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Leland vs Massimo and Max

2 Weeks
Regular Match


Leland vs Massimo and Max
By Roger_mild
chat_bubble 16
star star
Massimo and Max
Final Score: 6.03
Leland vs Massimo and Max
By Zest
chat_bubble 16
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.26

Comments (16)

Qyzex's avatar
13 years ago
FFS people, why are there only 8 votes on this comic? SERIOUSLY. VOTE. The comics get put up for a reason:I

anonymous's avatar
13 years ago
Good job guys, what I was going to say has already been said. So on that note keep up the hard work and continue to improve.

Qyzex's avatar
13 years ago
Roger: Getting better, yes, but you're lacking in comic formatting and panel layout, and backgrounds. Work on your like widths, and also, consistent text. Keep up the improvement! Zest: Pretty good. Watch your line widths, and keep up with the quality of line throughout. The text in the middle felt a little out of place. I know it was supposed to be a text/story book font, but it seemed more out of place than fitting. and of course, DON'T FORGET TO RESIZE! haha

DelBarrio's avatar
13 years ago
Both comics were simple and solid story-wise. Very cute and fun. :> Roger: I can see quite a bit of improvement. Your figures and lines look more solid. Definitely work on your backgrounds, though. You have lots of little details in your simple characters- try to toss in some more detail in your backgrounds as well. Also pleeease try to make your dialogue text a bit more uniform in size. There were a few parts where it got so tiny I wasn't able to read all of the words. :C Zesty: Thems some big pages, bro. LOL. Complete opposite issue I had with Roger's comic. The text was enormous. That accident aside- your story was cute. "Die in a fire, please." I lol'd. Your lines got a bit messy at the end, gotta watch that. Also, backgrounds. When I got to the last page, I thought the carpet fibers were grass blades and I was like "...when did they get outside?" :T Try to make your backdrops a bit more clear if you're not gonna be using color to make 'em pop.

Zest's avatar
13 years ago
Also, holy crap I forgot to shrink these pages down. D: My apologies, Void.

Zest's avatar
13 years ago
Ahaha Roger, your comic was great! I love your take on Leland. C:

Roger_mild's avatar
13 years ago
In comparison to the last one I did here on void I did better. Overall I've grown a lot not only as an comic artist but an artist in general. I'm having so much fun I don't care if I lose : D I'm proud of myself and excited to see AmanitaZest's take on Massimo and Max

Roger_mild's avatar
13 years ago
I'm pumped, theres a pink sticky note on my computer so I won't forget

Qyzex's avatar
13 years ago
Okay, Roger, if you don't do something good, I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE DICK I SWEAR TO GOD