I guess I'm a little disappointed it didn't come across as intended, everything up there is exactly what I'd planned to show, and exactly how I wanted to show it ^^;
I really wanted to make David the hero and just really show off his personality that even in the middle of a crisis he's too good of a person to leave people behind. I'll try to blow this one out of the water next time around :)
Orion: I actually had kind of a time reading this, the words get a bit squished together an the pencil goes from light to dark a lot BUT this was a cute story about a guy whose just here to repair the pipes stop askin so many questions lol this had some cute expressions and good attempts at a bg, one of the more complete comics i seen from you as of recent, maybe you need short deadlines more often!
mintly: well not a whole heck of a lot HAPPENS in this, i kinda expected there to be like a third page or something, so hopefully the next one goes somewhere but great backgrounds, youre always real creative with those an i appreciate that, an you draw a real cute david XD
PyrasTerran: I can see what you mean by the back and forth I'll try and keep that in mind time. Give the bubbles more time to breath and naturally flow off one another. I'll give a good look at other's attempts to see if I can make it work better next time.
Mintuh: Glad you enjoyed it. best of luck to you in the next round. Like to see where ole Cornelius will get up to. Also not gonna lie I did hope there was gonna be some more to the comic. It was very much a good set up and atmospheric with the tones helping greatly. I do wish there had been a bit momentum story wise because by the time we get to any character interaction the comic was over. That said its a good quality comic and a nice set up for things to come.
Julz: Frogpeople tend to be the most at risk in water poor communities. Make sure you make a Frog Pond today to protect this endangered urban amphibian.
minteh: ooo, monsters you say ;D Good setup but not alot happens so if you make it to next round hopefully try to take less time stretching the pacing of scenes and add more "stuff happening" for each page. Page 2 didn't have to be an extension of the last panel of page 1, could have been our fallen hero waking up wherever Birch had taken him.
orion: cool, it's a full narrative and it's drawn enough to be legible and everything, these are steps up! Would have really liked to see this finished. Watch out with your dialogue though, page 2 panel 1 it took a while for me to understand it's supposed to be a back and forth exchange, it doesn't read that way the way you made the word bubbles. Look at other artists who have back and forth in the same panel to see what they do to manage the word bubble placing without tangling up.
the sweetest of cinnamon rolls haha, I had a lot of fun on this. I really liked what you were doin' orion, you definitely got a good amount of laughs from me!
I'm gonna be cutting it a little close, but it'll be submitted soon. Pretty happy with how it's turning out! Can't wait to see what you put up Orion :)
Edit: Uploaded!
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