Fed, I loved your comic. You managed to make it feel epic without drawing it out, and I just love Ted Bushberry even more after reading this comic. I have to agree with Video that it ended too quickly for me, but you still managed to wrap it up enough that it didn't feel completely abrupt. I would recommend finding a better font for your dialogue, though, even though it kinda fit with your style here.
Underwoodwriter, I am ever impressed by your beautiful character designs. Your cartoony style lends itself so well to creating a memorable myriad of lovable characters, even if those characters shouldn't be lovable at all. I had a bit of a hard time reading your tall, dark, handsome handwriting from time to time, but I found it quite charming overall. Also, your comics inspire in me a desire to use verbiage that I normally would not even think to employ, so cheers to you, ole chap! Furthermore, I applaud your use of unique manners of speech for each of the characters in the comic. I feel like I can actually hear the voices of each character instead of just the regular voices in my head. An epic battle all around, and I can't wait for the rest of it!
Keep it up, both of you!
wow.. I wanna print these out and staple them together to have my own Ted Bushberry comic book.. Fantastic stuff Underwood! Love the whole Western-setting you've established, and Ted looks brilliant, like the cowboy I always knew he could be :P (Kudos for scratching out his name everywhere ;) - Hope to read the rest sooooon!!
You guys, Larger than life adventures are the best. For both comics, it ended way too quickly for me. Great match, any specific compliments wouldn't mean as much as I would like them to.
Don't worry you still have about 25 more pages incoming once I finish the lot. I kinda got strapped for time but I'll soon remedy that.
You guys, Larger than life adventures are the best. For both comics, it ended way too quickly for me. Great match, any specific compliments wouldn't mean as much as I would like them to.
these are so magnificent I could cry! such amazing epic stories! I'm afraid to vote because if I do I will be contributing to someone's death AND I WOULD BE AN ACCOMPLICE TO MURDER and I would be sad! I will give you even marks. no thats not fair. Fed drew a cemetery scene with Gravekeeper and Gray didn't get a cameo so underwoodwriter gets my vote XD no but seriously you guys did amazing, I'm super happy I got to read these!
Aaaaaah wow. To both. I can't even vote on this yet, just need the magnificence of both to sort of sit on my mind a while. Great job to both of you though!!!
Geeeez.. every comic contains in it a lesson and the lesson I learned from this: Make sure you have a roof over your head before issuing challenges left and right! Juggling a comic while trying to find a place to sleep for the night does not for a happy Fed make. If I had that issue solved, I believe the quality of the comic would've improved..
But whatever.. It's DONE! FINISHED! UPLOADED!
And if you want a tune to go with it, let me suggest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5V-FRIDtWo
(as a side-comment, this is actually my second comic for this battle.. the first featured Orion re-telling the "legend of Ted Bushberry" over a game of a poker.. it was a huge mess and hardly involved Ted and Angus at all (they were featured in 4 of 10 pages...), so I was really happy I got the chance to redo it)
OKAY UPLOADED THE FIRST HALF... I do beg your apologies ladies and gentlemen, but the rest will be a beyond battle, owing to constraints. *exit stage left*
Underwoodwriter has recently been in a massive blackout, it's lasted two days and hopefully will be fixed soon. He only had enough time in the dA chat to pass on the message due to using his emergency power. I don't think he was in any danger, but I still hope he's ok.
Comments (23)