MAUIMICROWAVE- Cartoony, crayola goodtimes! Your work, while admittedly kind of messy and a bit rushed looking, still contains a whimsical sense of fun. Though I feel I'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't say to really work on your inks. I've seen your polished work over in your deviantART gallery, so I know what you're capable of, so I'm surprised to see that these pages look like this was all drawn with a tablet pen with no pressure sensitivity. I feel I got a sense of what your work looks like when you put your signature time and quality into it, and while I understand 2 weeks can be a bit daunting, I'd love to see a fully fleshed comic you put your back into.
Still, this was a fun ride. Killjoy is so rotten, yet so hilarious! Those moments where he begins so ominous and creepy outright eating pieces of the one eyed creature only to be so weirdly amusing turning to shush Dr. Fibrin. I gotta agree with the previous comments that this tale felt like it ended in an odd spot. Or at least felt like it was just getting started. While you have a real knack for giving us wild rides with Killjoy's antics, I feel you need to work on fleshing out a fully realized story.
GPS- DEVICE- Congrats on showcasing your first full color comic! It's looking great. Even when we get to the psychedelic colorscheme on the last couple pages where poor Killjoy is tossing his cookies is awesome. I love the harsh active shock of hot pink underneath him. Really gives that sense of movement as he's writhing in pain.
DEM BACKGROUNDS THO. Seriously, I gotta say I really love the angles right off the bat on the first page with that classroom. Really nice. Despite the fact the auditorium could've been dull, you really spiced it up with some interesting angles of the students. Though once we get to page two I'm a little thrown that there is suddenly a window in the classroom. I figured the squares on page one were more whiteboard considering there is little detail to indicate its a window. Not to mention the 'BOOM' SFX seems to be coming from the opposite wall on page 1. Just a tad confusing. Still, everything else seems pretty straightforward, if not a little anti climactic. I was so ready to see Fibrin school this punk, but then the comic ends!
I am left wanting more from the both of ya's, but still, a nice romp all around.
man i get such a kick out of these characters! and theyre so different that it makes this battle extra entertaining!
maui i love the energy of this, the extreme expressions and movement, and everything is just so over the top and ridiculous! i can barely tell if your character is a good guy or a bad guy or what the hell he wants lol but i kinda love his fuck-it-all-i-do-what-i-want attitude, and that lost arm didnt slow him down at all! I like on page one that you showed killjoy's train of thought a little and i hope we see a little more insight to him sometimes so i can more easily understand why he is doing anything, since while i like hows hes just an explosion of a person, every now and then it would be nice to know what the heck hes thinking lol
aw man Geeps you totally stepped up your colour game!! you should colour more often, i think you created a fantastic atmosphere on pages 3 and 4! i love this crotchety old man and his super science, thats smart of him to carry around a de-powering spray in this city XD it kinda felt a little to me like there was some story untold, like not that it was unfinished but it seemed like there could have been more too their encounter. but since you did full colour on a one week deadline Im very understanding and will just assume Fibrin stepped over Killjoy hacking on the ground and went into teach his class lol.
great comics you guys!
These comics were both a lot of fun to look at, but unfortunately they both ended right before the best possible thing could've happened.
Maui: Your depiction of Dr. Fibrin is hilarious, I just love how he looks in your style. His facial expressions are priceless, and just how animated you've made him, it's a riot. Kill Joy's Chaotic Neutral demeanor is displayed wonderfully here, but here comes the
I wanted to see what happens when Kill Joy ingests the specimen. I wanted to see Kill Joy have a cellular reaction and transform into some hulking, throbbing, veiny monster and battle it out with Fibrin's specimen!
I think the reason this scene is missing is because you had a funny concept for the plot, but you didn't have a clear idea of where it would go. So for your next battle, try to think of your ending first. What is the main event? What's the scene everyone wants to see most, and build to that. As funny and rollicking as this comic is, it does feel like you made it up as you went, and then the deadline was up. That said, I can't say enough about your enthusiasm and energy so far, you're definitely making a splash around here. I love Kill Joy, and I can't wait to see your battle with Jong! (Oh, and I love how Kill Joy just wrapped a bandage around his stump, it's bleeding all over the place, and Fibrin didn't say anything about it lol)
GPS: Awesome job on those colors, man! I know this is your first full-color comic on the site, and it really looks good. Your classroom shots are great, and really draw the eye into the panels. Your anatomy and faces are looking really good here, and you've got a great assortment of extras filling the seats. Overall, your shot choices are just great, it's definitely one of your strong suits. I particularly like the move from inside to outside the classroom - the color of the desks really works to anchor that transition. And then of course, the shift from cool natural colors to eyeball acid at the halfway mark is brilliant, and I just fucking love it.
You've captured Kill Joy really well here, giving him that one line tells us all we need to know - he's just an agent of anarchy. Dr. Fibrin is such a badass, and how he handles Kill Joy is priceless. Your dialogue is all good, but Fibrin's unimpressed cool is just pitch perfect in this comic.
I wanted 4 more pages.
Hell, I wanted one more panel. Just a splash page of Fibrin using Kill Joy as an example in front of his class as they all take notes. Or Kill Joy suspended in a tank of weird science-liquid in a dark lab, donning a dunce cap. Something! Fibrin's final lines of dialogue to Kill Joy are so goddamn smoke-breathing badass, the fact that we don't get to see what he means is nothing short of comic book blue balls.
Well, I'm all uploaded and ready to go! (Hopefully)
I know Maui told me they accidentally used an extension on this, but I don't think even half of my PMs are actually sending to anybody, so I don't entirely know if Maui is working towards the extended date or the original deadline.
Either way, looking forward to seeing what you do Maui!
Comments (12)