sparring Match


EnterVOID Holiday Comic: Halloween Party 2016
By PyrasTerran & JCee & Pita (Slowly getting back into it) & Animeshen & petarvee & Kozispoon & ScaryWaves & Stormcrow & MrPr1993 & Jackster & Radji & Futreblot & Fred & Rhimwill & Lucky Nothin & neens & Nana-Banana & KMart & Video320 & Pockets & Corn Of The Breads & !bangarang! & zee & Technicolor-yawn & Qsy & Flutterbyes & Cracking Skulls & Julz
chat_bubble 14
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Dolly Dandellion
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Mimi The Mime
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Black Swan
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Jules Saphir
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Koosh and Lapin
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May Wu
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Holden Shark
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Sovereign Greece
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Lil Lily
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Louise Ambre-Aliona
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Vespa Valencia
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Baby Barbarian
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Rorrin Bailey
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Abigail Lynnhaven
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Merry Softshoe
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Cassidy Madson
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Click Lyric
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Karrin Klash
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Final Score: 8.70

Comments (14)

PyrasTerran's avatar
8 years ago
Thank you all for participating and I'm elated that the final product was so well received. Although these are definitely primarily canon-ambiguous for-fun comics, certain themes have nonetheless permeated through the past holiday comics... Valentines had pages reflecting love found and lost... Summer Beach showcased escape for many characters from the realities and responsibilities waiting for them back home... and Halloween, our darkest collaboration by far, had some characters confront their greatest fears, their worst nightmares, forever changing them. I think future collabs can continue to work as part gag and part story, giving us both levity and substance. Hope to see as many of you as possible participating in the final holiday collab comic of the season, which will have a certain shakeup in the formula~

Fred's avatar
8 years ago
How am I supposed to ship Cap after this? :((((((((((

Video320's avatar
8 years ago
this was was all really great. Im happy to be a part of this. Great job everyone.

Futreblot's avatar
8 years ago
lol pivotal moment "baby's first beer"

!bangarang!'s avatar
8 years ago
whAT A TRIP GUYS LIKE HOLY COW!! Great job everyone, this was such an intense read. So dramatic, like Halloween was pivotal for almost everyone at the party. so GOOD

JCee's avatar
8 years ago
Fantastic work everyone! Even if some of it was a bit heavy on the drama side, but hey, still was an absolute blast! I actually had more planned for it, but a really bad illness got me in the last week or so and couldn't finish it all off. Still, I am happy with how it all came out. And thanks so much for the Swan cameos, didn't expect to see that many of her. I wonder if the Christmas Collab will be the one to break the Summer Collab page count... And before I forget, thanks for collaborating with me, Kichi! Love to do it again next time if we get the chance.

Pockets's avatar
8 years ago
this was so great guys, i want to do more stuff and i'm sorry i don't participate more but i'm a lazy fuck so yeah, anyways reading this got me pumped up and i really enjoyed everyone's characters in this. Can't wait to see more stuff from you guys...

Elyan's avatar
8 years ago
great effort everyone! very nice read overall... but seriously i feel so bad for lilyfeather. all the drama was probably a bit too much for me tbh

Futreblot's avatar
8 years ago
Best Quote "your soul" what the hell though. Miller has some drama going on in this house. I don't even. Still, besides my part I counted five Baby Barbarian cameos from four distinct artists. thanks guys X3

Animeshen's avatar
8 years ago
oh man oh man this came out so amazing!! Great job everyone, i loved it! hahaha, holy shit i knew Kozi and I were giving Lilyfeather a hard time but i didnt know what a WEIRD night she would end up having! Obviously LeFred, I'm going to have to fight you next October! And Holden is all stuck up on just so many different girls, get yourself together, man! I also cant believe thats not only is Lilyfeather having a shitty party but Miller's whole night is ruined too, but i gotta confess I love that Miller and Gray's happiness is like, proportionally inverse to each other! She ruins his relationship then fucks off to get married, hahaha oh man we couldnt have done it better if we'd planned it! speaking of Gray, Fool is eight shades of dead next chance I get for fucking Hunter up again! Video320, so good to see may and jules again! I love the running gag for Jules, Im a bit sad he didnt meet Gray but I suppose the joke might have been ruined because she would remember him! Pita and Yawn, the increasingly drunken guessing game was adorable, you guys did great and i will go DOWN with this ship! Neens, Lil Lily is right, she is a way cuter angel than my Lily XD all of these were so excellent! Some comedy, some drama, some spooks, great collab everyone!

Pita (Slowly getting back into it)'s avatar
Pita (Slowly getting back into it)
8 years ago
Kozispoon: TECHNICOLOR-YAWN- I laughed way too hard at 'Anubis god of deaf'. Clicks knack for some whipcrack humor is really delightful. Its a treat (no trick!) to see him and his baa baa boy hamming it up for the Halloween party. Also thanks so much for drawing the CUTEST Clyde and Mimi in this collab. <3
Actually, Mimi and Clyde were drawn by me! Technicolor and I collaborated on the story together, from writing to drawing. I'm glad you liked it!

Kozispoon's avatar
8 years ago
Really fantastic work you guys. This was broken up and mixed together so well. Honestly. Upon first pass I had no idea how this was gonna work, but now that I see the finished product, it's a good and spooo000ky mesh. Seeing as I worked on this as well as collab-ed I can't help but feel I'm patting myself on the back, but I REALLY just wanna comment and give feedback to the standout bits I personally enjoyed. CORNBREAD- Ma's costume is the bees knees and even further solidifies my idea this galoots a spaceman on our tiny blue planet. Your colors I feel were off here and there, which made for a weird visual effect, but maybe that's what you were going for? I am SUPAH flattered you showcased Mimi getting her punch on spicing up the party brew. Though, it took a second read and talking to you to fully understand what was going on. Maybe a couple more reactionary beats between Mimi drinking and finding it explosively delicious would've helped. LEFRED- Your SOOOOOUL. I knew the gag was coming by the second page, but I kept chuckling throughout. The panel spotlighting the 'your soul' reply was so great and I like that it was kept the same page to page. Its doubly hilarious no one took him seriously. Like soul, what? haha ok whatever. Also, hooray (or oh no?) over Mimi just handing over soulness for nothing! Did he offer her an invisible box? Mimes fall for that EVERY time! NOTHIN/JAYKAT- This was such an unlikely duo that I honestly wasn't sure how it'd work, but it ending up so charming and cute. These two have a great chemistry together that I didn't expect. I especially dig that there wasn't any romance showhorned in. Just a pair of buddies going stag and exploring a haunbted houses mysteries. The final room where they encountered Louise's spawn and a spiderweb challenge for that dud treasure was definitely my fav page. TECHNICOLOR-YAWN- I laughed way too hard at 'Anubis god of deaf'. Clicks knack for some whipcrack humor is really delightful. Its a treat (no trick!) to see him and his baa baa boy hamming it up for the Halloween party. Also thanks so much for drawing the CUTEST Clyde and Mimi in this collab. <3 FUKUR0- Issat a CapgrasFool I spy on page 21?? :DDD VIDEO- Welcome back! Whose this Jules guy..? LOL. I enjoyed the re-introduction of your comics as well as the humorous take on the fact Jules has been outta the limelight for quite some time. Mimi popping into her Jules cosplay totally had me cackling. He's got alotta faces to punch in in order to rebuild his notoriety back up. I missed this character so much- so glad you popped him into this collab! PYRAS- Miller had one craaaap night. I really dig how you always seem to manage to use these collabs to further your characters plot (but also toss in some fluff as well). It tugs at my heart strings to see him ripping his own heart out for Nyasuu's sake, but also kinda for his own selfish reasons. I know I already said it in discord, but I wanted to reiterate that exterior scene page where you see what turned out to be blood on Nyasuu's hand. Without any SFX I didn't quote know what was up. Was she..angrily licking herself? Spontanneous drooling? Kind of threw the tone until I went back to read it. The way you handled the memory wipe page by animating it was a rad touch though. Kind of leaves the reader wondering what just happened as well. Not to sound totally heartless, but I look forward to seeing how this plays out after the fact. Miller is often so well put together. Sometimes dully so. What does it take to undo a vektran? I'm staying tuned!

Corn Of The Breads's avatar
Corn Of The Breads
8 years ago
These came out great, congrats to everyone who took the time to do the comics~!

PyrasTerran's avatar
8 years ago
IF ANY OF YOUR PAGES ARE MISSING OR NOT IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER PLEASE ALERT ME VIA MESSAGE Keep in mind that the pages have been scattered for narrative flow, the night's timeline and consistency so if your comic cuts off keep reading to make sure he other pages do or don't appear