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Murderfest 2014

1 Week
Murderfest 2014


Murderfest 2014
chat_bubble 29
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.31
Murderfest 2014
By justarhymes
chat_bubble 29
star star
Final Score: 6.80

Comments (29)

Stplmstr's avatar
10 years ago
Great set of comics boyos! They both hit rally high marks for fun and entertainment. Whoever goes to the next round I am expecting some good stuff :)

Coatl's avatar
10 years ago
both of these comics were hella gay

Adam@!'s avatar
10 years ago
Holy crap.... Done! I read a lot of stories to follow these fights and try to grasp as much of it as possible. To be fair and as informed in my vote as I could be. Gabe: ok I really dig what you are doing with the art in this storyline. It's dark and moody but pops when you want it to. The limited pallet and limited tonal range really draws in the reader. Yet you have also shown the ability to place a power ranger and a whatever he hell j.pop was, before you made him a twisted joker like psycho, into your world and have them feel like they belong. Your writing is awesome, and using j.pop's old battles as a side nugget was cool. I liked the use of that pixel character. Acctually made me read a few stories with him in it to understand what that was even about. But I don't really have much in the negative collum for you. I really enjoy your whole comic meal you served up. And I really look forward to more. Justin: so I really liked this as well. Not only did I look through the story multiple times looking at all the panels to find hidden goodness. But you forced me to look into multiple characters from your opponent. Your death matches are kind of a mini ad for the people you are fighting. I did the same thing with your fight with dan and his other character. I again in this one had to get more insider info to understand the Pokemon type game they are playing, and that every person in the bg is a void character. Just awesome. I think in this round, more so then even this last one, stood on it's own without a full understanding of all the inside jokes. The comic still came out funny and had a good moral. I feel it is enhanced by the background and use of void random history, but didn't need it to stand as a very entertaining comic. Art wise it is hard for me to crit you because I think you are hitting the art tone you are aiming for, I guess just keep pushing the boundaries cause that is the charm in your art. I personally could not have pulled off the bar scene in my own style... I could try but I feel like it would not be as well received as you can accomplish. Great round you two I really liked it

justarhymes's avatar
10 years ago
Bobo: That's not why it's hard; it's hard because what's "bad" in a goofy/toon style is different from what's "bad" in a realistic style. Noodle arms? Totally fine in one of your comics; probably wouldn't fly in a Dan comic.
I think that is pigeonholing artists/styles. You can make anything work in any style.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
10 years ago
Correct, noodle arms probably would not work so well in a Dan comic.... however I have drawn Dan comics while I myself have noodle LEGS, if I am drawing/coloring after a race, that is.... are those worth points? hahaha! *end tangent*

Rose's avatar
10 years ago
justarhymes: I don't think it should be hard to critique me, though! Drawing in a goofy/toon style doesn't make bad things OK.
That's not why it's hard; it's hard because what's "bad" in a goofy/toon style is different from what's "bad" in a realistic style. Noodle arms? Totally fine in one of your comics; probably wouldn't fly in a Dan comic. But I'll keep an eye out for stuff like line quality, consistency in character design, etc. Sucks that your pens were drying up; I think that did affect the quality of your lines. I also would have loved to see actual text for the article on the last page; you could have added a few extra gags if you had made a side column with a sub-headline and another front-page article right below the picture of... stuff. Of course, you probably could have done that if I hadn't kept bugging you when we were playing Mario Kart lol

justarhymes's avatar
10 years ago
@Bobo, you are right about my lines coming off like doodles. It's hard to polish off the stupid large amount I tried to take on in a week. My pens were all dying as well (what a time to go trad). If you want to see more polished stuff, I would say my Kevin B. & Galvosaur battle and the Murder Mystery 2 prelude are fairly good examples. I don't think it should be hard to critique me, though! Drawing in a goofy/toon style doesn't make bad things OK. I want to improve just like anyone else, and although I have a good eye for that stuff, I can only see so much on my own. @Urrick, I'm glad you liked it. I a little surprised you think that redesigns can be disrespectful sometimes, though. I've always thought it best to give a unique spin on opponents. BUT, I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to make him a retro futuristic.. like a Jetson. @adam, I've never been called quaky before. I'm going to use that phrase a lot from now on. @gabe, You did plenty, man. Anymore could have been overkill. Although.. you drawing Cock Rocker stuff sounds hilarious.

Rose's avatar
10 years ago
Wow, Gabe, you really owned that comic. I feel like you did kind of what Dan should have done in his comic last round. Your comic wasn't a comedy piece (although there were some pretty hilarious "bits" in there, if you know what I mean). You pushed every boundary and did something with JPOP that seemed completely unexpected, yet perfectly logical at the same time. And your narration boxes look so much better without the yellow ;) I honestly have nothing to critique this time around. Your comic felt finished, well thought-out, and made me want to keep reading forever. I want you to win. Justin: All of your art looks more like doodles than finished work, but then I look at all the little details you put into backgrounds, facial expressions, and every visual gag, and it brings the quality right back up. Honestly, I'd really like to see what kind of stuff you'd draw if you spent more time polishing up your art, but maybe this is just the style you're going for. It's hard to critique your art because your style is much more about the storytelling and the jokes than stunning visual stuff. And man, as much as I thought your last round was hilarious, this one had me cracking up the whole time like crazy. I just about died. And that last page... oh my gosh. I can't even... wow. I want you to win.

Santana's avatar
10 years ago
Wow, what a good battle guys. Both of you guys exceeded my expectations and I was already expecting great things from you two. Fantastic job. Galvo: Jpop is a very hard character to handle but you made it seem sooo easy. You turned Jpop into what seemed to be a batman villain and it's perfect. You have a perfect marriage of your use of story telling and art. I like the little hints of the unknown future like the toast panel but I only crit would be doing it too much. It's already a story with heavy insider information cuz of all the old references, I wouldn't complicated further with to much unsure peaks into the future. Like the whole GVSR thing and his family. Really great job man. Jpop- dude, you straight up make me laugh out loud. I LOVE how you redesigned future Galvo. Sometimes that kind of thing can be a bit disrespectful but when you do it, it's straight up hilarious. Your handle on conversational dialogue is amazing. But oh well, one of you will die. See you guys on hell.

Rose's avatar
10 years ago
Finally getting around to this motherfucker. I've been saving it for last because it's probably the toughest match for me this round. It's a good thing I can't see the scores anymore, because I would probably just wait until the last second and vote so it's a tie XD Critiques coming soon!

Adam@!'s avatar
10 years ago
crap you two... need to mull this one over lol. Not only am I chin deep in reading old comics to learn about that red pixel thing, and find out that both announcers are glavo's characters judging the fight between future glavo and jpop, but I also enjoyed both the quaky justarhymes chaos and the almost bat-man dark knight feel to glavo's story.... I'll get back to you mad men in midweek... Great battle the both of you though

GALVO's avatar
10 years ago
justin: dude i wish i coulda done more with this character, i hadn't realized how many fights you were in, its bonkers. i really wanted to touch on the theatre hazard and cock rockers but shit was getting to crowded- it was an honor battling you amigo <3 nina: had to do some mad research on these haha, read through several old old ooooold battles, it was nice <3

neens's avatar
10 years ago
this is another close vote for me cause I loved both!! both of these had a couple references I think that went over my head but I had fun reading all the same.

justarhymes's avatar
10 years ago
Gabe, that was rad. You nailed JPOP, and nailed his end even more. I'm real happy with what you did. It was such a pleasure to FINALLY get to battle you. I wasn't initially very hopeful about my chances of going on, so I decided to go down swinging.. which resulted in the most fun I've had making comics in years (on Void, at least). Wish I could make them more!

arpelayre's avatar
10 years ago
hahaha wow, these were great! JPOP is definitely an opponent I have no idea how to handle, but I think Galvo did it excellently here. Very funny. And Justa, still as crazy and 'out there' as it gets. These are both great, it'll be a tough vote.. I had laughs and was highly entertained. Good luck!

luniara's avatar
10 years ago
LMAO! I LOVED THEM BOTH! AHAHAHA! What an epic way to start a morning.

GALVO's avatar
10 years ago
i dont even ... i shouldn't have read this before i went to bed. i'm gonna have dreams of me fucking myself now. love his design justin, the one in the godopods. and thanks for using daku. i miss him xoxo

GALVO's avatar
10 years ago
godammit dan... i think you might have just divulged justin's entire story.

GALVO's avatar
10 years ago
Adam@!: lol I feel I need to go read more old comics to prepare for this battle...

Adam@!'s avatar
10 years ago
lol I feel I need to go read more old comics to prepare for this battle...

Kevin Birtcher's avatar
Kevin Birtcher
10 years ago
No slouching! This could go either way.

GALVO's avatar
10 years ago
i'm more worried about this battle than diabolical's. you might best me with yer jokes :T

justarhymes's avatar
10 years ago
This is a baby Justin dream match. I've gotta do him proud.

neens's avatar
10 years ago
I'm excited for this one, cause I know what justin's got up his sleeve huhuhu