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The Rebel

2 Weeks + 1 Week
Regular Match


The Rebel
By Energy
chat_bubble 10
star star
Jessie Valley
Final Score: 4.02
The Rebel
By Minteh
chat_bubble 10
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.27

Comments (10)

Minteh's avatar
11 years ago
Thanks so much guys :) pocky: I need loads of practice with them. Sound Effects were intentionally left out on this comic because I felt they took away more than they added, due to my shoddy skills. Their presence definitely could have upped the clarity of certain scenes. fred: all super valid points. I really wanted to fire a death laser in this comic, but I also wanted to keep it short. I think a whole day was spent just cutting and adding to that area and eventually it was "this will work", but it's not clear enough. As for the Void Transit stop, the "A" is a really common shape over here used for bus stops/stations/transit outposts, I didn't even think it could be misconstrued, but I totally get that. The last page is a huge case of "I know what happens so it totally makes sense" when it needs more support for the less-informed. Basically she left him passed out on the couch and totally vacated to another location. I think Pocky's comment about sound effects could have brought more clarity to it. Puzzle: I had so much fun drawing and inking and colouring page 5. Funny enough it took the least amount of time, I was so into it. I struggle with smaller spaces and don't know what to fill, and plain don't have that 'sense' of what to leave in and what to cut when things get larger/smaller, closer/further (yet, anyways) when it comes to the remaining pages. I want so bad to get to that level of love and care for backgrounds, just gotta practice-practice-practice till it happens. As for the shadows on page one, that was a "Merge Visible Layers" mishap that I didn't notice until I was uploading. At that point I had no way to add more shadows to it, or remove shadows from it. Around colouring page 2 I knew I wouldn't have time to shade everything so I decided to go for flats all the way (excepting page 5). Revisited Page 1 and had no choice but to upload it as-is, unfortunately.

Puzzlething's avatar
11 years ago
Energy - You need to show more care with your strokes when you're adding in shadows. Don't just scribble around haphazardly to get the area filled, feel around the object you're rendering. Keep it's form in mind. You can also buy or make a tortillion stump for blending. It's just a piece of newsprint paper curled in on itself to make a sturdy pencil shape. It's better than blending with your finger because you won't leave any oil down on the page and it has a finer point. Keep beating away at those fundamentals Energy! Don't just do comics, you need to exercise your basics. Draw still lives until your swimming in them! Mintley - Why does you're shading kinda pop in and out? Did you run out of time? It's like, the first panel of the first page is the only spot where everything has a shadow, and your forms look super lovely, and then instantly your peeps skin no longer get to have shadows. And then slowly all your characters and backgrounds lose their shadows. Also, try to be a little more experimental with your shadows, go cold or hot or electric pink. Mess around with it, it makes such a huge difference. Also, you have a tendency to cut off the tops of peoples heads in your shots. Like alot. It can be a little awkward. try to keep most of the important characters head in the shot, unless you really wanna get in close and personal. Dude, the destruction page tho, omg. So much yes. So much love and care put into everything. Like, I love all the details you added, like the bits of roofing tile flying up into the laser, the water spout on the side of the building, the sliding metal bit on the window of the transit station. It's all so great dude, if you put that same care into all your backgrounds, holy shit, it'd be ridiculous. Great stuff yo.

Fred's avatar
11 years ago
Mint: Why did Cornelius think his hand was more threatening than the gun? Sure, it's a fucking weapon of mass destruction, as those buildings will attest, but to someone who doesn't know that (including him, apparently), it's just a bit weird and creepy. Also, it's kind of odd that Jessy says 'you're on your own from here, kid' while apparently letting him sleep on her couch? What is she gonna do, throw him out her window before he wakes up? Because if trouble was to be gotten from this, he's still on her couch and if people saw them get in there, she's still in danger so long as he's there. I really like the destruction page, it really brings across how impressive that laser beam is and I really was all like 'HOLY FUCK' when it happened. The 'Void A transit' thing looks strange though, it just sticks out and then looks too important, I think in large part because of it's centrality and how round it is compared to everything. I also like how used white in the first page, and a couple of times afterwards, but mostly it's boring emptiness. Don't just love your backgrounds when you're laserbeaming them! Also that window in page 3 shows the interior of... a midget restaurant? your perspective and scale isn't right. I'm kinda unsure where they are, it looks like that would be an area of 3-4 story brick buildings from what little we see of it, but the laser seems to come from that residential almost suburban area, no bricks, no midget restaurants or shops. Overall, it's pretty nice, I liked it. Energy: Not sure what's going on, he's meeting that mask person but then no one seems to know why they're meeting? He defected that group (whatever that group is) but still wearing their mask? Why does Jessy and her peeps care about spying on random mask people meeting random eyearm people? The person in their group is annoed at heir arguing, but it doesn't really seem like they're really arguing, there's things being said in a very calm manner, it seems to me. Anyway, you're still improving, keep at it.

Pennydox's avatar
11 years ago
Congrats on no defaults! For the both of you, try experimenting with sound effects.

Minteh's avatar
11 years ago
Energy, awesome! You totally nailed his personality, I really like the story you spun here, plus I think Corn would be flattered if he knew they were talking about him being even remotely badass hahaha. Thanks so much for the challenge, it was a blast!

Energy's avatar
11 years ago
God, that was a close one, but I finished and uploaded.

Minteh's avatar
11 years ago
Uploaded! I'm super stoked for this to go up, hope you all enjoy!

Majikura's avatar
11 years ago

Sabulive's avatar
11 years ago
AH YES EAGER TO SEE LASER EYE ON ARM IN ACTION If either of you default I'll cry

Minteh's avatar
11 years ago
Thanks for the Challenge, energy! Let's make it a good one :)