@ Stormcrow: Thanks!
@ Shen: Thank you. Yeah, I think I made it harder on myself picking a snowy setting. I did try to stuff as much detail/trees where I could, on the more sparser areas I ran out of time to do more detail. In the middle of working on it I started to lose confidence thinking that I should have written a different story with a different setting that would be more interesting to draw (I was starting to get bored of drawing only trees), but it was too late at that point.
@ Kozi: Thank you, I'll try to work on the humor. Yeah, for the avalanche, I had wanted to do a lot more for it. It was a grand thing and I unfortunately ran out of time for it. My priority at that point was to finish the comic. I hoped I would have time to go back and add in more details and even put grays and blacks in, but I didn't. Lesson learned, I hope to do much better with future comics.
For this comic, I took a bit of a risk doing a digital comic because I wanted to do something different and push myself. It's been ages since I've done a digital comic for void, because I'm slow at drawing digitally. I got more confident with the medium and decided to try it out; I'm glad I did. Thank you for the comments and critiques guys, I appreciate it!
To be honest, the comic was originally going to take a darker turn, but I psyched myself out two days before the deadline and rewrote it. I was struggling to get through the last few pages because of my own conscience like "you can't do that to the nicest 9 year old" haha. (On my phone, sorry if this is a double post!)
SHOJIN- This was a charming comic. Pretty straightforward premise, though I feel the gags Ivan implemented were lukewarm. I'd love to see that humor punched up, kind of like how you started to explore on the last few pages of the end. I do like that you gave attention to your backgrounds and showcased the environment (the detailing on the pines was nice!), but considering your setting was pretty sparse, I was surprised to see such minimal work on such a great scene as the avalanche. Seeing as that's your climactic moment. it would've been nice to have seen it get some ore love.
MINT- Nice solid comic! I really dig the inks on page 1 proper as well as pg 7, but I feel your other pages by comparison felt a little bare. A magma chamber with glowing lava and all that underground mess would've been the perfect opportunity to use some heavy shadows and intense highlights. I was so amped to see this comic turn into a traditional knock out blow out fight that I felt it was really hampered with the set up to all the challenges. To learn it was nothing but a bad dream leaves me feeling a bit stymied. Not sure what to think upon the first read, really.
these were both so adorable!!
shojin, good heavens, Ivan is a cutie! lol in an athletics competitions it seems like hes got the upper hand, poor Cameron! Snow makes for a good obstacle for the competition but it also makes an awful lot of negative white space, in some spots you do good filling that up but in others like page 5 you could maybe have done a bit more to make a background. this was a cute and simple thing with an exciting cliffhanger, hope hes alright!
Mint, I kind of would have liked to see more of the contests lol! it almost feels like more time was spent setting it up than doing it with only 3 bets but time limits and all, I get that. Bartender is a clever thing here, I like to see his mind work! Ivan picks a simple game and Cameron's all "lol no wait i got this" with his shit. then again he is being pitted against a s child, in fact when he first said "drinking contest" I was like "you shit that kid is like ten" XD I thought this was a really well written and smart comic, good job!
Mint! Loved your comic. You've got some lovely details in your panels. Ivan would of course get tricked by Cameron. That was a really clever trick too! I like how this is something that could have happened after the end of my previous comic. I think I might like to incorporate your comic into Ivan's story, so perhaps Ivan will meet Cameron again in the future!
These are so cool, you guys! It's awesome to see how great these look in black and white, and you both seemed to really capture the look of each other's characters well. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
OH MY GOSH SHOJIN. That was too adorable to handle, poor guy just can't catch a break. And getting caught up in an avalanche after all that! At least Bartender won't need an ice pack for all those injuries he probably received in the process hahaha
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