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10 Year WAAAAHHHversary

3 Weeks + 1 Week
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10 Year WAAAAHHHversary
By justarhymes
chat_bubble 53
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.00
10 Year WAAAAHHHversary
By King_Pong
chat_bubble 53
star star
Final Score: 6.37

Comments (53)

justarhymes's avatar
9 years ago
This was fun. I could have made this comic go on forever. It made me want to create again, but for real. @raffles: A soft purple would have been nice. I wish I thought of that. And yeah, I should have reconsidered my inking when I realized I wouldn't have the time the do much color-wise. I generally always ink with colors in mind. Maybe in the near future, I'll try a B/W comic on Void to practice. @willyd: You pretty much hit the nail on the head, with an added twist of the boss being into questionable art too. I'm glad you enjoyed it. @pong 2025?????

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
9 years ago
It was cool to see a comedy comic again, much less a J-Pop/GVSR comic. jurgesortn: I'm a real big fan of the color choice you initially had for this comic. The MS-DOS colors are great, I just wish you had gone with that neon purple to kind of go with the grey and tiffany blues. Your pacing is really solid and I'm a fan of how you handled a lot of your panel layouts and transitions. I thought your humor was on point and it's super nostalgic, although I'm not into the way it ended, but I can take it when the rest of it's good. It's hard to suggest anything regarding the unfinished colors, since it's basically 'better luck next time'. Your work definitely needs them, since your linework can be a little rough and messy to distinguish without it. Page 9's first panel really kind of has that problem with how many lines are going on, without the colors it makes it kind of rough to understand on first glance. All in all this is a solid comic. I had a lot of fun with it. Good work. kourngpoearg: Even when you're doing this loose style, your ability really shines through. The car, the ink wash, the screentones all come together and just look so damn good together. That opening page is super terrific looking and atmospheric. It really kind of makes a great mood opener and it makes the goofiness on the later pages more pronounced as a result. I love the shot to death gag, that's a terrific image. I'm not sure I can think of anything that I dislike with this comic, because everything kind of comes together well. So, just praise for you. Had I not seen that the comic is going to be continued, I'd probably say I just want to see more of this, but otherwise, I can't wait to see how you continue this in the upcoming battle. Great work.

Charlie's avatar
9 years ago
I really liked both of these :)

Fearn's avatar
9 years ago
Omg these made me happy so happy forevermore

Hobbittasic's avatar
9 years ago
:U I thought these comics were funny ooops

Sean's avatar
9 years ago
I dig these comix. Butt Caelum is canon in my book

Coatl's avatar
9 years ago
so if justin wins, caelum being butts is canon, right?

William_Duel's avatar
9 years ago
So I was pretty entertained by these comics. All this weird hubbub seems pretty ridiculous. But amusing in it's own way! justarhymes: Shoot the otaku dude in the comic looks a lot like me and I work in an office too haha. And you have drawn me in similar fashion before. :P The story works well. The way I see it, the boss dude tears up GVSR's Bobo art while claiming he's offended by it and so GVSR retaliates by giving him a taste of his own medicine. Art is subjective. It's pretty much the theme of this comic. And the constant barrage of jokes is pretty good. So even if you don't like one there's gotta be a joke in there to like. A lot of them made me laugh. Though it's been addressed, I'm sad you didn't keep up the color scheme as well. It would have made for a more consistent quality. Now in the past I will agree there are comics of yours I didn't get and I critiqued them as such. I believe in the past I accused you of having too many in-jokes. Now the thing is I think there is a certain bar of understanding to approaching this comic. I laugh because I get the jokes. I feel like it's a hard balance. If I approached this comic not knowing about some of the other stuff, would I still find it funny? Humor is subjective like art. This comic is pretty dense. And I like that. Your quality slipped in places but that's all I pretty much have to say about that. These are things you know. Pong: It's nice to see a comic from you after so long. I wouldn't rate this comic as highly as some of your previous comics. And you've definitely had some very funny ones in the past. But this was a fine and fun return to form. Your use of expressions, flow and textures are awesome as always. Especially those textures. Page 5 is my favorite ever and though I joked about it, this comic doesn't need an ending. It works perfectly as it is. The third page I see the weakest in terms of line quality. It doesn't look as strong in a few places. I know you didn't work on this as much as you could and I know you are capable of more but I was still very entertained by it. I expect more in ten years.

William_Duel's avatar
9 years ago
Like people watch anime right? Anime also pokes fun at these archetypes. Example: So....What's the big deal?

Jiisuri's avatar
9 years ago
Not forcing it, just saying it still exists in many people's minds. But whatever, it's just my opinion. I will admit tho that I actually preferred some of the older J-pop stuff where it was much louder, full of piss and completely absolutely nonsensical that it completely overrides any of the stuff I just talked about. So like, if you don't go deeper, go at an even higher blast that I cannot say anything to it.

justarhymes's avatar
9 years ago
Haha, Jii, that is an insane reach. It's a little creepy that you are trying to force that comparison, to be honest.

King_Pong's avatar
9 years ago
Jiisuri: ... I still think it's a collection of cheap jokes. With exception of one good pun.
All of the j-pop vs. gvsr battles have been a collection of cheap jokes. That's the whole point.

Jiisuri's avatar
9 years ago
About that thing with your claiming to make fun of a single character you made up on the spot: you have to bear in mind that even if you never intended it as making fun of a demographic, you have to understand that once it leaves your hands people will view it a completely different way and interpret it in a different light. Death of the author etc etc. There's no avoiding it and there will be those who overanalyse dumb shit like this, but there are also things that even a layman will take one way. Nevertheless, characters themselves are also icons of sorts that carry a certain idea of a demographic to them and reflect some aspect of humanity. But hey maybe you don't thinl that way or don't even care about it, that's fine. I still think it's a collection of cheap jokes. With exception of one good pun.

Monday's avatar
9 years ago
I actually like what this comic is doing. It sticks to its guns and says exactly what it is. For those that ar disappointed in its outcome and expected something more from a 10 year anniversary; i bid you check your roots. Void was a lot more violent than this and could piss in the wind about all kinds of subject matters. There were a lot of comics that were really well drawn total pieces of shit too. But you had to fight for that corner of niches, for your own opinions to exist in comics. To dislike someones work for it was fine , to downplay their opinions required that you had to battle them for it and mean it. What an age we live in when you can air your grievances and not realize that a comic striking a chord has more potency behind it than one that meekly agrees to your tastes. This was the reality we fought under for 10 years . if you dont like it i have a timetraveling ex nazi that can show you this wonderful world. Or you can grow thick skin and get over it ;y

Elyan's avatar
9 years ago
justarhymes: for what it is (utter nonsense) i really liked it. as you mentioned earlier its really stupid with these two and you delivered. tho i´m not sure the drawing style is intended as a stylistic choice or the result of the time problem. so it was entertaining (if i ignore some of the too bad jokes) and creative as hell. i mean on top of all butt city and spontaneously ripped bods... its stupid but creative. given that my only concern is the art itself but its a nice read nonetheless. pong: i´m sure there are a lot of jokes in there. but well the few i recognized didnt really hook me(anyways i´m not the humor type anyways). i guess it would have been great with a conclusion in terms of entertainment for sure. artwise i have to say the same as above. i know what you guys can do and yeah i see the stated time issues. but to me this just looks halfassed mostly with a really really cool panel here and there. but if this is really the style you aimed for its just not my thing. overall i appreciate the oldschool vibe you brought over. the sillyness is very welcome and pretty rare nowadays.

justarhymes's avatar
9 years ago
@pong I never said anything about yours. I enjoyed it. The last page is hilarious, and your inking is slick (I might bug you about pens later). I'm glad you decided to stick around long enough to see it through. @kozi The ending was supposed to loosely connect it to Pong's comic, but he TOTALLY BONED ME OVER. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though. And yeah, my limited time bummed me out too. I wanted to do much more. Started with full color, settled for a limited palette, then settled for even less. @jii You are adding context that doesn't exist, and I don't understand why. I didn't make fun of any demographic. I made fun of a single character that is a terrible person. Two pages out of 12. @tdk You've never read a JPOPxGVSR comic I take it? If you ever read another one, they are really stupid. Keep that in mind.

King_Pong's avatar
9 years ago
I actually thought the butt city part was the best.

Kozispoon's avatar
9 years ago
JUSTARHYMES- I saw this match up had a bajillion comments and now I see why. Talk about bringing it back to old school void! Where everything is fair game for jokes and poking fun and utter randomness. I'd forgotten how fun these old veteran fighters are, but you definitely reminded us with this comic. Its a shame you seemed to have been pressed for time because I really liked some of the color ideas you had going in the first couple of pages. some of these pages definitely had me laughing- the Bobo poster was so great, and the 'pure made inc' gag just had me laughing. Definitely the kind of humor where you wish you'd get a 'cameo' to be poked fun at. I will agree that the ending fell kind of flat for me as well. With Caelum turning into butts, i thought they'd land on them, or get launched off to safety via a fart- I dunno. you had such an amusing momentum, I feel you weren't quite sure where to end it. Still, I certainly hope this isn't the last battle you two have. JPOP ad GVSR are totally the kind of dudebros I would love to see more of. KING_PONG- Aww, you're killing me, smalls! With the catchy comic hook and intrigue only to leave us readers hanging. Super dig that this was a total throwback as well with Jingles and Phil making an appearance- if only to gasp after each myyyysterious murder. Your rendition fo all these fighters really appealed to me, and I'm only sorry we only got to see a bit. Better luck next time!

Jiisuri's avatar
9 years ago
Ok approaching this as a newer dude, I arrive with my own honest opinion. Both of these comics left me feeling nothing. Before anyone throws rotten tomatoes at me or something let me explain my viewpoints. justarhymes: What i felt out of all your jokes in here are mere cheap shots towards certain things like snobs and basement dwelling weeaboos. Now I get that sure the brand of humor works for a certain crowd within this site, but towards newcomers like me and a huge portion of laymen, these don't tickle a single funnybone. It all comes across as generic "make fun of something" jokes that we've probably seen and rolled our eyes at a million times. Putting aside any hatred I may or may not have had regarding making fun of a certain demographic(which COULD actually be a fine thing really, but only if executed well), I really felt nothing at the end of this. It feels cheap. Maybe try like doing some humour with setup and payoff or something rather than a hodgepodge of cheap gags. But alas, maybe people don't share the same sentiments I do. That is fair. Just know that I really hate this comic. PS: Pure Made Inc was actually kinda funny tho. King_Pong: I... actually wanted this to continue. NOW I AM LEFT WITH BLUE BALLS WHYYYyyyyy.

Ten Dead Kings's avatar
Ten Dead Kings
9 years ago
justarhymes: Maybe it's because I didn't read this at 4 in the morning or something, but the story/jokes feel kinda flat and goes nowhere to me. Like I can get the petty revenge on a bad boss angle, and the dickish wish-granting lamp, but then they run away and now they're buff because reasons? Was there even a point to anything that happened? Am I already too desensitized to random butt jokes, and expected something completely different of a 10-year anniversary comic? King_Pong: Shame we didn't get to see the murder mystery to the end there.

King_Pong's avatar
9 years ago
I've actually already sent out a challenge to a special person so we can find a satisfactory conclusion if they accept. J-pop it's fun to see another installment even with the rushed colors, the jokes are still awesome.

Qyzex's avatar
9 years ago
These truly are unsafe times. What a time to be alive I give three hand claps o// o// o// and a GOOD JOB

justarhymes's avatar
9 years ago
@pyras GVSR ironed himself out during the montage.

PyrasTerran's avatar
9 years ago
que funny as y'all said you had some time issues with these comics so these'll be brief considering that justarhymes: I like this silly story of camaraderie and rebellion against mortality and changing outlooks! I imagine there would have been shades throughout the comic if you had time, but I'm not a fan of the colors you chose, I feel they clash too hard with each other. Did GVSR de-age by the end of the comic though? BTW obvi I'll be drawing Caelum butt city next time they're in a comic of mine~ king_pong: It's a bit too fast and loose with the lines but again time issues so; biggest sadness is that it's not finished and we won't know who the murderer is ;_; welcome back? or seeya later?

William_Duel's avatar
9 years ago
Jpop's comic is canon and I guess we'll have to wait more years to find out who the killer is in GVSR's side.

Rose's avatar
9 years ago

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
9 years ago
No disappointment, highest marks.

Monday's avatar
9 years ago
The Artist Formerly known as JPOP: aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyylmao Pong: Yoooooooooooooooooooo

justarhymes's avatar
9 years ago
I uploaded mine a bit a go as well. It's finished story wise, but a little messy. Hopefully it isn't hard to follow.

King_Pong's avatar
9 years ago
Uploaded. I wasn't going to be able to ink the whole thing by the deadline, so I've just uploaded pages until a good cliff hanger. I'll probably upload the rest later as a BB.

King_Pong's avatar
9 years ago
i got cheetos dust on my comic ):

justarhymes's avatar
9 years ago
I'm in the same boat. It's hard to make a comic while working 16 hours a day. I'll have all my pages inked, at least.

King_Pong's avatar
9 years ago
Man, I'm only just now getting time to work on this (since last week). I'm going to finish but I can't promise the last few pages won't be total crap.

justarhymes's avatar
9 years ago
I used one of my 13 remaining extensions for you. God damn, how did I get so many?

King_Pong's avatar
9 years ago
somebody give me an extension special extension for a special battle

justarhymes's avatar
9 years ago
It's no coincidence Void decided to work again as this battle's due date draws near. JPOP AND GVSR SAVED VOID!

Rose's avatar
9 years ago
I guess what I'm really trying to say is... Welcome back, Pong. Welcome back. Even if it's just for one battle. WHATEVER SHUT UP I LIKE YOUR ART OKAY!?

Rose's avatar
9 years ago
Oh hey guys I joined September 10 years ago so this is really just my belated 10-year Joiniversary thanks for making a comic about me cool bye Also Ancelin was a Cock Rocker for one page of one comic so I'm pretty much the coolest person ever

Fearn's avatar
9 years ago
DrEaMs Do cOmE TrUe!! ;u;

justarhymes's avatar
9 years ago
King_Pong: only 16 more days for the comic we've been waiting 10 years for.
I hope it doesn't overshadow Star Wars too much.

Monday's avatar
9 years ago
Comix , Comix has changed :v

Charlie's avatar
9 years ago
I was born on the day that comic changed the way you poop. I am...the poop.

King_Pong's avatar
9 years ago
only 16 more days for the comic we've been waiting 10 years for.

King_Pong's avatar
9 years ago
It forever changed the way I poop.

justarhymes's avatar
9 years ago
Yeah, we are all sad old men now. It's been 10 years since Pong and I first battled, which was between Oct and Nov of 2005. It forever changed the way I drew comics.

Jackster's avatar
9 years ago
10 years..... Has it really been 10 years?

Hiemie's avatar
9 years ago
10 years , stuck on my eyes, 10 years, WHAT A SUPRISE, 10 Years, MY BRAIN HURTS A LOT

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
9 years ago
10 years until the state of comics are advanced again.

Qyzex's avatar
9 years ago
It's been 10 years since I last expected this match to happen

King_Pong's avatar
9 years ago
It's been ten cold years since void comics last reach their maximum potential.

justarhymes's avatar
9 years ago
10 years ago I had to walk 10 miles to Void in the snow. Now I only have to wait 10 minutes for it to load.