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Game Night

5 Weeks + 1 Week
Regular Match


Game Night
By Fred
chat_bubble 42
star star
Casino Reasoning
Final Score: 7.32
Game Night
By Red
chat_bubble 42
star star
TL Bot
Final Score: 6.70
Game Night
By Animeshen
chat_bubble 42
star star
Final Score: 6.07
Game Night
By Ten Dead Kings
chat_bubble 42
star star
Final Score: 5.70
Game Night
By Zest
chat_bubble 42
star star
heart_broken DEFAULT
Final Score: 0.00
Game Night
By PyrasTerran
chat_bubble 42
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.62

Comments (42)

Puzzlething's avatar
11 years ago
Lefred - Ahahaha that was great dude. The greyscale sections definitely had some of your strogest art yet, your def getting way better dude. VIOLENCE HIGH FIVE! Red - Ahahaha, serious Kars was the best. It sucks that you had to rush to get everything in dude, cause there was some really cool stuff early on. Like I really love that first establishing shot of the throne room. Supapritty. Shen - Ahahah "BUT I NEED THAT!", I'd super love to see this cleaned up a little, because the story and jokes flow so well into eachother. You should do more writing in the car because it's really a pleasure to read! TDK - I really like that you're filing the page more, and your linework feels way cleaner. Pyras - Ahahahaha goddamn dude, this is definitely my favorite comic of yours EVER. The sunset punchline was just, so perfect. I think your grey shadows dull your use of colour a little, but besides that I super enjoyed your entry.

JoshuaEliGilley's avatar
11 years ago
hahahhaaaa wow indeed dudes. these were great!! I like everyone's take on the real vs. game world, and you guys got legit D & D knowledge, pass me a dew!!

Kozispoon's avatar
11 years ago
Wowie wow wow WOW you guys!! This was sooo much fun to read! Seriously, all of them. Not only was the concept super entertaining, but its always fabulous to see a group project like this among VOIDers come together like this. You have definitely entertained the masses. I love that Maitre's pages had that old D&D feel to them, while Red's relied on those ominous heavy blacks and his contrast. Animeshen, I think keeping to your loose pencils really enhanced the pacing and overall actiony urgency of your comic, and holy crap Pyras, your comic was funny as hell. Its the one I definitely went to read twice to benefit from some quality LOLs. I sure hope more of these group projects happen and that I'm around to get in on the action!

Zest's avatar
11 years ago
You guys have all done an amazing job. I am seriously ashamed at myself for not finishing and posting in time.

JCee's avatar
11 years ago
Nice work there everyone (well...those who got theirs on time, but still!)

Evil Eye's avatar
Evil Eye
11 years ago
High marks all around on this one. I like that LeFred lampshaded the fact that literally everyone uses that "beep boop" "I will now reply as though that made sense" joke. I didn't expect you to keep doing it and certainly didn't expect it to end up the way it did hahaha Pyras made me sincerely laugh so many times though. Your grasp of comic timing is really good. pun intended.

PyrasTerran's avatar
11 years ago
William Duel: dude last week in the pirate pathfinder game I'm in (we're using alternate rules where the defender has to roll a defense roll against an attack roll, negating that automatic 10 that AC usually has), both the player and the DM rolled 1's simultaneously against each other, THREE TIMES. The equivalent of the attacker and defender flailing their arms or something

William_Duel's avatar
11 years ago
I am the real life TLBOT. Pretty sure I've done all of these things. I am especially infamous for rolling multiple 1s. People kept yelling about how it was statistically impossible for me to roll so many 1s or something...

Animeshen's avatar
11 years ago
Okay I'm ready to do proper critiques now XD LEFRED- i love how you put detail into every page, the backgrounds are so moody and the characters lookl so unique! Malec of course hitting on Lilyfeather had me rolling on the floor! Zombie nazis always make every comic better, and then of course theres that AWESOME TLBOT DANCE PARTY that was the BEST POSSIBLE ENDING oh my god XD Red- ahhhhh your inks are so pretty~! and omg your "super sexy" depiction of everybody in character was so great! I love how we both wrote a joke about TLBot's critical failure hurting his party XD ITS JUST SO HIM oh man tho you draw him so hilarious! That very last panel of Kars is my FAVORITE, I'm gonna save that drawing forever and make it a desktop so I can just laugh some more every so often! Animeshen: You suck omg can you at least TRY to finish a comic someday what the hell TDK- You captured party dynamic so perfectly! oh man when you had them all searching stupid bullshit because "THERES GOTTA BE SOMETHING IN HERE" and then they just start fighting about casting Detect Evil and stabbing the walls, I can easily see myself as a part of that group just yelling at everyone XD great job capturing a true DnD atmosphere! its short but you captured so much in 3 pages! Also your depiction of TLBot as an orc is so far my favorite XD Pyras- OH MY GOD. THE. BEST. I was seriously cracking up on like EVERY PAGE your comedy was THE BEST your expressions were THE BEST holy shit that cat gag, I thought I would just die. "Bad ass Bot casts mage hand." SWAT. and of course need I mention the Lilyfeather/Miller thing; YOU KILLED ME. DEAD NOW. DEAD OF DEAD. no serious I'm gonna make Lily's crush on Miller TOTES CANON NOW holy shit sorry everyone if I seem biased buy Pyras' comic is my favorite hands down XD THESE WERE AMAZING EVERYBODY GREAT JOB!!

PyrasTerran's avatar
11 years ago
you guys all win it is decided Even with busy schedules and some unfinished work everyone produced something special that just makes the whole all the better <3

Mister Kent's avatar
Mister Kent
11 years ago
Oh these are so funny! Critiques later, but first ~ congrats on an awesome event!

Red's avatar
11 years ago

Animeshen's avatar
11 years ago
OH MY GOD you guys CRACK ME UP! XD These are the BEST!! I love seeing all the ways everyone interpreted the roles- especially the hilarity of TLBot as an orc! Everyone is so creative lol! If I wasn't in this contest and could vote I'd give you all tens! omg I am in TEARS over here fo' srs

Darius Corry's avatar
Darius Corry
11 years ago
You know. . . I thought that's what I saw in LE MAITRE DU DONJON's first thumbnail but I thought "naah that's just my perv mind". . I shouldn't be relieved of the conifrmation.

Rose's avatar
11 years ago
Okay guys, get voting! I'm sad that Brian wasn't able to submit anything, but I know he's got a lot of shit going down right now.

PyrasTerran's avatar
11 years ago
Btw my comic doesn't have any central narrative, like my koma strips a few years back, it's just a series of 4-panel strips, with some sequential connections every like 2-3 pages. I didn't get to do all the ideas I had, but I hope y'all enjoy :|

Ten Dead Kings's avatar
Ten Dead Kings
11 years ago
Red: Ahhhh poo. Did you email them to Bobo? BOBO HURRY UP!!!
I uploaded them to Angie.

Red's avatar
11 years ago
Ahhhh poo. Did you email them to Bobo? BOBO HURRY UP!!!

Ten Dead Kings's avatar
Ten Dead Kings
11 years ago
Uploading normally is hating me today, emailing the pages for upload.

Animeshen's avatar
11 years ago
Mines up! I'm sorry- I wrote it all in a car and I had no references available, so everyone is out of character and all my stats are wrong! I hope you can read my handwriting! (man someday I'm gonna turn in a Lily comic thats actually COMPLETE.)

Red's avatar
11 years ago
I had a hard time finding time for this, so don't expect my best! I wish I had more time to give more attention to each character too. If I had known how little time I was going to have for this then I wouldn't have done this haha, but ITS DONE! I had so many ideas that I just couldn't do! Bah!

Mister Kent's avatar
Mister Kent
11 years ago
YOU GUYS Just a little over NINE HOURS you guys oh my god

Animeshen's avatar
11 years ago
I hear ya red. 5 weeks and mine aren't even going to see a drop of ink ^^; lol hope you all can read my handwriting.

PyrasTerran's avatar
11 years ago
Pretty sure your few pages will destroy any dribble that I ever throw at the submit button :| Good luck everybody! I'm pretty excited to see what we all come up with~

Red's avatar
11 years ago
sigh, I wish I could extend again haha. I've never been so behind on a comic in my life :(

Mister Kent's avatar
Mister Kent
11 years ago
I'm sure our eyes will bleed from awesomeness anyway :3

Red's avatar
11 years ago
Zest: Oh gosh okay yes wonderful. Mine's only going to be four pages, but by god they'll be a damn good four pages.
Mine will probably be similar.

Zest's avatar
11 years ago
Oh gosh okay yes wonderful. Mine's only going to be four pages, but by god they'll be a damn good four pages.

Red's avatar
11 years ago
Extended because I have uh, like half a page done. Hoorrraaaayyyyyyy!!!

Animeshen's avatar
11 years ago
oh my god I am totally failing at getting anyone's characters right I am so sorry

PyrasTerran's avatar
11 years ago
then this is our birthday present for you! (or anyone could extend it if need be,..)

Red's avatar
11 years ago
I just realized that the deadline is my birthday :o

Ten Dead Kings's avatar
Ten Dead Kings
11 years ago

Julz's avatar
11 years ago
SO EXCITE YESSSSS (and jealous)

PyrasTerran's avatar
11 years ago
GAME NIGHT For those who don't know, this is a themed battle royale with some parameters. The shtick: these six characters of ours are playing Dungeons and Dragons together. The twist: each character's class has been selected at random, one character will be selected as Dungeon Master, and all 6 comics will adhere to these selections. This will give the feeling of the party having gone through multiple adventures and nights of gaming with each other, through the 6 comics. As such all 6 by the end can be considered "canon" if you're into that kind of thing i guess. In the case of Ten Dead Kings and I, our characters were chosen at random as well, and TDK also had his race chosen at random. Here were the results: Casino Reasoning: Dungeon Master TL Bot: Half-Orc Mage Lilyfeather: Elf Rogue Kars: Half-Elf Fighter Leland: Gnome Cleric Miller: Half-Elf Monk Best of luck to everyone, and most of all, may we have fun with this and produce cool comics that reflect that~ GAME NIGHT

Mister Kent's avatar
Mister Kent
11 years ago
Yay I've been eagerly awaiting this announcement! Can't wait to read it :D

Red's avatar
11 years ago