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Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 2

1 Week
Invitational 2012


Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 2
By ShouldaCouldaCola
chat_bubble 24
star star
Cat Suit
heart_broken DEFAULT
Final Score: 0.00
Invitational Tournament 2012: Round 2
By Fed
chat_bubble 24
star star
Ted Bushberry
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.19

Comments (24)

Kuro's avatar
12 years ago
Fed, your style's much more strip oriented & felt much more like a decompressed version of one. It worked well here, especially given the deadlines, but I could've done with more story happening. The end came more like a punchline than a resolution. And maybe slow down on your shading hatches, keeping them in one direction. In the fourth thumbnail, you can even see the pen bouncing back, making the lines more of a checkmark rather than a line. Lines are cleaner.

TINMAN's avatar
12 years ago
Cola: NOOOOO! Don't let this be the last we've seen of Catsuit. That would be a crime. Fed: Damn this is such tightly wound and well orchestrated comic. You pack a lot into so few pages and all your jokes land with a punch. I love your premise and the narrative, clearly intelligent writing I just wish your presentation was clean and clear to match it- your cartoony style is great but those half assed borders and misaligned layouts hurt the vibe some. You could up your game by striving for refinement and maybe using less hatching and going tonal. Still solid comic all around.

Fed's avatar
12 years ago
Evil Eye: Had a particularly strained laugh at the ending there.
Told you the jokes were cheap Anyways, thanks for all the nice feedback guys. Glad you liked it :) I'm not sure what I should improve on from here - any tips? ShouldaCouldaCola: Shame you didn't find the time to get it done :\ These 1 week deadlines can really be killer when real life interferes. I have to say Cat Suit was really a challenging character to wrap my head around, least of all draw with him standing on his hands all the time and communicating via his butt. Hope to see more from him (and you) in the future :)

ShouldaCouldaCola's avatar
12 years ago
Fed! That was super funny, the "this is not the hero void needs" line was awesome.

ShouldaCouldaCola's avatar
12 years ago
I'm so sorry everyone. This past week has been crazy busy at work. I'm super sorry Fed :(

Gibbo's avatar
12 years ago
Oh hey, like the Nova cameo at the end there Fed... and was NOT expecting that last frame! XD

Angie's avatar
12 years ago
Fed-really fun comic start to finish, the ending was very memorable. In some scenes the lines felt like they got a little thin and harder to read, perhaps it's just because I'm on a larger monitor but on page 2 a few things were getting lost. A quick fix would be to duplicate the layer in Photoshop and set it to multiply to make your lines just slightly darker.

The Sketch Fighter's avatar
The Sketch Fighter
12 years ago
I honestly did not see that coming. And some of it I wish I didn't see, haha! Pretty funny all around, man.

Animeshen's avatar
12 years ago
aw, Catsuit, wryyyy? This battle was going to be so epic! Well at least we have Ted's amazing entry, and I laughed out loud at the end! Nice job Fed!

space-aged's avatar
12 years ago
Haha, excellent Fed! I loved that ending.

slothvert's avatar
12 years ago
Ffffff.. Fed! This was awesome. Some of your catsuit drawings are just outta-this-world hilarious. I think the line quality is much tighter than your last battle, too, but whether that's an actual drawing-improvement or just better digital compression, I can't say. Either way, I loved this comic, and I'll be glad to be seeing more from you! shouldacouldacola... I'm not gonna lie, I am really intimidated by catsuit. This default comes as something of a relief, to myself and other competitors, I'm sure. I hope you'll stick around for more non-tourney battles, though! Butt jokes. They work.

Con's avatar
12 years ago
Hah hah hah, nice work Fed! I really enjoyed the reveal. xD

Tofubeast's avatar
12 years ago
Bummer, catsuit's a no-show. Still, Fed, you got one hell of an amusing comic, and I like the linework to boot!

Evil Eye's avatar
Evil Eye
12 years ago
Haha, alright, that was pretty funny. For something you apparently slapped together in a jam, it gets the job done plenty. Had a particularly strained laugh at the ending there. Good stuff.

purplemuffin's avatar
12 years ago
Awww such a shame, catsuit! But Fed, wow, what a funny comic! It really made me giggle. Great work! Good luck in the next round!

Evil Eye's avatar
Evil Eye
12 years ago
nooooooooooooooo catsuit :( Not that Fed and Ted and chopped liver or nothin', I just haven't read yet. And I really, really, really wanted to see two renditions of this great matchup. Le sigh.

Video320's avatar
12 years ago
Catsuit?!?! Thats was pretty funny, a nice end to catsuits role in this tourney.

Hiemie's avatar
12 years ago
Oh noooooooooo Dibs on catsuit.

Fed's avatar
12 years ago
The story is weak, the jokes are cheap and because I spent 3 days on holiday the art is lacking.. BUT IT IS FINISHED AND UPLOADED!!!

Evil Eye's avatar
Evil Eye
12 years ago
This matchup is probably one of the funnier things I can imagine coming from this tournament.

J.Vandermeer's avatar
12 years ago
Do you know how excited I am for this match? So excited.

Albino Turtle's avatar
Albino Turtle
12 years ago
This will be really entertaining! GOOD LUCK TO THE BOTH OF YOU!

Fed's avatar
12 years ago
Auch, just the one opponent I was hoping to avoid.. I can see my ass getting kicked in this one. Still, can't wait to see your take on Ted! Best of luck (not that I think you need any ;)!