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Scarmageddon 2016

5 Weeks
Scar Match


Scarmageddon 2016
By Qsy
chat_bubble 8
star star
Final Score: 5.80
Scarmageddon 2016
By ScaryWaves
chat_bubble 8
star star
heart_broken DEFAULT
Final Score: 0.00
Scarmageddon 2016
By Minteh
chat_bubble 8
star star
Final Score: 6.84
Scarmageddon 2016
By Fred
chat_bubble 8
star star
Malec Jones
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.14
Scarmageddon 2016
By rittzler
chat_bubble 8
star star
heart_broken DEFAULT
Final Score: 0.00

Comments (8)

petarvee's avatar
8 years ago
@Qsy Not bad! I think my favorite part throughout was your really nice painterly linework. It was smooth without feeling clean or super-defining. And I dug it. The big crit here might be to really change up your shots. There's a whole lotta bust-up or close-up shots with a speech balloon covering a good portion of the panel. Which sorta makes the placement of the speech balloons feel like an afterthought, when really, they should be the directing force throughout the page. The other notable nitpick is everyones facial geometry. While nobody's got 'sameface', everyones nose, eyes, and mouth are all in more-or-less the same position on the face. Nobody's really pushing the mold or breaking what feels like a character-design-comfort-zone. Also, it felt a bit like these characters were all sorta just put together in the same comic for the purpose of something meta; basically like nobody had a real reason to meet up and be where they were. So a more organic premise for everyone to come together woulda really deepened the immersion a bit more. @Mints Goofiness and ambition. I dig it! I dig your experimentation with black and white here. A quick glimpse through some other Corneilius stories shows its your first time flexin that muscle and I support it. But naturally, ya fell into the standard pitfalls. Some of the areas of contrast lead the eye a bit astray, with too much detail or too much shadow in the background or on minor details. Consider approaching the black and white thing as sort of a framing tool, helping define edges and silhouettes a bit more, for a clearer read. Throughout the comic I got the vibe you were sorta shaking the rust off because the quality seems to wax and wane a bit throughout. I remember seeing panels and shots in the Discord but can't remember if you worked chronologically or bounced around a bit. The big "tell" is that most of the characters look "better" by the last page since the first one. The comparison made all-the-more easy by your short showcase at the start. But hey, improvement's improvement and that's what matters. During the big fight however, I felt like there was a bit too much coming from off-camera onto-camera. And with almost everyone having weird-blast-powers, it's super important to show which blast is coming from which person every time. But the solution for that is easy, just zoom the camera out a bit more to show the sender, the power, and the recipient. @Fred Hot damn. That's really fuckin clever. Your strips were grungy and dirty and a bit ugly, but I totally loved each and every one. You gave everyone just the right amount of grit and made Malec really look like some benevolent goop-monster. Also, in this instance, your colors totally work. I specify "in this instance", because normally I feel they'd be a bit hard on the eyes, but in a story about scars and bodyhorror, they add just the right amount of "I wanna look away". And while there's not a lot to crit, save for some perspective issues when you pull out (like Navy's hospital room), or the foreground/background not feeling separate enough (The cityscapes), I feel I oughta throw you a couple directions to look in for more inspiration. Any of Gary Panter's "Jimbo" series is a good look at doing hyper-detailed grit; The super-classic George Herriman's "Krazy Kat" approaches lines in a way you might appreciate; and maybe "Little Nemo" by Windsor McKay. Basically, the super-classics.

Gregly's avatar
8 years ago
qsy: i was also a bit bewildered with what happened until a second read through, but i like how all the scars you doled out were the same thing. you have an eye for nice details, the way the bottle looks smashed against jacques' head and the eyes on cornelius' arm on page five. i love how malec is so done with everything that's happening haha. this is a good showing but it could have been more finished up. mint: you bit off a lot and managed to finish all you pages! your art and backgrounds are really good and i like your blacks. the story was a bit hard for me to follow but i liked your pacing and the parts where you pushed your panel shapes. good job getting so much done! fred: beautiful colors as usual and i like how you only used three panels per page. it was cool that some of the scars were malec healing people (im not sure what jacques scar is though.) you know what you're doing, keep it up don't stop!

PyrasTerran's avatar
8 years ago
Qsy: Plus one for having very clear and easy to see scars, but minus one cause I had to reread once to fully confirm how they got them! You got great art and it's a shame you couldn't really finish but what is here is quite enjoyable at least Minteh: Tremendous ambition, this is some of the best work you've put out! Keep an eye on your consistency of figures, your anatomy changes often for various characters from page to panel, good news is that it all looks so refined that it hides some of your mistakes, but they're still there~ I had a bit of trouble following some of the scars (especially Navy's) LeFred: Once again you knock it out of the part with a creative onslaught of scars and "scars", like petarvee you're one of the folks around here who has mastered this game and if you haven't gotten started on your own personal projects yet you definitely should sooner than later. Great job everyone

Nana-Banana's avatar
8 years ago
One thing I think would be super helpful, and I'll post this on all of the Scarmageddon battles, would be to possibly open a forum post with a scar reference page of all the scars made to your opponents. With the massive amount of characters in each comic it can get kinda murky on who did what to whom. I do want to congratulate everyone for working so hard to incorporate so many fastincating characters into their works something I can only dream of doing. Regardless of the results thank you to everyone who attempt and participated in a fantastic multi-match smack down!

Minteh's avatar
8 years ago
UPLOADED!Feeling dead, but accomplished. Hope everyone enjoys!

Minteh's avatar
8 years ago
Whaddya mean Rofl, I can't see anything happening here but sunshine, kittens and picnics p.s. YOU'RE ALL GOIN' DOOOOOWWWWNNNNNNNN

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
8 years ago
There is clearly something nefarious that will happen to the participants here.