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Chia-Hui vs Hitman

3 Weeks + 1 Week
Regular Match


Chia-Hui vs Hitman
By carlito
chat_bubble 13
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 5.72
Chia-Hui vs Hitman
By mayster
chat_bubble 13
star star
Final Score: 5.32

Comments (13)

carlito's avatar
13 years ago
Thanks to everyone for the crits. Hitman was the funnest character to draw that I've drawn on Void. Love his design!

Darius Corry's avatar
Darius Corry
13 years ago
Both equally random and understandable, but due to mayster's pixelated look in the beginning I think the level of quality leaned toward Calito. Both fun none the less. Hitman's the kind of character I'll follow just from his randomness alone.

Penryn88's avatar
13 years ago
You guys both did similar stories although i think Carlito's was executed better. Try putting more Detail into your background buildings next time, doesn't need to be a lot, but every little bit helps. Mayster, if you would have sized those pages a bit smaller it would have made your lines look much better. Also most forests don't have straight line rows of trees, if you had varied up the placement it would have made a more realistic looking environment. and maybe try to work on your strokes as well as line variation. Good work guys looking forward to your next battle.

PyrasTerran's avatar
13 years ago
Carlito: You're turning into the king of very quick comics around here it feels XD It's a good thing you added that final line by Hitman because it sells the entire strip. You really could have afforded to add some windows to those buildings though. master: It's a good thing this new computer of mine has a hi-res 27' screen, otherwise your massive pages would have completely engulfed my computer. Resize those! I appreciate you took time to flesh out your backgrounds though.

mayster's avatar
13 years ago
Tight. I've still got a lot to learn.

carlito's avatar
13 years ago
Thanks. Glad you liked it Kuro. Good job Mayster. I have a bunch of advice for you, but maybe I'll send it to you in a PM.

Kuro's avatar
13 years ago
carlito, the boxy buildings were lame, the progression of your opponent falling & suddenly catching himself to land on his feet was a bit awkward, & you really ought to study hands holding guns (as do i, it's a motherfucker). otherwise, those gripes out the way, this was tight. a lot better than the tobias battle & what a 3pg battle should be. the beats you hit here worked & it thought it was executed fairly well as far as storytelling. liked the radial layout on the third page. one thing i want you to look at is the way the first page reads. it's a very clear & nice example of a tangent happening. it works ok, but look at the progression of hitman panel to panel. notice how he kind of zigzags? that's pretty cool, but at the same time, he's falling. But in the first panel, he's sitting "lower" in the panel than in the last panel, which kind of betrays the idea of him landing, even if he's catching himself. I would've had him start higher in the panels progressively lowered where he was in the panel in each. Or, if you really wanted to keep that nifty zigzag effect going, at the very least starting him higher than where he ends up in the last panel (basically ^v^v rather than v^v^) would really sell the feeling a lot more. What you have works, but this is something to think about down the road. mayster, shrink your goddamn pages. shit's ridiculous. it's so easy to do & makes life easier for your audience. Not only that, but it's so large the way you ended up saving it (bitmap? b&w?) the lines get all nasty pixelated & shitty. So it behooves you as an artist to save it properly, shrink it down & have it look a lot sharper than at giant print proportions. Remember void comics are web comics so save for the web, not print. otherwise, it was kinda ok. he loose linework's cool but in spots felt too loose. The anatomy on your opponents character was passable, but the face kept squashing & stretching in certain panels. It felt like you were drawing to fit it in the panel rather than drawing it & choosing what to crop. Rough things out so they fit the way you want or draw the face in full, & let the cropping fall where it may; but don't compromise the facial anatomy in an effort to make it fit. Beyond that, the backgrounds had a lot of detail as far as leaves & bark but altogether, they felt pretty generic. wasn't crazy about them. Did dig the splatter effect on the crash panel though. Could've gone a little heavier with that even & it would've had a stronger effect. Another peeve i've got is with text. Handlettering's fine. But after hand lettering everything else, there was like one balloon where you just used arial or something & it just looked wrong. first, make sure your text is uniform. if you're going to hand letter than just keep hand lettering. if you are going to go digital text, pick a font that compliments your line work. The lines are going to be organic & look as though they're handmade, find a typeface that suits that. it's a first battle & you're working out the kinks. the biggest issue is saving your images properly. get a handle on that & you'll do fine.

carlito's avatar
13 years ago
Haha Cool man! Your dude is SUPER fun to draw! I think this might be the most fun I've had penciling a comic.

mayster's avatar
13 years ago
Carlito, your monk is really fun to draw.

mayster's avatar
13 years ago
Dude! My first fight. It's gonna be fun going against you, Carlito.

Penryn88's avatar
13 years ago
Man carlito, your open challenges only last for like 2 seconds! good luck on this guys

carlito's avatar
13 years ago
Good luck Mayster! The world you created really reminds me of Hellboy, and I love Hitman's design! So this should be fun!