I LOVE the drinks recipe at the end, Mintley! Hmm, maybe I should challenge you and pick up some more recipes, since I'm always on the lookout for new drinks, hoho.
Aside from that, I really enjoyed the way Mister Kent's entry handled the battle. I personally think that Mister Kent's entry is more polished, but Mintley's entry had some strong linework in it.
Mintley, I'd like to see what you can do with solid shading sometime!
it was an idea that I'd had since I made him, I like to experiment with drinks, and what better way than to tailor some fine drinks inspired by upstanding void citizens? :D
Also Kent, I love love love the way you depicted Cameron, I'm sorry my side seems so unfinished! I definitely didn't spend as much time as I should've but I'm glad I was able to get from page 1 to the end, regardless.
actually, I just realized this battle overlaps your other battle with Ru for two of the three weeks drawing period, are you going to be good to do this?
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