Fetus Man -
No complaints either...because there shouldn't be.
Anyways, i loved the thick black lines. Solid and dynamic action with a hilarious ending. Just a teenie bit abrupt.
Carlito -
I wish i could make me own stories that interesting in such small ammount of pages. I loved the whole Awesome assassination bit. From the first blundershot, to the jump and close up of his feet landing.
I dunno, i just like that shit.
Fetus, No complaints really, that was a pretty solid when it came to the action & the expressions were great. concise & tight.
Carlito, pacing was all weird. the first page felt like a novel & the more active it seemed to get, the smaller the panels seemed to get. And this was setup, not a complete story.
Fetus Man: Short sweet and funny, well done :D
Carlito: I like where the story is going but you should take a page from what Fetus did here. One of the issues I feel plague your stories is that you don't properly format them for the small amount of pages you tend to add.
And I'm writing this after realizing that it may be supposed to be part of a series of shorts for the oncoming matches. I don't know who dislikes 'to be continued's, but I think it woulda helped tie this little narrative well enough for me rather than leave me hanging with nothing XD But it's great to see Chia back on his feet and hopefully you continue this situation even if you don't progress.
Fetus Man: Loved the quick and simple story. It was pretty fun and your quality was quite good! I really wanna read more of Copper Mouth already. :D
Carlito: Yeah, I think you could have a bit more man, but I understand. I kind of liked the last pages where Chia is all excited; he looks good with hair and mustache. Good effort though.
Mine wasn't meant to be a cliffhanger really but was supposed to build on the story in each round.
I didn't want to put a To Be Continued though, cause I know people hate that haha.
Jho you're right. I didn't mean to do that this time, haha.
I meant to continue each round on the story as one death hunt between Copper and Lau throughout all the matches I got thru and Chia-Hui as the supporting character in each one battling the next rounds opponents but you're still right lol I do build up sometimes and then cut off. dang! I gotta work on that. I'm really pretty slow too so that didn't help but Austins was just plain awesome and he's a very hard matchup for me! Whatever I did I probably would lose to him so I did what I could I guess. I was gonna try to use this tournament to write Lau OUT of Chia-Hui's story! Since I know it's confusing to a lot of people and it's super hard to write stories and battles especially quick ones for. Back to the drawing board haha
Man, Fetus, I love your line work. It's really solid, and I'm damn envious. Also, those tones really help your pages, I think. Goofy "plot" just for a fight, and I loved it. And is that Ponch at the end there? Or am I just gonna end up mistaking every pomadour for Ponch? Haha.
Carlito, I was kinda confused by this comic. Art wise, it wasn't bad. Not your best, but still not bad.
austen : maaaaaaaaaaaaan I enjoyed this one far more than i should have, it's fucking funny to me for some reason. short and sweet hahahaha i likethe way you draw expressions and poses, also you have a strong sense of body structure. cant wait to see more of this. I do love some coppermouth
carlito : wish you have more pages to read, it's kinda been a running thing on your comics that you have some build up but seemingly no climax and just straight to the ending. While it works hilariously at times, it's not a foolproof thing. i do enjoy looking at carlito going all excited and shit though haha
Good stuff Fetus man, super refreshing to see a comic go right to the action.
Carlito, I like the setup, I think again I would have liked more to see this finished off ):
Carlito this goes without saying but you need to put your 150% effort to battle Fetus Man... cause I've seen him warming up already XD
Good luck guys!!
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