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Bartender vs Wally Winston

3 Weeks
Regular Match


Bartender vs Wally Winston
By Minteh
chat_bubble 19
star star
Final Score: 5.84
Bartender vs Wally Winston
By glitchmonster
chat_bubble 19
star star
Wally Winston
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.47

Comments (19)

Tofubeast's avatar
12 years ago
Glitch: Oh god, Wally's adorbs. I really enjoyed your use of color in this comic. Loved the tone that you had going throughout the comic, great start to Wally's story! Mintley: It's a bummer that it's unfinished, but I like the idea of the drinking contest.

glitchmonster's avatar
12 years ago
@HAts: Haha yes, I';ve read a lot of Void comics and I get the feeling that the number one enemy is time management, and I am no stranger to that problem sob. I usually make things very long and drawn out so I tried to omit anything that seemed unnecessary, and as painful as it was at first, I sucked it up and came up with an internal compromise ;H;. And yeah, I see about the hand thing xD!!! I feel like my hand drawing is a double edged sword, it either looks kind of nifty or more like an octopus, hopefully all of the hands in the future will be on the nifty side. And I'll work around with the speech bubbles thing then! That's teh first time I tried more uniform, cleaner bubbles, because I usually hand draw them all. (IT takes a little longer since I have to draw and redraw them sob.) But thanks for all your feedback, and for reading it as well! @Underwoodwriter: Man, I can't believe you said that, because Taiyo Matsumoto is by far my most favorite story writer and illustrator. I've taken so much inspiration from him in the last few years, so you can't believe how stoked I feel to have someone see him in my work. I tend to write really slow, creeping stories, hopefully I can add some more action and suspense in my next go, but thank you for reading, I really appreciate it!

Minteh's avatar
12 years ago
@Hats: I keep trying to write stories under ten pages, and it never works for me. I just can't seem to wrap my head around short-=comic pacing, and I'm so so so jealous of people who can make a 5-7 pages comic, and make it sooooo goooood (like my buddy glitch here hahaha). Honestly it's not a time thing, as much as I hate to admit it, I was very lazy, on top of holiday shenanigans. But no one wants to hear excuses :) Underwood: Thanks so much! I know I have decent ideas, but I'm here on Void to prove that I can bring around the whole package :) it's not quite there yet... hahaha.

Field Marshal Lionel Forsythe W. Underwood XIII, GBE's avatar
Field Marshal Lionel Forsythe W. Underwood XIII, GBE
12 years ago
Mintley: Very interesting m'dear. Your storytelling prowess are good and your knowledge of wine and spirits are superb... Your verve in telling the story is smooth like a 100 year old scotch. I would guess constraints did not permit to ink and continue with the story, but a pukka job nonetheless. Glitch: As a confession, I am in love with this sort of style. Madly. The story starts off slow and nice, and then ping! the holograms. You have created a melange of delightful sketchiness, playful yet exuberant. It matches your way of telling a tale, not to sweet, not too rancid but just right. The story telling and the art reminded me Takemitsu Zamurai with a very Glitchmonster golden touch. Keep it up lad, I'm dying to see more from you. I'm a fan now. Both of you, splendid work. Allez!

MyHatsEatPeople's avatar
12 years ago
I spy a Wizzie-cameo! Mintley: Shame this isn't finished! Perhaps you should try a shorter story so it's quality over quantity! It's an interesting take on their encounter and I'm yet to really work Bartender out - is he a nice or bad person - not saying that's a bad thing! He's one mysterious folk. I also like how Leland jumps in there to calm down the situation (very in character!) and your little cocktail tips are always a treat! As for the art, going by your first page the rest are all in the sketch stage but it's nice to see that you were attempting some interesting angles! I'd like to see a finished comic from you one time. Oh! And thanks for including Wiz! Always a nice surprise. Glitchmonster: Hooray! Your first battle, by the sounds of your comments this wasn't the full version of the story you intended to produce but you did well to edit round what you already had to have a neat story. I really, really like how you draw hands but I don’t really like the bottom panel of page 3, it doesn’t sit right with me and when I was first reading the battle it was on my phone it took me a little while to work out what it was (possibly because I’m dumb hahah) but over all I like your pacing and artwork. I thought that the story was losing substance and suspense near the end and then -BAM- wanted hologram posters of Wally all over the joint! What a naughty boy he’s been. I like the font you’re using for text but not too keen on the speech bubbles, but I realised that the first speech bubble on page 1 is different from the rest and I like that one, personally I think it fits your style better. Great work! Drinks all round.

glitchmonster's avatar
12 years ago
Woo! I'm excited! And haha, I had actually planned out some 15+ Pages of comics, starting from Wally getting kicked out of one and finding his way to Mintleys, but I think I would have burned out before I finished sob, especially since it's Testing Season at my school. ymy Also on a side note it's kind of funny because at first I was thinking "Yeah, badass wanted signs, add some DRAMA AND SUSPENSE IN THERE," but then I realized Wally is kind of a loser of an outlaw so all his charges are really lame sob. And don't worry about it, I'm just really glad to have got a chance to challenge you, so thanks for that!

Minteh's avatar
12 years ago
I'm definitely planning to finish it up nice an' purdy, haha. I think I owe you that much :] Loved the scorpion design on the bottle, real clever! and man, Wally seems to strike a soft spot to me in your comic. There's no way Cam could kick him out after seeing those wanted posters haha. @AnimeShen: yeah, I really succumbed to my own laziness and overestimated my working capacity - by the time I really hunkered down to finish things off it was far too late. this will be a completed BB sometime in the future! So glad we could battle, glitch :]

glitchmonster's avatar
12 years ago
@Fed - Saddle em up anytime BD @Animeshen - Thank you! I'd actually never done the dialogue and stuff formatted like that, I think it's a big improvement from what I had been doing uwu; I'm really stoked you enjoyed it!

glitchmonster's avatar
12 years ago
Oh man Mintley, I was so stroked to see you do a drinking contest haha! I really love what you planned out, I hope you consider finishing the linework because the first page looks really good :)!!

Animeshen's avatar
12 years ago
Drinking challenges all about, I love it! Glitch, I adore your art. The layout, the expressions, the colours, you are a mad genius. I don't even know what to say. Mintley, I love your gesture and lines, its too bad it doesn't look like this got as finished as you would have liked but I was still entertained. Nice job everyone!

Fed's avatar
12 years ago
mmm, might have to challenge Mr. Winston.. This town ain't big enough for two cowboys

Thresher's avatar
12 years ago
I am looking forward to this!

glitchmonster's avatar
12 years ago
I'm making a few small changes, I'll be done in the nik of time :) Sorry for the Hiatus though!

Minteh's avatar
12 years ago
Uploaded my pages now, since the deadline is going to be well after I sleep. A little disappointed, but I hope you all enjoy what I've put together regardless.

Minteh's avatar
12 years ago
Thanks so much for the extension! I'll make good use of it :]

EnKa's avatar
12 years ago
i look forward to that one :) i love both characters

EnKa's avatar
12 years ago
i look forward to that one :) i love both characters

Charlie's avatar
12 years ago
Oh sweet, have fun with this one guys. I wanna see this battle in full. Glad to see there appears to be a lot of non-invitational battles also going on too. ACTIVITY.

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
12 years ago
glitchmonster, I'm so excited to see your first battle! Mintley, let's keep the train rolling!