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Cornelius vs Genie

1 Week
Regular Match


Cornelius vs Genie
By Minteh
chat_bubble 10
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Final Score: 5.70
Cornelius vs Genie
By KarmaLarma
chat_bubble 10
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trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.56

Comments (10)

Kozispoon's avatar
8 years ago
MINTS- IS that it? Does it stop right there? I spent like a handful of minutes clicking thinking my computer froze. This comic builds to this duo monster battling royale that seems to simply stop just as the action is ramping up. What happened? KARMA- Invitational cameos! :D I always love it when treats like this can be found in comics- it leaves the story feeling like it takes place in the actual void universe that is populated by actual void people. Does Pickles work in the hospital? I wonder if he manages all the flowers in the gift shop Mimi works/squats at? This was such a sweet tale. Definitely not what I usually come to expect from Genie, so I hope her next battle see's some madcap punching action. :)

Animeshen's avatar
8 years ago
Mints: I agree you prolly could have shortened the intro a bit better so the ending wasnt so rushed.... gotta trim the fat on short comics like this of what is and is not necessary to get the point of your story across without dragging it out. something important should be happening on every page. Also, theres something kinda weird about the way you draw Genie... like you tried to do it like karma does it an it doesnt quite mesh well with the rest of the comic in your own style. I liked the end though when Corn just bails lol you jerk. Karma: its occurring to me now that i think every comic this round starts with someone waking up from being unconscious XD its nobody's fault its just funny to me lol. This was sweet! Its cute to see Genie in casual wear just doing good deeds, an her boyfriend is a cutie! also great to see you cameo some of the new blood haha! I agree with bobo that it doesnt seem like an awful much happens- unfortunately like bobo im also not sure what advice to give to make slower, simpler scenes feel more full. i just now even a scene of delivering flowers can be meaningful if you know what emotions you are trying to illicit and play to that. But a nice, chill scene of someone just doing a good deed is always refreshing on this bloodthirsty website XD

Rose's avatar
8 years ago
@Minteh: Oh no! Cornelius ;-; I really like the idea of what's going on in this comic, but I would like to recommend that you pay attention to pacing and try to really push your storytelling to get the most out of each panel, especially for short comics like this one. I read some advice once that said to start as close to the end of the story as possible (with exceptions as needed, of course). I think you could have benefitted from that rule here, because it feels like you spent a lot of time on exposition, which made the main focus of the comic, which is on the last page, feel a little rushed. I would have liked to see the exposition condensed instead so you could put more emphasis on what's going on on that last page. You've got a really engaging situation with the kindhearted Cornelius and his evil arm, so I want to see more of that! @Karma: This comic was so sweet! I wish there were a little more meat to the story, since it kind of seems like a lot of it is basically small talk. I want more drama! But at the same time, it can be nice to have a little down time between all the super dramatic comics going on right now heheh. I'm no expert on how to make these happy, low-drama comics interesting, but that's what I would recommend you work on if you go with this format in the future. Find something to make us feel feelings, basically. And keep drawing! Your work just keeps getting better quality-wise, so keep it up! :)

MrPr1993's avatar
8 years ago
OMG HOLY SH- CASSIDY?! What happened to ya?! Thanks for the cameo! Wonder how dat happen...

Minteh's avatar
8 years ago
ahhh, Karma that was a really sweet comic! How nice of Lydia, cheering up sourpuss Cornelius haha. Personally I think your dialogue is really good in this one, and your art is top notch! Really well executed :) Sorry my side's so unfinished!

Minteh's avatar
8 years ago
Just uploaded now on my end as well, I had a lot of fun despite challenges, it's not as polished as I'd like, hopefully you still enjoy it!

KarmaLarma's avatar
8 years ago
Uploaded! I kind of struggled to write this one even though the idea was there, haha. So I hope it's still coherent.

Minteh's avatar
8 years ago
Maaaan, it's not looking good on my end haha. I'm gonna do everything I can to turn in something finished, but we have a new rotating work schedule and it turned out this is my week to do back to back 10 hour shifts over the weekend haha. Sorry for the quality dip, but I'll try to get everything up to the best level I can muster!

Orion's avatar
8 years ago
Best of spirits to you all! Can't wait to see what you got. :)

Animeshen's avatar
8 years ago
This should be a fun one! good luck you guys!