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Bartender vs Kurt and Polterdot

1 Week
Regular Match


Bartender vs Kurt and Polterdot
By Radji
chat_bubble 13
star star
Kurt and Polterdot
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.94
Bartender vs Kurt and Polterdot
By Minteh
chat_bubble 13
star star
Final Score: 6.06

Comments (13)

Radji's avatar
1 year ago
hurrr hurrr maybe things will be akward between them now that Bartender is Mayor XD

PyrasTerran's avatar
8 years ago
Radji: you've got good talent with characters and you know how to clean up well even with bare-bones art; I'm not a fan of the literal cookie cutter shades but there is SOMEthing to them, it's great that you were able to do a complete 1-week for being a new dude here in Void. Pay more attention to your word bubbles as they come off a bit sloppy in this comic with the word placement and negative space. The stub-ends isn't bad but I feel they only work with this cut-out thing your're doing with the shades, I wouldn't revisit them with other shading styles. I for one though am OK with the amount that isn't said in this comic (the list, the nevermore realm, etc.). To me its just enough of a mystery for me to be interested in the next issue for more info. I've got a good feeling about your time here, can't wait to see more stuff! Minteh: it's harder to critique cause it feels very unfinished, no shading, very light lines, etc. I like the prospect of what this could have been though and it's cool to see bartender's odyssey through time and space continue. But why no drink recipe at the end! D: Keep it up guys~

Kozispoon's avatar
8 years ago
RADJI- The opening of this comic seems like an insider info 'you gotta read the bio/offsite posts to know what I'm talking about' deal. What list is Kurt talking about and why isn't Bartender on it? What should I know about the nevermore realm? I know its not always possible, but a good rule of thumb is to make a comic that can stand alone and be its own complete story. When your narrative requires readers to go back to previous comics or offsite intel, it kinda of detracts from what you're trying to do here. That sad, while I'm all about seeing 'battles' that ultimately are character building comics between opponents, the throwaway jerk at the bar felt like he was horning in on space that could've been better spent showcasing your character and Bartender. The jury's split on whether a 'god' comic needs some sort of conflict and/or battle, but honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing this bromance go further and non-interrupted. MINTEH- I'm rather a fan of Bartender (and have actually asked for a drink or two based off his comic recommendations), but this comic was a visual bust for me. You had some compelling subject matter to tackle, what with the never realm, the back demon curse/boon and all sorts, but the art simply was't there. It was too sketchy, too light and lacked any contrast for me to really see what was going on. Considering the fact I wanted to see what was going ot transpire post king of void, it bums me out.

Magistelle's avatar
8 years ago
RADJI: The story is short and self-contained, but it has a beginning, middle, and end! It felt just fine to read, and the dialogue between Bartender and Kurt was rather fun to read. Panel 1, page 1 does a good job at being an establishing shot, and I can see you attempting to keep a consistent atmosphere all throughout! A thing that throws me off a little is that the grey outline that is around the vertical shot of Bartender on page 2 does not transfer over to Kurt in the same page, despite their being in the same type of space. The inks on the background bottles also seem not as polished as the rest of the inks, and at times seem somewhat painted on. A little bit of cross-hatching, similar to what you did on Kurt in the final panel of page 3, would help to add an element of 3-dimensionality. The blood drops on the final splash page seem very minimalistic, which is a shame considering we saw blood on the page before that that had an appropriate weight and spray-pattern. Your choice to color Kurt red in that same final panel of page 3 however and adding the hatching in the first place, however, I feel was a good touch! And the movement on panel 1, page 4 is rather fun with a good overall gesture in Kurt! MINT: Im very curious to see where you take Bartenders narrative, and I enjoy the usage of Kurt and Polterdots own home realm to your own advantage! Its a shame you apparently didnt have time to ink your pages, but your pencils are still rather legible as they are. Despite Kurt and Polterdot also appearing somewhat briefly, I feel as if you characterized them rather well! The final page has a sequence that took me a good while to understand, specifically panels 6-8. My eyes wanted to travel down to the immediate smaller panel below the other, though I understand that it was apparently meant to be read in a sort of Z-shaped layout. What you could have done was made the panel where Kurt is putting Bartender into the grab smaller, or swapped its position with the one where Kurt is performing the throw. Other than that, everything flowed rather nicely, and the shot of the island mass breaking up a bit in the last panel of the last page is rather nice, especially with the panel of Bartender superimposed onto the rubble to lead the eye. Overall, both were a good read, and their flaws are understandable from a technical standpoint due to the very short week! Regardless, good job to the both of ya. :)

Radji's avatar
8 years ago
i speak for both minteh and i we would love to know the thoughts of our fellow voiders on our comics^^ i am sure there are things that escaped our view and that you could point to us in the hope that we could later on perfect our technique and our skills in narration and drawing.

Radji's avatar
8 years ago
Minteh, i love how you accuretly depicted Kurt as the no-shit giveing guy he is^^ in fact the dynamic between Kurt and dot is respected, and the idea to use the nevermore realm was cool on your part. The last panel was the shit, i love it ! ha ha Kurt has no shame beating up naked men ^^

Minteh's avatar
8 years ago
Radji, I love this! What an awesome use of limited colours haha, Cameron may be willing to look the other way on that one haha. Also I forgot to put something in the comic to say it, but my comic miiiight be confusing for someone who didn't read my King of Void comics from last year! I'd recommend going back and reading vs Ivan Reinhardt and vs Merrick to get more context!

Radji's avatar
8 years ago
Minteh: Submitted! A lot of things got thrown at me this week, and a lot of pre-existing plans that I had completely forgotten about (which is why I'm submitting now, I'll be out past the deadline started 30 mins from now haha). I tried to make it as legible as possible despite being sketches only, and all the pages are there, it's just not very polished haha. I hope you enjoy it regardless, Radji! Looking forward to what you put up :)
well submitted yesterday, got a bit experimental so hope it turns out well. now, LET'S SEE HOW MUCH ENTERTAINING WE GOT OUT OF THOSE BABIES !!

Minteh's avatar
8 years ago
Submitted! A lot of things got thrown at me this week, and a lot of pre-existing plans that I had completely forgotten about (which is why I'm submitting now, I'll be out past the deadline started 30 mins from now haha). I tried to make it as legible as possible despite being sketches only, and all the pages are there, it's just not very polished haha. I hope you enjoy it regardless, Radji! Looking forward to what you put up :)

ZigZagaroo's avatar
8 years ago
"Everybody in the Void getting tipsy..." Good luck you two, you'll both do great for sure!

Animeshen's avatar
8 years ago
awesome!! cant wait to read this, love these guys!

Radji's avatar
8 years ago
yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaah let's rock !!!

Minteh's avatar
8 years ago
It's on, Radji! Thanks for the challenge :)