POMPOM: OMFG if this is unfinished I want everyone to unfinish in your style. Loved the story. Loved the robots binary chat like OMG. Like it is a shame it's not all colored but to be fair I don't think anyone would notice if you haven't said anything and just submitted it all bw (I might be wrong). ALso your rendering of Caps is my favorite. He's so totally like the viking robot.
And Merricks inbetween time such cute ^o^
(also I am glad you didn't do the thing you aid you were gonna do but then changed your mind I think it's much better this way)
Also vitatrix TOTALLY didn't just make it all up on the spot EH?! ;) haha at least her side anyway
Evi: ;_;
Gosh this is really unfortunate, I don't have good news either. Life happens and it happened to me too. I'm sorry everyone, and I'm sorry too Pocketmouse;;; a bunch of things became big fat priorities and I wasn't prepared how draining it would be on my health... became WAY to stressed and exhausted to draw. I couldn't handle it. I'll also be submitting an incomplete comic, have the rest as BB later once things have settled down as well.
Hi guys,
This is pretty gutting. It's the first time I've uploaded an incomplete comic since joining this site. I'm okay, but couldn't face doing this right now. Deepest apologies to anyone who feels disappointed. My family had to come first at this time- hopefully you can all understand. This comic will pop up again sometime down the line as a BB when things are different. I've uploaded what I have now because of how much is uncertain- if I get the chance to work some more and update between now and the deadline, I will.
Evi, I'm so sorry this happened in our battle! Caps and Shift are fantastic characters and they have been such a pleasure to work with. I always wanted to battle them so I'm glad we met here!
Thanks everyone for your support and I'll catch you all later
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