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Johnny Sweet vs Prisma Thanatos vs Veronica Nightingale vs Xia

5 Weeks + 1 Week
Regular Match


Johnny Sweet vs Prisma Thanatos vs Veronica Nightingale vs Xia
By Cracking Skulls & Majikura
chat_bubble 16
star star
Veronica Nightingale
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.94
Johnny Sweet vs Prisma Thanatos vs Veronica Nightingale vs Xia
By Sabulive & Pepper JAQ
chat_bubble 16
star star
Prisma Thanatos
star star
Johnny Sweet
Final Score: 6.99

Comments (16)

Puzzlething's avatar
11 years ago
Kura/Skulls - I feel like you guys could use less lines when you're illustrating action stuff. They don't really seem to mesh with the incredibly tight and simple character art. It feels kinda jarring. Besides the quality sorta dipping in the later pages, that's all I can really say! I hate that I'm late commenting on this, and that I totally don't have anything helpful to say on top of that. Laaaaame. It's a great comic though guys, I love how you just keep the story moving forward. It's way too easy to just tread water storywise, and you're totally forging onward. I can't wait to see how dudes piggy back and add onto this story, and I can't too see if this alliance erupts into flames. I'm totally never a part of it, but inter-void storylines are so cool. Sabu/Slade - It sucks how often you throw your nice backgrounds away and just shoot your peeps in coloured-gradient-void-land. Especially when you showed how capable you were of drawing backgrounds at any angle and from any direction. You should totally be showing that kinda skill off dude! I think you could push the sense of depth in your fight scenes a little more. By exaggerating the motion of stuff through space, it feels more dramatic and draws the viewer more into the scene. Really plopping the reader down into the fight is a great way to have it feel intense. Like those two shots of the gun in the middle of page 8, that was great! The colour on that first page was craaaaaazzyyy good. I love how soft it feels, even with all those dark colours. And the story really does flow so naturally. It's a shame you couldn't finish guys.

Minteh's avatar
11 years ago
Kura and Skulls: This was an intense ride from front to back, the pacing was great and I love these kinds of plots that the site can really buzz about and take ideas from. You did a great job of portraying the vastness of the underground throughout the chase which also really helped push forward the idea that maybe it really was too much for Xia to handle on her own. I definitely feel like Veronica and Xia's alliance isn't so natural, I'm really looking forward to future comics from both of these characters to see how that works out. Sabs + Slade: Really great effort on this, those colours are lookin' good on the pages you were able to add them. It's fun to see Kale kicking around as an NPC. I really liked your scene transitions as well. Definitely wishing it was finished up, but I can't complain because what you have here was rockin'.

Gregly's avatar
11 years ago
sabs+slade: pretty nice stuff, i really love those colors but it's a shame it wasn't the whole story of course--but i realize there were scheduling problems that couldn't be worked around. i want to say again how great the colors are though, they're vibrant but not overpowering at all. the backgrounds you have look amazing, and you have just the right amount so i didn't mind when they became just colors behind the characters. you guys made kooshkoosh look so badass on the first page! skulls+kura: nice work putting out a finished comic with so many pages! I liked seeing the scale of the dig site and the reveal of heimium--this stuff is going to cause some changes on the site which is super cool! It was pretty easy to read everything but some stuff I only got on the second read-through, like Anita messing with her gun on page twenty. I don't have too many pointers or critiques to be honest... but i'm super excited to see what happens next!

Animeshen's avatar
11 years ago
Kura and Skulls- what a great story! Great action, great pacing, great character, i loved it from start to finish! its too bad you didn't finish toning but honestly i didn't even notice that the first time though, I had to look at all the thumbnails lined up to actually catch that because the story and art were still so compelling without them. Xia and Veronica are a good team, and practical business partners, i think this collab was a good idea to get them talking. So is Void going to start to be inundated with super crystals? haha cool! that could make for some fun battles in the future- if people can afford them! Great comic! You guys did a superb job! Sabu and Slade- ahh, I was gonna give you SO MANY MORE points when i thought your whole comic would look like those first couple pages! FANTASTIC scene setting, and your colours are phenomenal! That first page with Koosh in the mine shaft- fantastic! great panel layout and dialogue, I liked where your story was going- and then it abruptly stops! ^^; I was so disappointed, I liked the setup you had and I wanted to know how it got resolved! but I won't be too mad because except for that blue pencil page, all your efforts look VERY good. (Johnny with pancakes! so adorable!!) Great team effort you guys! Everybody did fantastic, I can see you all worked very hard and I was super stoked to read these!

Pennydox's avatar
11 years ago
So I don't mistake anyone's contribution with the other artist collaborating, I'll be treating this like one person did each comic. Kura/Skulls: Unfortunately, I did not get some jokes until they were explained to me, so might have missed a few plot holes. The combination of strong lines and shading was a good combo. I like the subtle halftone design too. Sometimes too subtle, and kinda makes it feel more like a texture overlayed over some grays, and then suddenly the light grays look like solid colors, and does not compliment the other grays with halftone design. Also a little more contrast in the grays would help too. At one point all the main characters weren't shaded at all, not sure if it was intentional or not. Their eyes are sometimes draw super duper tilted, got to watch out for that. Even if their eyes are tilted, I think they seemed a little too extreme. Regarding explosion thingies, sometimes I felt the lines were too intense, and looked more like an inkblot on the page (might have been the shape of the thing too). I like the gun/explosion things, but sometimes the friction between the wheels and floor just didn't seem right to me. For page 19/panel 2, I can see Xia banging her wrist on the handlebar, but that 'impact' picture's linework was too subtle to pick up at first glance. It might be because of line width being too similar to everything else with it. I would recommend you erase everything around that image a little to help it stand out (you can do that with word bubbles too sometimes). I know Kura you aren't too fond of sound effects, but for such an action packed comic, adding a few would have given a much better understanding of every character's direction/situation in the comic, and given even more impact when their weapons were being charged. Sabo/Slade: Wish I could see the rest. Great coloring effort! Page 7 with Johnny's eyes really really bugs me. Some sound effects/text needs to be emphasized a little more because it bleeds with the background (page 5/panel 5, page 7/panel 4+6, page 8 panel 2+3, etc). Unfortunately, the color is so amazing that it's throwing my senses off and that's all I can say about your comic.

Pepper JAQ's avatar
Pepper JAQ
11 years ago
Thanks Tin for the comment... though time and poor time management was more my enemy then Sabu's. I was on pencils and she on inks. Had I been on schedule with the pencils, things might have been different. So, I'll take that comment about working on shorter stories for the time being (was already planning something for later this week. It's time I did that three page challange Angie set up in the VCU)

TINMAN's avatar
11 years ago
Alright, I've been eagerly anticipating this one for some time. Lets get down to it. Kura/Skulls- Definitely intriguing story developments here, continuity and sense of scale bonus points. Dialogue is tight as always and the concepts at play set a precedent for future developments we've been awaiting for some time. Art wise I'm digging the clean digital inks, I'm assuming Kura inked Skulls pencils- but the story telling is synched well. She the grey tones dropped out halfway thru- as it lends much dimension to the detailed inks and heavy whites. Your sense of setting suffers a bit, but the kinetics of the chase scene are palpable and the power usage was well played. Overall, its a brilliant package and well worth the wait. Sabs/Slade- Well done effort you guys, You went big, just wish I could have seen resolution- I think time is your enemy so you should learn to shoot for smaller or more edited stories you can finish Sabs. The 2000 AD route. But your shots are well chosen and your anatomy has improved dramatically. Your presentation is dense and highly polished- book worthy, although it comes apart towards the end the battle scene has a good sense of movement, in the end I just wanted more Brute violence and Johnny fisticuffs.

Cracking Skulls's avatar
Cracking Skulls
11 years ago
-internally screaming- Almost there... :'D

Rose's avatar
11 years ago
Still excited for this! Skulls and Kura, your character icons are so precious. :D

Pepper JAQ's avatar
Pepper JAQ
11 years ago
Awww it's been fixed. Oh well. Funny while it lasted. Still, this is on like dixie kong : p Asskickings coming soon X3

Sabulive's avatar
11 years ago
Ah yes, each week has around 115 days, I forgot, silly me