Julienya, hope you don't mind I put Nyasuu in bed with Jimmy, if I'd had 'net I would have asked for permission first.. ^^
Naw it's perfectly fine. You pretty much never need to ask me permission, though I appreciate it =3
'MEN LIKE THAT ARE PERFECT FOR MY EXPERIMENTS' made me laugh and wake up my roommate. I liked the backgrounds and minimal use of color in this comic.
I gave more points to you, Fed, in the end because of the more serious tone of his comic. Ted Bushberry has been up to this point a joke-y character in funny comics, and it's good to see that the character is developed enough to stay realistic in this situation. It's cool to see how Ted is when he loses; the acting in your comics is always really good.
Hey, thanks all! I feel the need to explain a few things about this comic, but first
Kinuchio! Wonderful stuff man! I love your style, it's like candy... candy you can eat. You draw Ted the way I wish I could draw him..Your dialogue flows like it ain't no thang and it's just overall amusing. Ted and Jimmys dad hit it off well and I love the ex-wife / horse conundrum! I'm glad to hear you liked the story, I had real fun writing and drawing Jimmy - He's the first character where I felt I didn't have to "stretch" the backstory ((...)"willing to risk well-organized plans to save someone." was the line that gave it away) and you have already created a universe that Ted fit right into.
But man, these one week deadlines are killer. If I had another 24 hours I would add more into the inking (I've missed spots here and there, scratches come and go, Teds glasses aren't filled in etc), one panel is unfinished.. and I still had 4 more panels planned. Also I did this comic without the aid of internet, so no references or character sheets to help, and the terrible scanner - I'm happy I finished, but.. 24 more hours..
Anyways, thanks for all your nice feedback, I'm glad you all liked the story. Julienya, hope you don't mind I put Nyasuu in bed with Jimmy, if I'd had 'net I would have asked for permission first.. ^^
Oh and Kinuchio, did you get the subtle hint that you should withdraw from the tournament so I could go on to the fourth round? hmmmm? HMMMMM??
Fed: Great story man, you turned the idea that Ted losing his battle was a foregone conclusion right on its head, wasn't expecting to feel sympathy for the character's plight but you nailed that. Nice continuity touch with the tournament administrator-lady
Kinu: Interesting approach with this one, it worked well to broaden the scope of your continuing story, had a good laugh from the horse-in-car scenes
Fed: Incredibly well conceived plot here, very poignant, thought provoking and even a bit meta. By cutting ahead beyond the battle you get to the heart of these battles, one on one combat could only have gotten you so far here. The fallout post battle is far more interesting, playing up Boom's ultimate destiny for greatness and the mournful contemplation on loss as death by Ted. It's strong writing and heartfelt story telling. Although your art is a bit unfinished in places, a week is tough to get it all done it, it doesn't detract from the message. You've made a believer out of me.
Kinuchio: Damn I love that color palette you've got going on here, It feels very pleasingly papery and foreign. I've a penchant for horses and your incorporation of these side characters is charming.Your writing is every bit as strong as your clean cartoon style, with its perfectly formed lines and pitch perfectly sly jokes. It's a much smaller in scale story than your past few, but it has a degree of humanity that really helps ground both men. You build up Jimmy's lore via his Father and take this battle in a direction far from the direct path. Clever, his fans shall be vehemently clamoring for more Boom buttocks in the following weeks leading up to your inevitable final battle. Charm on!
Fed: Your comic gave me all the feels. Stop that. I personally liked not knowing exactly what was dream and reality, because it made me worried about poor Ted, and it's not so uncommon for dream sequences to mirror reality so closely that they begin to blur together.
Kinu: It was a great comic, and I really enjoyed seeing more of Dr. Boom. I think the only thing actually bothered me about this comic was Ted's soulless black voids for sunglasses. They look like they were painted on after the fact. A little highlight on em would totally change that. Also, I initially thought you shot the cat, and I was going to unfriend you forever. Good thing I was wrong!
This was one of the oddest matches I think I've seen from either side. Neither one was what I expected to be honest, both took totally different turns from the usual roads your previous comics would have said you'd take.
Fed, I enjoy the new direction here. The round seems pretty sketchy here and there, but that's alright it doesn't really take away from the entry ( especially with the one week rounds, boy do I know it). There are a few spelling and grammatical errors that tripped me in a couple places, like when he and Jimmy are talking in the locker room and it's almost like Ted trails off. He says " Heck you could protect the town everyone in" and I was left a bit confused. So maybe a quick proofread next time before submission by a fresh pair of eyes.I also wasn't sure what part was a dream sequence and which part wasn't, so at first I wasn't sure if the whole talk with Ted had been imagined, or even the fight too ( as in, Jimmy had had the dream before he ever even fought Ted) until Bhindi who was obviously in reality said that it had happened for sure. ( Also, you pegged Morrow right there. Attention span of nothing. Shiny butterfly? Excellent. Hahaha).
Kinu, Enjoyed the read like usual! Funny as always. I like seeing the Dad in action and thought you came up with a nice solution against a basically non-violent character. I also like the quality raise here by selecting fewer pages but still keeping the funny in. At first I didn't really know what to think of an entry that didn't involve the main character but when I reread it I decided that I liked how it tied the story from a different angle rather than coming up on it head on. It kind of seems like a prologue for the next round of your comic's tournament. Good stuff.
Oh my god, Fed, I loved it! It had a nice beginning, middle, and end. And I liked how you used some of the same areas. It made it seem like a direct continuation of my previous one lol. Honestly, Jimmy would do something like that. You nailed him. Great job, man!!
Whew, these one-week deadlines are really killer.. Didn't totally finish.. What I wouldn't have given for 24 more hours..
Anyways, posted! Soooo looking forward to reading yours Kinuchio!
I successfully posted my pages, however, there is one more I wanna put up. If I don't, I may be disqualified. But I have to go to work, so I have to do it later. Hopefully before the deadline! (Curse you work. This is all your fault!)
tl;dr If I can't, at least you guys get to see what I did. (Cuz technically, the comic is finished)
Now this'll probably be the highlight match up of Round 3! The underdog gunslinger vs the young explosive superhero. Both faced odd characters and overcome strange challenges to come this far! Tensions will brew as this match progresses towards the end. Good luck to the both of you and may justice prevail!
C'mon Fed, give 'em hell! Underdogs always have an advantage, it's the law of the universe, you just need a montage
(and of course good luck to Kinu too)
Gah! Facing the crowd-favourite, this one is going to hurt..
Good luck Kinuchio (don't think you need it though), looking forward to see Ted getting beat up in the arena :P
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