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Scarmageddon 2013

5 Weeks
Scar Match


Scarmageddon 2013
By Pepper JAQ
chat_bubble 43
star star
Prisma Thanatos
Final Score: 4.36
Scarmageddon 2013
By Minteh
chat_bubble 43
star star
Final Score: 4.17
Scarmageddon 2013
By Wolcik
chat_bubble 43
star star
Mr Awesome
Final Score: 4.80
Scarmageddon 2013
By The Bent One
chat_bubble 43
star star
heart_broken DEFAULT
Final Score: 0.00
Scarmageddon 2013
By Sabulive
chat_bubble 43
star star
Johnny Sweet
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.10

Comments (43)

Sabulive's avatar
11 years ago
The BenT One: I guess it's time for everyone to take their medicine (except for Johnny, that is). I'm just a little confused on exactly what the Beast's scar was. Did his back get broken?
Yeah, haha my scars at the end get confusing: Awesome got his legs cut off above the knee Cornelius got a magical, snarky amulet attached to his arm Anita go her left ankle lasered off and the Beast got his back broken by a two tonne terrifying dino.

The Bent One's avatar
The Bent One
11 years ago
I guess it's time for everyone to take their medicine (except for Johnny, that is). I'm just a little confused on exactly what the Beast's scar was. Did his back get broken?

Mister Kent's avatar
Mister Kent
11 years ago
SLADE - Really nice start. I like the crisp inky linework in the first few pages, but it gets less consistent as you go. Nice Estrella cameo! I think overall I could deal with the lack of dialogue, but the sketchieness and lack of backgrounds hurt your performance here. MINTLEY - I like your style choices here. The lines are very clean, almost LeFred-esque in their quirkiness. After a while however its too many pages with no dialogue, and the art itself isn't (in this case) isn't telling enough of the story on its own for me to tell what's going on. WOLCIK - I would have enjoyed the story you were going for, but at a certain point it became much too clear to even tell what you intended to happen. BENTONE - ??? :( SABULIVE - Love the dramatic opening! Very bold lines here, and I like your use of solid black. Your figure work, physical expressions and such were also really strong throughout. Overall I'd say Sabu is the winner of this round for going the longest without resorting to sketchy pages and "implied storytelling", even if it was there at the very end. I recommend shorter comics so you can keep it really tight and to the point. The problem with getting too ambitious about longer stories is that time allotted never matches the time it actually takes to complete ~ I absolutely know this from experience. I suggest that next time, try a shorter but more finished comic will yield better results.

Pennydox's avatar
11 years ago
Slade: Great establishing shots. Although I do enjoy wordless comics, the hardest thing about them is trying to make sense out of it. When it’s wordless, you need to assume no one knows who is who in the comic, what exactly the character is doing, and their reaction. You are very lacking in the ‘who is who’ thing. The characters start to meld and look simpler and more vague towards the end of the story. It could partly be because it’s unfinished, but it is also the fact that the characters’ unique traits in the designs don’t stick out, so it’s hard to tell which character is who. If you do a wordless comic, it is essential to make sure you can tell the difference between all of this. Regarding what the hell is going on, your establishing shots are good but still does not tell me the information I need about the setting of the story. Probably because all the backgrounds are lacking. In a lot of comics, just having a panel that shows the setting itself, like a cityscape, or the desert. Mintly: It’s obvious you did not finish an enormous portion of this comic. When you convey expressions in this comic, I feel like it’s not the right expression. I got confused if people’s reaction to fear was from something that happened or something they’re looking at. Make sure if you’re doing a wordless comic, that it is very obvious what the other character is reacting to. An example of a confusing scene is page5, panel 6, 7, 8, 9. Is he scared of the car crash? Is the monster just laying there in two panels or breathing? Is the last panel the guy gulping because he’s scared or sucking up his gut? If it’s a wordless comic you have to make sure the pictures tell the words very clearly. Wolcik: I usually hate long monologues about one character for the entire comic, but this was actually pretty enjoyable. Other than that, the visuals were very lacking. But I like the dialogue, and it was so solid it actually made sense about the battle. That’s all I have to say. TheBentOne: meh. Sabulive: Really well done in the beginning, and towards the end your sketches became more vague and amusing to me. Eventually you might want to think of another sound effect for a gun shot. Not for this comic but for the future to consider.

Wei Ingnan's avatar
Wei Ingnan
11 years ago
I will not give a breakdown as much of what needs to be said has been. What does need to be said is this; You are all at different skill levels and most likely have different constraints on your time so I don't expect the same from all of you...with one exception......after 5 weeks I would expec representative of your normal level of work if not better.....and I would definitely expect complete Less can be more....a well crafted short story is always better than a halfassed novel and far better than an unfinished odyssey....too many people shooting too far and too high

neens's avatar
11 years ago
hoo boy. okay. lots of low scores from me. ones without dialogue, you just lost me on entertainment and creativity. I can't follow it, and I can't tell how creative you might have been. low quality scores are a no-brainer. even with dialogue, the unfinished nature of some leaves it hard to tell what's happening. mintly, it's nice that you uploaded those last pages I guess, but I can't see anything going on in them and they might as well not be there, honestly. I like the last page explaining the scars though, otherwise it's not clear. wolcik and sabu were definitely the stronger entries here, with sabu winning out due to completeness.

Minteh's avatar
11 years ago
I promise I'm inking the rest of it at my own pace haha, I fell into the same dan trap I always do, which I feel even worse about because this was a big deal to me. The last week really changed the way I think about my work mentally though, so once this is done and up, it's gonna be more battles, more drawing, and more improvement! I really appreciate all the feedback. Slade - I loved how fluid the character forms were, I did have a little bit of trouble following but that was from the lack of text. I'm used to skimming through textless panels and the like so that's partially my own bad reading habit. I'd love to see it finished up because I feel like it's got a super strong base! Wolcik - I loved your scar ideas, the story was a real interesting change of pace, too. We don't get to see Bob's thoughts a lot of the times, and it genuinely caught me off balance in a great way. I was super interested to learn about the more hidden side of Mr. Awesome. You've also got a ton of great framework down, despite the unfinished natre of it, the likenesses of the characters are astoundingly clear. Johnny - oh mannnn, I gotta say if I was gonna pick one scar out of these comics for Cornelius to get, it would have been this one. You're a total beast, Sabu, and I would totes be down for a rematch in the future! I feel like if it was totally finished you'd basically be getting perfect marks. I feel like I should have commented sooner |D you are all lovely and I hope to do battle with you all again in the future!

Wolcik's avatar
11 years ago
Ok, first of all I'm sorry about acting like ungrateful bitch. I know my entry isn't complete and I didn't make myself clear. People tend to comment mostly on the visual part of a battle where there is only one score for that and two for the story - entertainment might be consider a mix of story and art, but then again it can be consider to be a bias score cause it's ok to give higher score there if you got a cameo in a battle. What I meant about focusing on the story in incomplete cases is that when it's at least readable you could assume that the level of hypothetical art is at the last seen complete one and after giving the hard love you move to the good part. I'm not trying to inspire people to write 20+ stories with no drawing behind it, but in this scarmageddon's case I made a decision to write 22 pages first (and it seems I drop the ball in my second act monologue department - great critique, made me think) and I believed I could finish, but then life. Last of all, the 90s thing is something I have going in my mind today as I just watch a movie from 2012 about an hip hop artist that commited suicide and then after reading the real story and comments on the movie it made me see how young people see recent history, people that weren't even born then think they know how this guy felt 20 years ago growing up and blah blah blah - I didn't comment on the movie there I shouldn't be here. What do you think about name Leopold for a boy?

Puzzlething's avatar
11 years ago
Everyone said ALOT of great stuff, so I'm gonna try not to repeat things, even if I super agree. Slade - If you're not gonna put in backgrounds (which sucks cause I love me some setting), you need to use your space better. You've got huge amounts of negative space just hanging out everywhere. Too often your characters feel isolated when they shouldn't be, and the camera is often too far from the action, leaving large amounts of white space, and us feeling removed from the fight. You also seem to have a problem illustrating extreme foreshortening, which is a really useful tool to have when you're doing action scenes. I wouldn't have been able to tell, because your shot choices don't use it mostly, but on page 4 and 6 you attempt it and end up exaggerating the perspective way too little. It's pretty difficult to push that stuff too hard, so really ride into it next time. Mintley - Your figures are kinda stiff. Your drawings will feel more relaxed and stuff just by drawing alot, but you can also help it along by planning your figures out gesturally, getting the motion and action in light, quickly and rough, and then filling everything in over. Try to get as much motion and action in the initial gesture as possible, because it's just natural to lose alot of the dynamism as you refine stuff. I actually really hope you finish this dude, because from the moments I could make out, I was really interested in the story. The scene with Johnny Sweet just throwing her money at the clerk made me smile. Wolcik - It's fine to ask for some critique on your storytelling, but it's not cool to be ungrateful and dismissive of the critiques you've been given. It's disrespectful of the time and effort people go through to write them. It can be difficult and stressful to criticize other people, and most voiders are artists first, writers second. They're going to stick to what they know best when trying to help others. Peeps are gonna interact with your work how they're gonna, and you don't encourage discussion by being snippy. I'm not sure why you think your art can be separated from your story, because this is clearly an action comic. It lives or dies based on the strength of the art and visual storytelling. Also, you really need to have someone proofread for you, like your wife or a friend. Your spelling and grammar is really getting in the way of your story. Awesome's internal monologue is interesting. It seems like your kinda toying with some of the ideas Dr Manhattan was created to explore. It would have helped to set up an interesting thread of commentary throughout the fight, but you lose it the moment the fight starts for real. And that happens super early too, like on page 4. After that point, you mostly drop the sociopathic feelings of isolation. The next time we finally get a bunch of text, you've totally forgotten about that thread of ideas. It becomes mostly self-pity and plot exposition. I would've liked it if you had kept delving into the idea's of the initial pages, or at the very least slowly meandering from those idea's to the later ones in a more gradual fashion. Bent - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Sabu - UGGHHHHHH , I wish you hadn't ran out of time, I was so into your comic before it dissolved! It's really good dude! Goddamn, that train. The best panel. VOID PANEL OF THE YEAR 2013. I actually couldn't even read the CHOO CHOO without adding MOTHERFUCKER at the end in my head. I think you're doing a great job with your visual storytelling, the way you set up panels and shots is fresh and lively. This looks like a pretty rushed comic, the backgrounds are sorta hrghrhghh but your characters are still really strong and clean, and I think that's a testament to your skill at drawing a solid dude. I feel like anything I bring up can be attributed to the deadline, so let me just say it's great work regardless bro!

Rah's avatar
11 years ago
I'm sorry if I offended you, and I know life gets in the way and takes priority. Of course your job and your life is more important than VOID, we're all in the same boat in that respect. But that's what I was getting at - if you all know you won't have as much time to work on the comic, you could choose shorter stories which would give you more time to finish to a higher standard. It's really hard to critique story when it's presented in such a way that makes it difficult to follow, as G.Lo elaborated on. Comics are a visual storytelling form so saying that the art isn't as important as story doesn't make sense to me, personally - the two support each other and often if one is lacking it might detract from the other. I'm a bit confused what being a child in the 90s has to do with this - being younger than you doesn't make someones critique less valid. Anyway, you can choose to listen or not, it's not up to us, but the comment section is for people to comment on what sticks out to them and if it's the art and not the story, perhaps that says something in itself. I personally am less confident critiquing story anyway so if someone wants to jump in and do that, go ahead.

G.Lo's avatar
11 years ago
I don't want to start any drama in here but just giving my 2cents... Wolick, if you are making COMICS the story telling is VISUAL. If you hand in rough sketches, it's really hard to tell what is going on, so your story might get lost. We might miss important things that progress the story because compositional details were probably lost due to incompletion. It's different for each viewer, but for me it needed to be a little more rendered so I couldn't tell completely what was going on. What my imagination would put in place of some things that aren't clear could be the complete opposite of you intended. I know you have time constraints. You are not the only one has a job and a zillion other responsibilities unrelated to art. I get the vibe that there are probably a few of us like that in here. I won't give my life story, but I do understand what it feels like to have an incredibly small amount of time for art. Hence why I have yet to enter myself in any tournies. I KNOW I just do not have time to dedicate to stuff like that at this time, YOU need to figure out how much you can handle and carve out the time for comics if this is something you want to do, either to learn, for fun or to make it a career. It sounds like you need to figure some things out for yourself. It's not ours or your wife's responsibility to figure out what to do with your art. We're here to help push you to become a better artist, which will hopefully help you decide where you want to take your art and motivate you to do what needs to be done to get it there. Sorry for ranting, and I'm not trying to be a jerk, but we are trying to help, honest :/

Wolcik's avatar
11 years ago
Can I get more critique about the story itself, because as you can see it's what I focused on. I know that people think that it's about art and learning to manage time - but drawing isn't my job. For now I work in a warehouse sending off drugs to hospitals, and it's a real stress on my fragile artistic psychic knowing that I waste myself up there. If I were getting paid to to this stuff or there was a price then you bet I'd have all those 22 pages and a cover finished in colors. It's getting harder and harder to convince my wife why I come back to void over and over. That's why I want to move awesome to webcomics site of the void. I just want to point out that I made an effort drawing actually while being at work in between shelfs to make sure that the story itself is complete, and it pains me that all critique that void offers is focused on the visual part of the medium we all love - it's not the 90s anymore and a lot of you were children back then anyway. I know that this time it's hard to comment on the flow of unfinished stories we put up, but mostly even with finished battles people get "great work, dude - work on your anatomy and tangency, etc."

Rah's avatar
11 years ago
I actually wrote this entire comment yesterday but I felt like a bit of an ass posting it. But yeah, the word "Scarmageddon" always inspired fear in me and I expected an all-out art brawl for this but these pages are mostly just sketchy and unfinished and I cannot tell what is going on in a lot of it, particularly on the scar front (even with the disclaimers at the end of a couple of your comics, it's still unclear in parts) which is sorta disappointing. Don't get me wrong, kudos to you all for producing a large bulk of work, but when the pages are really hard to follow, quantity doesn't mean much. I know life and other priorities get in the way but with something like this, you need to take that into account in the planning stages. It might have been better to all go with shorter stories so you could have produced tighter pages and really portray what you were trying to put across. I'd just have loved to have seen these ideas more fleshed out, is all, because they looked really exciting on the outset! I'll elaborate on each person's comic so it doesn't seem like I'm just being a huge dick and picking on everyone: Slade - Ok before I begin, I liked the first 2 pages a lot. I thought you got off to a strong start - real nice strong blacks and a great sense of energy and movement. I love the first panel on page two. But after that, I'm going to have to echo Jiisuri and say I also can't tell what is going on. It's not just the lack of words, the lack of backgrounds in this comic is really jarring. All the characters are acting in empty white space so I can't tell where they are, and the thick black borders really just act to draw attention to the fact. You need backgrounds to ground your characters in space and add visual interest to the panels too, so really try to bear that in mind in future. I really struggled with the fusion aspect too - wasn't sure who the third person was or how they even merged in the first place. Silent comics can work really well if your linework and sense of action and is really strong, which allows people to follow the flow, but because you seemed to have run out of time on this it just didn't work for me. Really creative scars though, I'd never have thought of anything like that. Mintley - This attempt at a silent comic was more successful, because of the crisper lines and backgrounds at the start, and then the hinted backgrounds later on. However I also found myself really straining to see the pencil lines, and completely lost what was going on. I couldn't actually finish reading it at the end because it was just so hard to see. Obviously you ran out of time for inking - that's fine, it happens, but I feel like you could have presented the unfinished pages better and altered the levels so people could read them. It actually looks like you did that in the thumbnails! But it's not the case with the pages - uploaded the wrong files, perhaps? Either way, bear that in mind in future! Wolcik - You have a good sense of movement and gesture in your figures even when they're sketchy and unfinished. A lot of this comic was thumbnails, but I could still largely follow it - although I don't know if this is just because of your use of dialogue to support the panels. It got muddled in places but I was able to pick it up again mostly. I guess I'm just going to mirror what I said to everyone else - try and manage your time better! I think you have real creative stories and you always manage to inject a great sense of humour into them using Mr Awesome so I'd have loved to see this more fleshed out. Sabu - this is more like it! Real nice inks, set your scenes well with your use of backgrounds and I really liked the way you took your story. The train part was hilarious! Comet? What comet? Obviously it's gonna be a train plummeting to earth from the sky, haha :D Clearly you ran out of time on the last few pages but the bulk of your comic is fleshed out nicely and is really easy to follow. It looks like you managed your time best out of the whole bunch and it really pays off for the most part. And some of those scars are absolutely brutal. It's just a shame in the final pages couldn't be finished because it seems the scar tally hadn't been met at that point and it's not clear what scars everyone gets at the end.

Animeshen's avatar
11 years ago
I feel like I'm having a tough time reviewing these because so many of them were so unfinished that i couldn't even tell what happened in a lot of them and who got what scars? Slade, solid inks but I think some dialogue would have really helped- backgrounds, SFX, you know. The scars you gave are pretty rad though. Mintly, yours also could have used some dialogue and backgrounds, good expressions though. Page 14 on could have used a level adjustment because my monitor picked up pretty much none of it.... Wolcik awwww man your blue pencils are really great, you build such a foundation on your characters! I mean of course i would have liked to see it finished, a lot of times I didn't actually know what characters were talking or what the action really was... dude though your roughs are the roughs everyone SHOULD be doing though lol. I liked getting that bit of Bob's insight at the beginning, about how hard it is to care about all these tiny paper people he could so easily break. Yours is one of my favorites here. Ben T come on dude. DUDE. come on. Sabu-Love awww I wanted the whole thing to look like teh first half, so pretty!! I love how you do faces and Johnnys pretty pretty hair. Train page was brilliant lol. solid story happening, and I appreciate that when you ran out of time to finish, you at least wrote down who was who on your silhouettes ^^; its just REALLY too bad right at the most dramatic and action-y part its stick figures, because... what is happening? well, good show everyone, five man battles are tough and I appreciate the effort you all went through to get what you did finished!

G.Lo's avatar
11 years ago
Slade: Definitely needed some dialogue. It was really hard to follow without it, but after reading it a coupe of times, I think I got it. I did really like your the way you laid your pages and set up your panels. Your action scenes were pretty awesome and the way your character's bodies were so fluid was great! Mintley: I could see that you had pencils p14 on, but I couldn't see into my computer monitor and on my iPad it was still really light. Make sure to darken those up so we can seeeeee! This was also kind of difficult to follow without the dialogue, but your story telling was enough to show what was going on. I absolutely love the chaotic panels on p7 and the mix of distances in the shots. Really brought out the franticness of the page. Also that bike shot on p13 looks faaaantastic! Wolick: The spelling and grammar errors were killing the flow for me. Make sure to double check that. I loved how you could tell who everyone was even if you had pretty rough sketches. The way you made each character's body and face different really helped with that. However the story gets a bit confusing as the sketches get a bit more... Sketchier and harder to figure out what all is going on. I am incredibly intrigued by the choice of scars for Johnny though! Sabulive: It is definitely hard to tell at the end with the stick figures, but I think I get the gist of it. It sucks you couldn't finish though - those blacks you had going on in the sewers were teh sex! Your backgrounds do need a little more personality. I like the shading and different line textures you did for Void on p.6 definitely makes it look livelier. Work more on your perspective. It's really noticeable on p. 14 with the bird eye. Buster and Bob would need to be a big smaller in order for everyone else's size to work the way you've drawn it. Also I think adding in more shadows and blacks would have made that panel more dramatic. I also love the snippet of Johnny's past! Really nice tie in with Scarmageddon!

Wolcik's avatar
11 years ago
This is what I'm talking about: 2 days into voting and 3 comments. Sabulive - it's obvious already that you're going to win this as your comics seems the most complete even if there's no ending which shows that you went to the next page only if the previous was ready - which is fine as you finished the script. It's strange that you put so much emotional value to Bob's scar building the tension up, and yet went with anticlimactic stamp end. It seems that to win a scarmageddon you need to remove at least two of Bob's limbs. Slade- Thanks god you gave the scar summary, but overall I know what's happening - I don't know why, and how, but it's clear that god of metal combined with awesome beast, and it lead to some scarmageddoning. I dig the horns cause they are even more hard to incorporate than a limb lose for regenerating son of an icicle. Mintley - I'm impressed with amount of pages you produced as it's your third battle and all. If ongoing comics are forever in 2nd act then your story proves that by not having a real start, as we might have just missed the last issue. Lack of dialogue hurt the story a bit, and next time don't post panel layouts without anything in there as it's just a tease - maybe start working from the dialogues next time, cause if you're not as preoccupied as I am you'd have all that and more. Ok, once I get back to health I'll try to incorporate all of my scarmageddon scars into next comics.

Jiisuri's avatar
11 years ago
And now quick comments for each! *deep breath* Slade: I'm struggling to figure out about the sudden fusion between beast, awesome and errr.....who's that? Either way, I understand you were pretty much rushing through it but I really couldn't tell much that was going on, especially without any words. I can tell you're trying to go silent comic, but it kinda backfired without readable action. I like the action poses you did manage to squeeze out though. Mintley: Pretty good attempt at this silent comic. I had a rough gist of what was going on, at least earlier on until you ran out of inking time. A shame really, because I couldn't continue straining my eyes to read the later parts. Wolcik: Love the rendering on whatever was actually inked, and actually could get a sense of who is who in the sketches, so good job. Just watch out for grammar mistakes because they get distracting, especially if it is an overarching monologue that flows throughout the plot. Bent: Dude broooooooooo make sure you absolutely can do these things before you accept this masochistic ordeal, k? Sabu: SABUUUU BABYYYYY I AM IMPRESSEEEEED...until end stick figures BUT STIIIIILLLL. Pretty darn good characterization work here, and pretty well paced too. Action has great sense of movement and dynamism too. Just a real shame you burned out for the last few pages.

Sabulive's avatar
11 years ago
What a 'sketchy' lot we are! Oh man Wolcik, the scars on Johnny are so deliciously brutal (Do I sense some bitterness between Johnny and Awesome, yes I do~) and the Brute/Ted fusion is awesome. BTW Slade, is Johnny excersing her right to bear arms both metaphorically and literally? :'D Mintley, cornelius pulls my heartstrings and I really liked the panels that show the subtle movements (the shot of his swallowing etc). Tempted to ask for a rematch down the line. Bent, I am so sorry Beast came out the sketchiest of all and devolved into a stickman with horns :C

Kozispoon's avatar
11 years ago
I'm shocked that all of these submissions were pretty ambitious and even if the bulk of them are rough and have their foundations showing you didn't leave the public hanging nor did you default (well, except for that one guy)- so kudos!

The Bent One's avatar
The Bent One
11 years ago
Sabulive: 'Welcome to the Void' feat. 'Excuses galore' :'D
Sounds about right. No excuse here, I screwed the pooch on this one. I had to choose between this and freelance work that popped up, and while I do have a full script for this, obviously I didn't get much farther than that. I'll try to get it finished and post it as a Beyond Battle (minus the scars, of course. There is still plenty of violence.) My excuse is that I just didn't work on it. I'll leave some crits later. After I finish hating myself for failing VOID again.

Sabulive's avatar
11 years ago
'Welcome to the Void' feat. 'Excuses galore' :'D Edit: For the dino affecionados (I can't be the only one!), the dinos shown in my entry were Utahraptors, Majungasaurus and of course Brute the Carnotaurus

Wolcik's avatar
11 years ago
It seems everybody has incomplete battle which is awesome and represent how we produce for even such prestigious events. I'd say it's because it's because we give Void what it gives us - void I guess (which is place to put our stuff, community and deadlines). BTW. I went to a doctor and I'm sick on a one week sick leave.

Pepper JAQ's avatar
Pepper JAQ
11 years ago
TL;DR: Woot. Ack. Yeah. *pulls up sheaves and gets back to arts... after sleep* ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Good news: Did 14 pages.... Bad? Didn't get any dialog, the quality is low, and I'm not even sure if the plot makes sense without said dialog (what dialog i did write is on the blues, and getting them figured out and fixed would take far too long.) Better news? It wasn't work, or depression (though I will admit some levels of poor time management), but rather, I am working on learning a couple of new programs (flash and poser) as well as working on a portfolio for Warner Brothers. Hoping to have that done in the next week or two X3 So, I'll more then likely lose... Hell, I would be surprised if they post my part (technaically I follow the two rules set forth by Red... but it's not very clear with how I cut the story and the lack of dialog) Still, I'm happy that I finally posted something for a change. Unless Kura sends the challenge for one of my dead girls, I'm taking a bit of time off of all my other distractions and projects, and going to work whole heatedly on that portfolio. Better job means happier Slade. Depending on the outcome of this event, I'll change the ending of the bb. (it sits mostly done, and will be the first the next week that I work on. I will get that damn thing done)

Sabulive's avatar
11 years ago
I dropped the ball so hard, it made a hole and went to China. But hey it's done WOOO. Edit: there might be an issue with my entry as the last 5 pages of mine are literally stickfigures and that is where a few of my opponents get scarred... just a heads up

Minteh's avatar
11 years ago
I'll be uploading soon. I have never had this much trouble with my scanner before. Three hours to scan my pages, so no text (not to mention also kinda rough). Booooo ): EDIT: all uploaded!

Red's avatar
11 years ago

Sabulive's avatar
11 years ago
Laughs Who hasn't finished ten pages of their entry? Hint: It's me, working till the deadline it going to be beautifully painful :'D

Red's avatar
11 years ago
We will be reviewing each comic before it is posted. Make sure you: 1. INCLUDE EVERY CHARACTER. 2. CLEARLY GIVE EACH CHARACTER A SCAR. If you do not meet these requirements, then unfortunately this is considered a default and your pages will not be posted. Please be patient tomorrow while we go through each comic, do thumbnails, and remove any invalid comics (hopefully there won't be any!).

Wolcik's avatar
11 years ago
Ok, I've uploaded what I had - if I knew before how life would be for me then I'd do the sketches better - I could have stay remaining 8 hours and probably do most of it like it is in some places, but I'm sick and don't know if I'll get a sick leave tomorrow at work. I hope you can follow and dig the story cause this at least is done. Anyway, I'm going to give my pregnant wife a back rub and then sleep. EDIT - Don't feel fucked over, cause I'll include everybody from scarmageddon in Awesome's webcomics once I get back on my feet.

Minteh's avatar
11 years ago
It's coming down to crunchtime guys! Good luck to all of you, see you back here in a week or so :D

Rose's avatar
11 years ago
So glad I'm not going to be destroyed by any of you guys! Good luck!

Sabulive's avatar
11 years ago
PSA! I realised that Johnny has dinos with her (adurr). So if anyone has no clue how to scar her, her dinos are free for all.

Evi's avatar
11 years ago
Scarmageddon, so intense! so excite!

Jiisuri's avatar
11 years ago
Ladies and gentleman, I shall now declare that I will challenge the winner of this group to a scar match with Clyde provided uni isn't kicking my ass.

Sabulive's avatar
11 years ago
Wolcik: Okey, I'll start ploting how to ruin all of you
Nu-uh Ima ruin you first

Wolcik's avatar
11 years ago
Okey, I'll start ploting how to ruin all of you

Sabulive's avatar
11 years ago
Screams gently into the night

Puzzlething's avatar
11 years ago

Rose's avatar
11 years ago
Sorry guys, I messed up and put you all on the same team. It should be looking normal now.

Minteh's avatar
11 years ago
battle royale scar match! I think it's set up differently because it's not a 'normal' match type.

PyrasTerran's avatar
11 years ago
wait is this a battle royale or a beyond battle?

Mister Kent's avatar
Mister Kent
11 years ago
Yeaaaauhh! Let's see some major scarrage, people, and good luck!