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4 Weeks
Regular Match


By justarhymes
chat_bubble 56
star star
Final Score: 6.78
By Jack
chat_bubble 56
star star
Final Score: 7.16
By DelBarrio
chat_bubble 56
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.57

Comments (56)

quetz-all's avatar
17 years ago
hmm... that uncolored page in J-pop's thing didnt look so good... It didn't fit in at all...

oh shada's avatar
oh shada
17 years ago
jack should take this..... his was by far the most entertaining and welldone. SUCKKIIITTTTTTT~*~* dawg and delya and still stars in my eyes though~*~*~*shaaaaa

Viperchief's avatar
17 years ago
Jack's was hiiilarious, my favorite by far. Very nice jobs by all, I was impressed.

DimAmentia's avatar
17 years ago
Fuck, by 'pencil', I meant ink work. Brain fart. Sorry Delya. :p

DimAmentia's avatar
17 years ago
Dawg: The first half of your battle had me laughing my ass off. Nex having sex with the soda machine was one of the more disturbing bits of imagery I've come across on this site, and that is no small feat. The anthro-american hate speech story had a lot of potential, and I'm disappointed you were unable to finish. Even though your art is gradually improving, if you win this fight, it'll be for your sense of humor. Jack: I think you deserve to win this based upon the quality of your writing and the effort you put into your art (the horrible panel duplicating aside). Cog is one of my favorite fighters on this site because he has so much personality, and your third of the battle was the most enjoyable read. You took the effort to present your opponents' fighters in a manner true to their respective characters, rather than using them as props. I'm kindo of ticked you weren't able to finish, but it was a strong entry nevertheless. Delya: I love your style, but this was really rushed. You said you didn't have a lot of time to work with, so it's nice that you were able to finish up a completed story anyway. Your pencil work still has a lot of personality, but it just wasn't quite up to par with the other two entries in this match. (I still heart Nex, though, and look forward to his next fight.)

Weepy's avatar
17 years ago
...Jack, that's the worse way to duplicate panels I've ever seen ever. However, it made sport peppers go up my nose and cause my face to burn like a silly little git for half an hour. You won my heart. Cross eyes for everyone! You're all beautiful people. I knew this was something to look forward to~

Qyzex's avatar
17 years ago
good job you three. I'm to lazy to critique, but Dawg, i loved the hidden orange penis in the bundle of microphones! Jack, I loved the whole banana joke build up! and Delya, i'll take ANAL BUM COVER for $500!

IWIHASCOE's avatar
17 years ago
Too bad Dawg and Jack were not able to finish, those were hot! Delya got my vote for finishing the comic as the 3 got the same score for almost everything. Now, some real critics (because I have to do that too XD) Dawg: Your jokes always makes me lmao and your colors are always amazing. Again, it's sad that you're not able to color all the pages (or just didn't want, dunno). The storytelling was nice and I also enjoyed the way you drew Nex and Cog in your style. the Only thing that was in my way of getting what was happening was the line-weights on the b/w pages. It just merged all the stuff in each panel and I got a bit lost (nothing that reading the comic twice would not solve >:D). Well, hope to see more from you (colored plz plz?) soon. Jack: man, your inks are so nice :´D I love the way you can handle light and dark spaces in your panels... Argh I want your ability! Also enjoyed a lot how you're able to draw Nex in your style. About the storytelling.. I got a bit lost in the outside part, but I think it's just me. The joke pages almost got me (I thought all the pages would be about it T_T) and got surprised in the end. Well done, and hope you get able to finish next time... Delya: your inks are amazing and I loved the way you handled the patterns and tones. The story was simple and clean and as I said before, you got me when u finished. The only thing that kinda bothered me was that the \"main characters\" almost did nothing and had such a low presence in the story, it just surprised me. Well, dunno if you had time to get a longer story or not so I won't complain about it. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more battles from you soon <3

Graphyte Ronin's avatar
Graphyte Ronin
17 years ago
This one was kinda hard to decide. Delya had the cleanest work, but Dawg and Jack had fun styles and the more interesting stories, which usually wins out in my book. However, Delya's was also the only one that felt like it had wrapped up in a satisfactory manner. I gave Jack a sliiight edge for that Mayor Jimmy bit, I thought that was particularly slick.

Jack's avatar
17 years ago
GUYS YOU ARE FUCKIN INCREDIBLE. REALLY. YOU ARE. Sorry about those Lysol pages...I didn't have enough time to finish the story as I'd wanted to so I kinda had to compromise... BUT JHO AND I HAVE A DEAL AND I'LL FINISH THIS THING RIGHT PROPER. PINKY SWEAR.

DelBarrio's avatar
17 years ago
You two blow me away, you know that? <3 Dawg- the humor. I was laughing out loud with just about every page~ and your style. I always love your style. It's a shame you didn't get to finish, though. I'd have loved to see the ending to this one. ;D Jack- Damn, dude! You really kicked the art up 10 notches there. Beautiful work. Loved the story too, though the end really made me go \"blegh\" coz I wanted the prettyness to CONTINUE. |:< But stick figures are always good for a laugh, so it was coo'. :] BLARGH YOU TWO ARE SO AWESOME I LOVE YOU. *shoves own comic off the page* You both win. Period. D:<

Larathen's avatar
17 years ago
lol dawg you used our battle idea for this :P I also like how you gave Lar a last name when he doesnt have one, lmao. Honestly, I think Jack's was the best. Had a really good story to it, except for the 3 pages of the banana joke hahaah. Actually I think Lysol wins this battle for that last page :P Delya's was good too, some humor. Panel layout was really good but the story seem too quick.

justarhymes's avatar
17 years ago
I hope you win this Jack. You derserve it.

Aluísio C. Santos's avatar
Aluísio C. Santos
17 years ago
WHAT. Completely insane, not much words for it, except dawg could have coloured all of them, if just a few were left black and white. (What is sleeping?) :P

Monday's avatar
17 years ago
omg the lysol pages made me involuntary draw with my right hand for a while after reading them.

Krissy's avatar
17 years ago
Wow. Just wow. This deffinately delivered the laughs more than Brain BAttle did, and for that. I'm happy inside.

fowlie's avatar
17 years ago
Um, I think there is something wrong with Dawgmastas pages... I get the same page one image for every page link, except page ten, which is just that 'laziness' thing.

justarhymes's avatar
17 years ago
Well, I'm retarded and thought this was due tomorrow, so I had to cut it short. Oh well, what I have is still fun.

Monday's avatar
17 years ago

DelBarrio's avatar
17 years ago
I finished inking my comic today- I had to cut it a bit short, though. I may or may not do a beyond battle which better explains what happens. XD I can't WAIT to see what Dawg and Jack got going, although I already have a good idea. <3 BABY FROGGY POSSE TEAM GO!

Heat's avatar
17 years ago
I know I'm late on the comment here, but I'm hoping to see something interesting from Cog now that I realize he has a \"robo-tongue.\" XD I can't wait to see what happens. Been looking forward to this one that's been floating around the Battles page for a little while know. Hope you get something in Delya... although if you haven't gotten anything yet I guess this is a bad time to start rooting for you. >< Good luck, all the same. If you have already finished and haven't mentioned it and I'm rooting in vain, all the better. Luck to dawgmastas too, of course. : D

rabbitrabbit's avatar
17 years ago
Delya, I reeeeeally hope you at least crap out a little pencil comic or something. It'll totally defeat the purpose of having a three-way if one-third of the fighters DEFAULTS. D: And congrats on being everything I wish I was, and good luck at the new job.

DoD's avatar
17 years ago
Schweet. Can't wait for your comics, guys. xD -is a rabid fan- o.0 Whoa. The deadline's a day after my birthday. ... CAKE for everyone after the battle! xD

DelBarrio's avatar
17 years ago
Haha, thanks a lot. <3 The job's been a blast so far and technically I haven't really started yet. My boss buys us ice cream. XDD But yah, I got the comic going and I hope to get at least inks done by the deadline. I have a silly story in mind. X3

Chair's avatar
17 years ago
alright! Delya you can do it! i'd love to see inks at least :D! also congrats on the job!

Kevin Birtcher's avatar
Kevin Birtcher
17 years ago
Extended one week by request of Delya

c-r-ill-er's avatar
17 years ago
that's what i wanted to hear Delva dude i can't wait to see your cool comic well i guess i will have to wait ha.... but that's good to hear that you anit going to gave up.....

DelBarrio's avatar
17 years ago
Coz defaults make Galvo cry, I asked for an extension. D: Not sure if I can finish by then, but I'll try to at least have something to show.

c-r-ill-er's avatar
17 years ago
Well.... Good luck in your new job man but i hope you do put your comic on Beyond Battle once you get done with moving, and what not. But have fun with drawing storyboard, and hope you get back on to check out the new battles that hit in time. Good luck Delva on your new job, uhh job sound cool what Co. are you working for before you leave forgood?

justarhymes's avatar
17 years ago
I guess this can't be attributed to the j-pop curse then?

Jackster's avatar
17 years ago
And Del goes for the GOLD! Good Luck!

DelBarrio's avatar
17 years ago
Aye, sorry to break it to ya- but I'm going to have to default. I'm moving in a couple days, getting a job as a storyboard artist- so I won't have time to finish this battle. And by finish I mean draw the whole thing. I've been quite busy lately and only got around to writing the story, not actually drawing it. As bad as I feel for not getting around to this, I honestly can't say I'm sad about it. I finally got a job doing something I LOVE and well, this is one of the prices I must pay. Both my fighters will be retired here after. I would like to give a big THANK YOU to everyone here, if it weren't for VOID I highly doubt I'd have gotten this job. You helped me to improve tenfold. Good luck to Dawg and Jack~ <3 You two are awesomesauce.

c-r-ill-er's avatar
17 years ago
ummm jail break? i just wanna know i bet this is to late but what about an island in the middle of Void were the the bad of the bad is at? you could say that they got pick up by for a killing shot out or whatever you know and you droping the saop anit a bad idea.... well whatever there just ideas but you might be half way done with them but that's cool oh yeah JailBreak VCPD HELP! hahaa just kiding but going to be cool you know the frist comment at the top of this one... Gave it your all and good luck,(I hope there going to be action oh well i guess i got to wait to see it).

c-r-ill-er's avatar
17 years ago
gave it your all....Wow 3 dudes at one time good luck to you all

Vertex-Avenger's avatar
17 years ago
*gives nex a shovel* SMACK AWAY HAHAHA

Spanex's avatar
17 years ago
Red-haired Mümü Vs. Googly Glasses Vs. L33T Ninja with iron tounge, all three trapped in a prison. No food, no water. Just as long until one of them has become a cannibal and ate the rest!! Well, ok.. Not the mümü.

Jackster's avatar
17 years ago
Rabbit, let's just say J-Pop, Nex, and Cog got arrested by the VCPD somehow, got sentenced to life in prison, and the story goes on after that.

Jack's avatar
17 years ago
It's a Jailbreak. We're digging a hole.

rabbitrabbit's avatar
17 years ago
I've scoured the News & Current Events forums, and I can't find ANYTHING that tells me what a \"Jailbreak\" match is supposed to be. Is it just a theme to stick to, or will there be trophies won or characters killed or cookies given or something? D:

Enef's avatar
17 years ago
Do drop the soap, it makes for a funnier comic. IN-UR-ENDO

DimAmentia's avatar
17 years ago
For the love of god, don't drop the soap. D:>

Larathen's avatar
17 years ago
I expect shenanigans out of this.

Jackster's avatar
17 years ago
This battle's gonna have Baby Froggy Posse written all over it.

DelBarrio's avatar
17 years ago
Cog vs. Nex is supposed to be cancelled. We got the idea for this fight just an hour or so after the other one had been accepted. :B

Jackster's avatar
17 years ago
Wait a minute. Nex is already fighting Cog, so what is this fight about?

Nightmare-01's avatar
17 years ago
*suffers suspence overdose and stays in a comatose state until the comic goes up*

justarhymes's avatar
17 years ago
hahaha. I'm looking forward to drawing thisss!

Jack's avatar
17 years ago