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Chia-Hui vs Patent Hernandez

4 Weeks
Scar Match


Chia-Hui vs Patent Hernandez
By carlito
chat_bubble 123
star star
Final Score: 5.55
Chia-Hui vs Patent Hernandez
By Fox24
chat_bubble 123
star star
Patent Hernandez
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 5.71

Comments (123)

Darius Corry's avatar
Darius Corry
14 years ago
Fox24: OWWWWW you see four people congrats carlito you can count, but I swear it says 35 votes, well I guess more people loved my garbage than they liked your SHIT. Your a joke how about you go draw your lamb stories as he trots along and carlito cries about having another twin brother with a pencil dick....!
dude, like seriously?! If comments on a social website can get you like this then I would say don't even invest in any more battles or anything. As artists, both of you should be able to endure criticism no matter genuine or provoking it is. None of this is new... I'm hoping both of you just had crappy weeks while this was taking place than to think that you were actually as pissing an spiteful as you have been...cus this was whack, like seriously. Def out of the preconceived character of both artists.

Angie's avatar
14 years ago
Oh if only there was this thing on the site that you could like, send a message to someone in private without you know, clogging battle comments with drama! Oh goodness me, there IS! Gosh! Here I'll help everyone out. Scroll up. Click on the person's name you wish to contact. This will take you to that person's profile. Now bare with me guys... scrooooll down. You will see Contact: Send a Message. (send a message is underlined!) From here you can send a message! Under subject type what you wish the subject to be. (ie "In response to your comment, my friend") Under message please type your message. A good example being: "Hi there :) It got awfully heated there in our battle comments! I'm still angry but I don't wish to be rude by continuing to clog the Newest Comments menu so I am sending this message to you to resume our argument. Sincerely, your friend" We have all learned something important! Learning is fun! :D

Coatl's avatar
14 years ago
The_BenT_One: This needs to stop. Have we all lost sight of what the site is for?
I agree, let´s move on with our lives.

The Bent One's avatar
The Bent One
14 years ago
This needs to stop. Have we all lost sight of what the site is for?

Coatl's avatar
14 years ago
Fox24: OWWWWW you see four people congrats carlito you can count, but I swear it says 35 votes, well I guess more people loved my garbage than they liked your SHIT. Your a joke how about you go draw your lamb stories as he trots along and carlito cries about having another twin brother with a pencil dick. I keep reading these comments and carlito your like the bitch of void, can't even get a win against me. DUDE I HAVE 3 WINS AND TWO ARE YOU HILAAAAAAAAAARIOUS. Like I said go get some extends and get some references for the oral sex scenes cause dude you still crying from this 2010 battle shows your hanging from my nuts!
I wish I can attach a reaction pic to this cause I think shit got real... again.

alberto311's avatar
14 years ago
Hahahhaaa.... Okay.... I'm!!!!!

Charlie's avatar
14 years ago
If you go to your profile and above where your overall scores are you can hit 'view details' and then check the grades on each comic you've done, as well as what your opponent scored.

PyrasTerran's avatar
14 years ago
On a completely unrelated note: Carlito you mentioned noticing that your votes being given were lower in the art department than fox's.. And I reemmver another member a while back making similar, exact observations. The only grades on comics I've ever seen is the overal percentage and subsequent points but is there actually a way to see just which parts of your comic are being graded high/low?

Charlie's avatar
14 years ago
Okay first off I think you guys need to chill out, seriously :/. That said, I think that there were proportion issues etc etc in both entries (but then again that is a re-occuring issue in a lot of peoples work and something we all need to strive to get better with). I was able to follow Carlito's story, it was simple and to the point and gave a visible scar (the kid) which is well within the realms of how scar matches work I do believe. Fox you had a bit of the upper hand I think in terms of the actual artwork, though it does fall a bit flat because it seems like there was a lot more rushing than actually tight, finished stuff. I could be wrong, but that is just how it appears to me. In the end I think just for the sake of clarity I'd have given it to Carlito but not by much. I got lost with Fox's story, but I thought the artwork that was there was looking solid that if finished would have been great, but unfortunately I got lost dude =/. Better luck next time I guess.

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
Capside, voiceoreason, starbuk,... Etc You look at any of those guys that comment and vote on your stuff they only have like 20 something votes each... All Coldstream, Patent, and Corry fights. Which explains how you ever even get CLOSE in battles. Cause you're garbage.

jho's avatar
14 years ago
[quote]r best off panel battle ever!

alberto311's avatar
14 years ago
That's it! This match gets my vote for best off panel battle ever! Where do I place my vote... Is it too late for 2010.... Then I'm putting it in for 2011.....congrats guys... Good job...:-) Yay this is going to be the best New year ever....

Cracking Skulls's avatar
Cracking Skulls
14 years ago
This is getting really fucking lame, guys. Carlito, even though fox's shit was unfinished, I still found his comic to be more entertaining than yours honestly. He had some story going on that I would've loved to see finished, and yeah he didn't leave a scar on Chia in the end, which I think earlier you said you were cool with that, but really, it's just a comic. This battle has almost more comments than fucking Arma 2010, and it's still dragging on about the same problem. Really, just drop it. whatever damage happened, it's been done. It's friggin' new years. Just move on and enjoy 2011 now. please.

Nex in a Box's avatar
Nex in a Box
14 years ago
Carlito Quinones: ...and my art score being lower then yours, where you did no backgrounds, no shading, no inks, unfinished pencils, empty white dirty smudged pages, mis-shapenned heads, inconsistent faces, bad anatomy, weird hands. I had some problems too I'll admit, but ART WISE yours was better then mine? Ridiculous.
if i were you i would stop spitting venom. this is getting you nowhere. style is a subjective matter. people have a preference over one style than another. its tough but your going to have to get used to it. and the art isnt everything. that doesnt fully dictate a win. its the story. and when it comes to story. i can see how fox won. just take this as a lesson. and pointing out problems with your opponents battle in a malicious way is not professional and just plain childish. just so you know your comic has half of those problems. so i wouldnt be so quick to judge. please put this comic behind you and work on improving your attitude and comic in the future.

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
I never said you cheated either, I thought maybe someone else took it upon them self to help you win though. Like your classmates. It was just strange there weren't any votes at all for almost 2 days and then out of no where 12 votes against ME and for YOU in 2 hours with only hours left to vote. I really could care less about winning, it was the way stuff went down on it. A lot like LAST time we fought. ...and my art score being lower then yours, where you did no backgrounds, no shading, no inks, unfinished pencils, empty white dirty smudged pages, mis-shapenned heads, inconsistent faces, bad anatomy, weird hands. I had some problems too I'll admit, but ART WISE yours was better then mine? Ridiculous. Good win though man. I'll never fight you again though, I promise you that. And you ASKED me for that rematch. I took a long time to say yes, but don't play like I was begging you to fight again, I knew something like this might go down, I hoped it wouldn't but I knew it might.

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
pish posh it's 2011 man old news man, just glad it's over and ready for the new year and battles

Hiemie's avatar
14 years ago
Alright then, I'll accept that. Apologies for being so snarky.

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
eh I mean it's a bettering process. I've lost enough to know that losses come and losses go, it's what you take from it that makes you better. And hiemie if you read the first comments, you'll know winning definitely doesn't mean that much to me.

Hiemie's avatar
14 years ago
It has nothing to do with you winning or not. Which you shouldn't. Actually, neither of you should win. You're both being babies. Giant Babies. Carlito is being sore, you are too. Oh, and congrats on the win. I know it's important. You earned it.

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
i find it funny that when fox gets a friggin win it' s sketchy! HAHAHAHAHAHA HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Angie's avatar
14 years ago
Again, there is *nothing* sketchy going on, I've been looking closely at the votes ever since it was brought up.

Hiemie's avatar
14 years ago
Holy shit, 10 votes while I was at work. 10 fucking votes. 1/3rd of the votes happened in the past like 6 hours. I dunno, I kinda think something sketchy IS happening myself. Especially since before work Carlito was winning with 51%.

STAR-BUK's avatar
14 years ago
[quote] dude, that is one small penis. Chia Hui couldn't impregnate a thimble. The anatomy is awkward and the sex is neither sexy of funny (not sure which you where going for). Gotta point there... if you're gonna do it, do it right!!

STAR-BUK's avatar
14 years ago
[quote] dude, that is one small penis. Chia Hui couldn't impregnate a thimble. The anatomy is awkward and the sex is neither sexy of funny (not sure which you where going for). Gotta point there... if you're gonna do it, do it right!!

Darius Corry's avatar
Darius Corry
14 years ago
Chris: if something fishy was going on with voting on my battles do you think I would only have 2 wins? Come on guys be real
Ok so I thought that was funny.

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
Jho: carlito i found your comic funny but goddamn why you're being such a baby over it? you can't make funny shit if you can't take a jab or two. don't be childish man.
I'm cool with taking some jabs.

jho's avatar
14 years ago
carlito i found your comic funny but goddamn why you're being such a baby over it? you can't make funny shit if you can't take a jab or two. don't be childish man.

Hiemie's avatar
14 years ago
Holy shit, look at the amount of views on this fight.

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
yup knew this would happen, everytime last day a flood of votes for the other guy.

14 years ago
Carlito - The first page had WAY too much text. I thought the idea of your story was a cute one but could easily have been a 5 panel strip. Extra positions added nothing, and dude, that is one small penis. Chia Hui couldn't impregnate a thimble. The anatomy is awkward and the sex is neither sexy of funny (not sure which you where going for). Fox24 - A solid submission. I would like to see your point of view change more. You had a few worm's eye angles but too many straight ahead. Next time you have a chance to give someone a scar give them a big one.

alberto311's avatar
14 years ago
First off... good job guys.. Carlito i think you could have done a close up of Lau's face on the second panel of page four... that would have gave the moment more of an impact storywise... Fox24 --- I think it's time to try your hand at inking... try microns and brush and ink.... i think it'll give your comics more solidness.

Dr.Salt's avatar
14 years ago
Is there a cash prize for this one, Carilto? Change your pants and get over it.

Wolcik's avatar
14 years ago
Carlito Quinones:
Carlito Quinones: Scar Match: In a Scar Comic you must leave a mark or a wound on your opponent's character.
Fox24 left no mark or wound on my character. Violation of the rules. Hurt your own character if you want, but you STILL have to scar my character too! It's a SCAR MATCH that's what it is! It says MUST leave a mark or wound. The reason I was so irritated by the voting is he doesn't even follow the rules. There's no scar. Not even a dumb last second one, none... and yet from the comments and votes his was pretty good and mine was crap.
It's 10 pages of still unfinished battle, I lost in All togheter while Haven didn't even draw my characters - but his quality was much better than mine :P

Wolcik's avatar
14 years ago
I mean that Fox24 could interpretate bruise from Lau-Kar punching her as a scar of some sort - broken nose or little cut above the eye, instead of C-section :P

Wolcik's avatar
14 years ago
It's cool, cause I'm just being immature here XD Pragnecy was implied in dialoque in my entry for Scarmageddon. I tried to get creative there, but I lost because of obvious lack of effort in finishing the art :P (not saying that there were no other reasons) Now that I think about it - each sex possition has a symbolic meaning and traids of personalities. I looked at helftan's battles as suggested William_Duel and in his battles Mize was more vulgar and villanious in his sex scenes - but that's because helftan is a one screwed cookie XD I mean that if Lau-Kar is really an evil person that despite shaolin teachings is so cruel it should influance his ways of taking sexual pleasures. He could punch or choke Patent durring sex - voilent and dominante, and it would be logically excused that he was such a sweet guy at the bar since he pretends to be Chia-Hui and wanted to befirend her, but now his disquire is off and he could show his true colors.I know that him hitting her durring sex scene could imply that her scar could be a broken nose or something, that's why I mentioned choking. For all it's worth he could just hold a knife next to her troat. If he wants to ruin his brother's reputation why he should hold back and pretend to be a gentle lover. Unless if for some reason he is a gentle lover and all his evil comes from mother complexes as well, and he wanted to get some real feelings as nobody is trully evil (creating one good villain is harder than making 10 heroes), then you should show that he was trying to get that. Choose possition that would expose less their genitails, and show more passion - him being close to her. In that case him leaving her with a child would be his nature showing distance to woman that had seen his true self and he can't face her again to not seem weak, and admit that he needed woman love if only for a night. What I ment about proportion's of character betwen bar and bed scenes is that in bar their hears are much bigger - or at least pattents.

Wolcik's avatar
14 years ago
If you merged first panels from 3rd page to 4th page and skip some extra sex panels the story would be the same and it wouldn't feel extended - I know that to make a joke you needed to have a humorus point after one page of set up, but that gave a lot of sex to happened... maybe if instead of two panels with two diffrent possition you showed them making out first, even before blowjob. The rule of porn is 3 minutes per one possition, but blowjob gets 2 minutes per point of view, while while real sex is about feelings - I'm not saying that you have to do missionary for 30 years of marriage XD Carlito I'm sad that you don't read my stuff :( I for once read every new battle (even if I don't vote or comment) and sometimes go back and read everything with certain characters - and I read Chia-Hui's more than once :P Funny thing about Chia-Hui is that his name pronouced in polish sounds like Cookie-Cock XD Edit - Sex would be more offensive for me if it was gay sex, and I already read that with Nova and Fabulous XD

PyrasTerran's avatar
14 years ago
Carlito... since when do I not like your stuff?? Is that why you seem to always be at distance? You misunderstand me, Im not saying your comic would have been better shorter. I just felt the sex page added nothing. If theres any real good humor its in the last page in my opinion, and I mean what I said from the beginning that it was a very cleverly written page. Whether or not I found it funny doesnt mean I didnt like how the last page was written.

Coatl's avatar
14 years ago
I{m not gonna lie, if you guys are pming him with insults over nsfw material. I think I{m gonna have to pull an eminem on you guys with my next character. I see no problem. it was excessive, but I reread it and I thought it was humorous. ANd note that I said if.

Nex in a Box's avatar
Nex in a Box
14 years ago
then why are you getting so worked up over critiques? we are just giving our two cents.

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
14 years ago
If carlito wanted to do 3 pages of a sex scene, he can. I don't see him apologizing anywhere for length, so if this was his intended point, then it's acceptable. If you're crying because it's short and wanted more pages, hope he does a longer comic next time. If you're crying because the subject matter is shocking or unappealing, the front of the website has a warning on it. If you can't deal with that, then just ask someone else ahead of time. carlito: It's good to see you back in the ring. The art was alright for this fight. I really dug your single background in the beginning, of the bar. It was a very cool shot, I'd like to see you try more background shots like that in the future. I thought you could have pushed some things a little farther. Your grays in particular I felt you could have added a second darker gray to help push some things visually. Various shadows or anything else, because it felt sort of flat otherwise. The Flood-tool is a big no-no. All those artifacts pop out like the 4th of July to me. In the future, take the initiative to actually color it (I assume you have a tablet?) manually under the layer. It really hurts your coloring to have those extra white artifacts there. I think you need to work on getting more consistent in your art. It feels that there's just too much variation in your figures still. All the references you're using doesn't help as much as learning the anatomy or your own characters would, since you don't seem to be translating what you're using as a reference into your style. (Specifically the sex scenes I noticed this.) I also think a nice challenge (since I saw you mention R. Crumb just now) is to try working with much more careful and effective hatching the next time you fight. (Go with contour, don't just make it a straight pattern, that makes it look flat.) No comment on story. Although, I felt for 3 pages (excluding the clarification page, you should put that in your design sheet or explain in Chia-Hui or Lau's history or something.) you got the point across. I originally thought that Patent's scar was that they were going to get a V.D. I guess I was right. Can't wait to see your next fight. Fox24: Hey, glad you're participating again. You need to get some more effective backgrounds, I think. Did you try to use pencils and just didn't make some dark enough? A lot of what you have ends up feeling really bland. You have a lot of unused negative space on each page and it's really hurting your stuff, because your people aren't that bad, but all this negative space shows a dependence or need for colors and that's not good for you. I would try putting in more solid blacks in the future. I don't really like the look of the sketchy shadows and what not for your art for some reason, try doing solid blacks instead next time. I'll be honest, I didn't know a lot about your character. Just that they had a demon sword. This fight was good about keeping it fresh for new people. I understood the character by the end of the comic and that's a good trait to have. I liked the flash-backs with Chia-Hui, although I wish you had saved the conclusion of this for a later battle and focused more on the training with Chia-Hui, because it looked interesting. You're not the first who has given their own character a scar in a scar match as opposed to the opponent. Every time I see it, I get sort of confused. I mean, I guess you get to decide how your character is scarred, but at the same time, I don't know why you wouldn't just do it yourself in a regular battle or do a double scar match or something. I really liked this fight. I thought you did a good job on it and I'm going to make sure to read your stuff more consistently from now on. I await your next battle, good job.

William_Duel's avatar
14 years ago
I'm still confused about how this got to be such a big thing. Have people not really read the comics on this site? Did people forget helftan already? Or Mamoru and Dure's porn king battle? Or James' recurring dick jokes? Other artists have tried their hands at sex scenes too. I dunno if Carlito is exaggerating about the PM's but it's pretty absurd. Anyways, Carlito, I have nothing against doing a summary page. But it's not very pleasant to look at, you should think about the composition of that page as well, even if it's just a page full of words it does plenty to hurt you. In the future, try to make it smaller, more concise, not hitting the edges like it is. Instead of slapping their names with light colors which are quite frankly somewhat lost on the page, they could have been more stylized or had a font that meshed better with the drawings. It would have been more interesting if you had colored them in according to the colors you chose for their titles. So really there's actually plenty of things you could have done to make that page clearer or more worthwhile to read. Porn comics for everyone.

Nex in a Box's avatar
Nex in a Box
14 years ago
[quote] Robert Crumb is one of my favorite artists and comic makers EVER... Your statement seems ignorant to me I can see how you want to bring R Crumb into this but you are not R Crumb. Your comics do not talk about the realities of life and even are directed to the subject matter that R Crumb displays. This recent comic comes out of nowhere and i see why this acts as a shock to most. While humor is completely subjective and one person may laugh at one thing and another may not, its hard to understand when you humor in your comics changes to something so drastic. for those people that actually follow your comics its confusing. so unless Lau is now a rapist its hard to understand.

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
i spoke for me, it's not funny

Wolcik's avatar
14 years ago
What's funny with going to sleep with person you just met? XD If it wasn't for that blackhole vagina I'd say it's very realistic... that's why I didn't get it as a joke, but more as a warrning for kids to use protection :P

Ten Dead Kings's avatar
Ten Dead Kings
14 years ago
PyrasTerran: Wait, people are PMing you?? That's a bit much. Its not like you have fem-Jesus giving Satan a blowjob while Muhammad (pboh) drinks a Bacardi and slaps a prostitute's bound behind. Or baby killing. Even GR and FL got away with that with no fuss.
I smell a viable drinking game with that kind of "inflammatory statement" density. Bottom's up! Nah, seriously, it is kinda funny/silly in a way. 1st page: exposition, 2nd page: friendly drinks, then BAM huge sex scene outta nowhere. I'm cool with this, if only because I shoulda taken a closer look at your thumbnails.

PyrasTerran's avatar
14 years ago
Wait, people are PMing you?? That's a bit much. Its not like you have fem-Jesus giving Satan a blowjob while Muhammad (pboh) drinks a Bacardi and slaps a prostitute's bound behind. Or baby killing. Even GR and FL got away with that with no fuss.

Hiemie's avatar
14 years ago
I don't entirely see the big deal about the subject matter...

Wolcik's avatar
14 years ago
I've waitied a little bit with my vote, so I don't see the jump :P I've won and lost battles that durring voting peroid were 2-4% advantage on both sites at least twice :P

Penryn88's avatar
14 years ago
Chris: if something fishy was going on with voting on my battles do you think I would only have 2 wins? Come on guys be real
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend or imply anything, I just thought it was odd is all, it just seems like a big jump

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
if something fishy was going on with voting on my battles do you think I would only have 2 wins? Come on guys be real

Wolcik's avatar
14 years ago
and sex is always controversial matter XD

PyrasTerran's avatar
14 years ago
I would think that the occasional voter might REALLY love or hate a comic and then vote in exaggerated lengths based on their own opinion.

Angie's avatar
14 years ago
I looked and there isn't. That just happens a lot easier with comics without a ton of votes.

Cracking Skulls's avatar
Cracking Skulls
14 years ago
Yeah I noticed that too. I think some shit's going on or something.

Penryn88's avatar
14 years ago
wow is there some fishy votes going on? Cause i'm pretty sure i was the 16th vote and the score jumped nearly 2%. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

Coldstream's avatar
14 years ago
Gotta admit...that sex scene was awkward, but the end was funny! Fox, I was a little confused by the story at times, and I would agree with Corry on character consistency. Overall, good entry, with a minimum of carnage!

Wolcik's avatar
14 years ago
To be honest I'd had known what was going on without reading the recap page. The first hint of this being a joke is the panel of 3rd page that is also its thumb - those aren't their clothes lol. I was very scared by how Patent looked on 2nd page, and her gapping blackhole vagina - it looked like vagina dentata or something XD that's Rob Zombie's kind of humor XD

PyrasTerran's avatar
14 years ago
Hiemie: I had no urge to laugh or even smirk though .. ._.

Penryn88's avatar
14 years ago
Carlito: I think that the major problem with your comic was you could have done more pages to bring out your story a bit more. I think however that is counter to your writing style, after all, most of your past comics are only 3-5 pages and are short, concise, and often charming. I wish that i could have seen more of this story, but i think you gave us what we needed. The recap page was a tad long but I think its hard to keep people up to date with your story, so i understand why you added it. I think most of the people who were confused about your story didn't read the recap page. Fox24: I second what Angie and Hiemie have said about your comic, it seems like you were in a mad rush to complete it, and your backgrounds, story, and quality suffered. You may want to look in the Void University Forum for some tips on how to scan your pages. You may also want to try penciling with blue lead, that way it'll save you the headache of erasing your pencils so long as you scan in B&W, because honestly it looks kinda bad with all the smudge marks. anyways i hope that helps My vote goes to Carlito, mainly because he had the better overall product. keep the comics coming guys!!

Hiemie's avatar
14 years ago
Did... you have to know it was a comedy to know if you needed to laugh...

PyrasTerran's avatar
14 years ago
Oh, I didn't know it was a comedy :( it seemed like just a cleverly written series of events. with the tone that the first page set with the exposition, I guess I was thrown offguard.

Hiemie's avatar
14 years ago
Oh, and crits I guess. Carlito: Funny comic, I thank the lord that you didn't do some sort of "Hey, we're buddies now" kinda comic, but the scar match kinda already implied that. The sex was awkward, but that added to the comedy, especially the gaping vagina. I do hope that if you win, which you should, that Fox keeps the baby as part of the scar too. The art isn't entirely at fault here, because it gets the message across to what happened. And often that's all a comic needs. Fox: I didn't entirely get what was going on in your comic. I could tell what kind of story you were trying to tell, but everything felt like it was in fast forward. A guy telling a story really fast to get it done fast. That and there always just feels like there are massive sections of white/blank space in your comics, like the backgrounds are token. I also always get thrown off by the STARK digital lettering sound effects in your comics. Mainly because the lines are grey and the effects are the blackest of blacks. Also, why is Corry/Angie there? What was chia's scar? Who was the dude with the spiky mask. I didn't really understand your comic at all.

Hiemie's avatar
14 years ago
I do agree, it was a very funny comic. You really should do more comedy Carlito. It's easily your strength.

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
Jho: I.. i thought carlito's comic was a comedy... was it not?????
Chris: nope
Haha. What?! It was totally a comedy! It was a short 3 page joke comic about a one night stand. I thought it was funny but I guess I was alone.

jho's avatar
14 years ago
I.. i thought carlito's comic was a comedy... was it not?????

Angie's avatar
14 years ago
To first get this out of the way, from a technical standpoint if Fox loses this he is not obligated to keep the child around as the child cannot be the scar. The only scar he would be obligated to hold onto is the one from the C-Section. Carlito-like Brainbaists I'm getting pretty confused about who is supposed to be who because I got very lost on the recap page. While recap pages should ideally only be about a paragraph, you have to lay out and plan your text better. Since this is a very lengthy recap page it may have helped to just do bullet points so you'd just have an organized list instead of a wall of text. While it was a creative idea, the comic itself could have been handled better. I was really conflicted about the tone it was meant to have. I think the thing that threw me off was in the bar that last panel it feels more like they're having a tender moment so it made the comic feel more serious. But then we get to the sex scene and it suddenly feels more comedic with the pregnancy itself being handled in a more lighthearted way as well. So since I'm conflicted about what kind of tone this comic is meant to have, the sex scene and the way the pregnancy was handled really threw me off so the latter half of the comic felt out of place. The fact that the comic was mostly silent and done in grayscale, things that would make the comic feel more serious, made it all the more confusing. I do agree with Ben Clifford's point, you had a lot of potential awesome things to do with this story but didn't take any of those opportunities. It felt more like you were just drawing a porn scene because you could. Now doing a sex scene is no easy task and it is good that you challenged yourself, but it's also not too shocking that a comic that's mostly a sex scene might not get the highest entertainment votes. It may have helped you to study anatomy a little more thoroughly for the sex scene itself because Patent has the scariest vagina ever. On that 4th panel 3rd page it probably would have helped had you not colored the inside of her vagina black, because the black shading makes it feel as though it's a deep inescapable vortex. You also seem to have some problems with making the torso long enough so Patent's bellybutton seems to reside on her ribcage. Fox24-I think that you're showing some improvement in your figures, but your backgrounds still need a lot of love. You don't need to do big crazy detailed cityscapes or anything (although that would be cool), but just bringing some rendering into those backgrounds would help a lot. I'd also like to see you play with rendering more in general because it will help your stuff feel a lot less flat and kill off some of that negative space. It took me a few read throughs to totally get what had happened. I didn't get on the first read through that the narration done in the cut out font was the sword since it had been a while since you'd done a comic dealing with it. It may have helped to place the flashback in a more appropriate place, like maybe Patent walks in and sees the Chia-hui imposter and that's when we get the flashback. Because on the first read through I was like okay what does this have to do with anything. I was also a bit confused about what broke her hand and when it happened since that whole thing took place in a very zoomed in shot.

The Bent One's avatar
The Bent One
14 years ago
Carlito Quinones: If you don't like the comic and wanna give me a low score, fine, but tell me WHY so I can do better next time. Otherwise I'll keep making the same mistakes. How will I know why I'm getting bad votes?
I should clarify. I was a little too blunt, and a step forward in subject matter needs to be recognized. What I ment was, just becasue you can draw a highly graphic sex scene, doesn't mean that you should do that and only that. I think that this comic could have worked VERY well if you still had the same storyline, but expanded it. Your comic could have been 12 or 15 pages, and would have had a much better impact. For instance, it would have had dialogue. That would have been a HUGE plus! You could have really amped up the emotional impact of that last sequence with why they both decided to have sex. Why were they so happy so see each other? You showed us that they were, yes, but we didn't know why. If this comic were to tell the story of why and how Chai-Hui and Patent Hernandez got together and produced an iligitimate offspring, then the sex scene would have only been 2 pages at most, 1 at the least. And certianly not as pornographic. If you're looking for the reason why you're getting the bad votes, I would say it's because most people weren't expecting a story (and art) so totally based on the sex. In a comic, it's the story and characters that keep our interest, not always the actions. We're making comics, not porn. So next time, focus on the writing. Yes, the art could use work, but so could many other artists on VOID who are below your skill level. What will help set you apart will be writing. Obviously you want to address more serious issues in your comics. But you have to have a script that will support the art. And that is the key to get you to the next level.

Wolcik's avatar
14 years ago
Fox24: You're drawning from photos, right? Figures are quite stiff as you don't add the burryness that is provided by photos. Mrnoitaull is using very similar method I presume - but he's gotten to a higher level by batteling more as he can get more and more done before deadline - I'd ask him for advice if I were you. You could also try to use more blacks instead of cossing shadows. Some greys in backgrounds or something like that wouldn't hurt to make it less flat. Raw pencil lines have a very unfinished feel. Storywise I liked it almost to the end. It was very real with cop stuff, and even aniversity stuff wasn't too much of a push, untill the unfinished climax. It'd be cool if just Chui (or his twin) was waiting to kick her ass just to cover her father's murderer or just to screw with her. But then you have some shapeshifting? Cory shows up with bunch of masked man? Last page went bananas without explanation - was it all her imagination? If so her sword should say something impling that the moment thing started cazying - and as everything switched, sword should be getting more and more talkative and annoying (bigger font covering lines - like with first Chui's training).

Nex in a Box's avatar
Nex in a Box
14 years ago
Fox: Very interesting story. Is readable and enjoyable. I like the role that you assigned Chia in this comic, although i think you could have done a better job with the inclusion of him. Like maybe have developed Chia relationship with P before this scene. And the fact that the chief is disguised as someone that he knows nothing about is kind of confusing. Scar matches typically have the scar being inflicted upon the other character. Your overall story has ALOT to do with your character and not Carlito's. I think for the future you may want to integrate the competitor's character into your comic more. Show both sides growing and jiving off each other. This is of course my opinion on the matter. Carlito: I was very confused on whether it was Lau or Chia at the bar. You had the beginning opening with the introduction of the two characters. And then at the end of Lau's you put in that he likes to hang out at bars. This is lame in my opinion and you can easily have built up dialogue in the comic showing the reader that this was indeed Lau and not Chia. I'm not sure if you were taking a variation of japanese comic drawing but the difference of human anatomy from the bar scene to the bedroom scene was a complete jump. I would fuse the two that they don't seem so distant. Your scar I am sure either takes place in the past or if it does in the presence then the fact of 9 months taking place and then a scar and a child seems a bit outlandish and selfish for you. I think you should make Lau a completely difference character in void. The fact that you just did an entire comic devoted to Lau (if it was Lau) scarring Patent and Chia not even appearing in it seems really strange and as if you are tired of Chia and don't want to work with him anymore.

Wolcik's avatar
14 years ago
Carlito: I tried to make "pragnecy" a scar in Scarmageddon, but you also added scar after operation. First page have too much information in one place. You should split it into more paragraphs and do so based on changes of descibed subject - past, event, current, ect. Leave more space between those paragraphs so people can have a metal break between reading them, instead of trying to eath the whole page in one bite. I already suggested Drawdan that if he wanted to make a preview page for his complex story a constant thing some informations could stay unchanged and with one constant image, and each section of information could get an image - you would change only recent events on that page or just add them. If preview page would get too big then you could split it into two and since most of the information would be constant you woudn't have to worry about it taking a page out of your battle - people that remember what happened in your battles would treat it as an extra cover, and mass text wouldn't be so hurtful this way. I know why the sex scenes have a porn feel to them - you used that kind of references. The bar scene has many flaws caused by you trying to imitate reality from imagination and then portraitng reality through photographic pictures. Inconsistency is a bitch. Story wise time is very hard to grasph here. How many times did they hocked up? Was it an one night stand? They tried like five possitions in one night... that's porn talking (people thinking that sex looks or should look like that is based on porn too). Then we have her figure out she's pragnent - we don't see them meeting after sex, so "one night stand" would be a good explanation. Then she's fat, and gives birth, and can hold a baby. That's a quest for Dr.Who (he deals with timetravel, right) - few minutes to get to appartment, few hours of sex, few days till prangency shows, few months till she gets fat, few more weeks and she gives birth, few more days/hours and she gets child. I'd say that making her pragnent would be suficent scar and you wouldn't have problem with her being prangent - that's a big deal and just skipping over it breaks a lot of possible character development.

PyrasTerran's avatar
14 years ago
carlito: I believe that liking the subject matter ties directly to the entertainment value. I voted what I usually vote for you in terms of quality, I gave you a high vote for creativity because you're right, that is a very creative scar, but I gave you a low vote for entertainment because I did not enjoy the execution of the concept. Part of drawing comics is as much good images as it is good storytelling. On the image front, there's alot of inconsistency between the 1st page(not the info page) and the last 2, but as far as story-telling the middle page was completely superficial in its necessity. You could essentially remove it and lose nothing. All the cleverness is in the last page, anyway. I would say to make sure that every page really means something. If you can remove a page from your comic and the story is still very easily followed, then you messed up with that page. Even for such a short comic, what it essentially is doing is dragging the comic.

Darius Corry's avatar
Darius Corry
14 years ago
Carl: This is def a different approach for you..which I know has been your thing lately, but I gotta say due to the pacing and graphic nature it kinda came off "distasteful". I do believe to come off so much as a porn, but yeah because it was so short and there was so much "focus" on the sex, it was just blunt. This would seem to be the makings of "lack of time" which we all can attest to, and I commend you for coming out complete despite your situation... And I have to admit, I'd love to see where Chris goes with the kid! Fox: You're writing has gotten much better, along with your placement. One thing that continues to hurt you is the over abundance of white on your pages. I would say either fill it with some reasonable hashing or don't zoom out as much. Also, pay a little more attention to your facial consistency. Paytent's profile goes from sleek to angular alot in neighboring panels. The self inflicted scar is eh cus I'm thinking "will her hand always been broken now or will it just be disfigured?" but that's not for me to deal with, right? Guess we'll stay tuned.

William_Duel's avatar
14 years ago
I dunno about other people, I wasn't bothered by the sex scene though I do find that Paytent's vagina is way too loose. She's got to be the biggest slut in Void....either that or Chia Hui's dick is just that small. Though I am somewhat confused, I'm sure you've explained it in your summary and such but is that really Chia Hui who stars in this story? Considering you present him as an unshaven drunk on the summary page and the next thing we see is clean shaven Chia (who could also possibly be Lau) I think this causes some slight confusion even though it might not really matter considering that the story wouldn't change no matter which of them it was. I did feel like you drew your characters inconsistently from page to page, in the bar they seem rather cartoonish and during the sex you have this heavy realistic style in which their proportions totally change. That inconsistency may have hurt you. I really do like the scar because I was actually wondering about it the other day, if pregnancy was a valid 'scar'.

The Bent One's avatar
The Bent One
14 years ago
carlito: just because you can, doesn't mean you should. you can do better. Fox24: your faces and anatomy is getting better, just watch out that the proportions match up. You can also punch up the lighting. I thing a harsher style with more blacks could really help with your existing style. Go in there with some more pencils on your next comic. That's what it wonderful about this site: don't be afraid to fail, you can learn some amazing things. Now on to the story. Layering on coincidences is a cheap plot device. One is fine, but the whole thing about it being the same night that her father was murdered? Keep it simple, or at least as simple as life ever is. Remember, multiple layers of simple things make interesting complex stories. I'm sorry to say I lost interest with the story half way through. Part of it was the typeface choice, but I'm not sure what the other reason was. It's worth a look into. I really enjoyed the new style for the demon voice.

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
See chi flipped the script on me

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
Hey you remember what happened last time, both had come backs and won by like .2 or something random but hey I'LL TAKE IT!

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
Woah chi!? your right about the not meant for work thing

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
Woah chi!? your right about the not meant for work thing

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
Need like an extra hour cause I definitely won't make it

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
GREEEEEEEEEEAT! Cause I'm not even done lettering and I've got an hour left. I had thumbs but screw it, carlito going to either cut out P's vagina or something grosser than that. SOOOOOOOO Enjoy that! No thumbs for me

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
Go ahead without my thumbs. I've never tried thumbs before and I just did it to get the NSFW point across. Mine is Not Safe For Work. If you're easily offended, you might not wanna read mine.

Angie's avatar
14 years ago
as a heads up I'm not able to make thumbnails or upload them at the moment because I'm out of town and don't have access to the FTP. I forwarded Carlito's thumbnails to toast but I'm not sure when he'll have the comics up if we wait on thumbs. So it's up to you guys!

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
well if it helps, I might not finish before the deadline!

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
Chris: I don't understand why it's so challenging though?
Anatomy man. Lots and lots of anatomy.

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
dude, that sounds HORRIBLE! I'm glad your healing up, and hope your battle is completed. I'm sure everyone will love it. You do good work and I'm sure it will get praise like usual. I don't understand why it's so challenging though?

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
Can't extend on a scar match, but I'll be getting it done tomorrow hopefully... I got a infection in my left eye and it slowed me down cause I was out of commission for 2 weeks. I'm done with my antibiotics now though, and got some eye drops so I'm good to go now that I can see properly. On top of everything, this is the most challenging battle I've ever drawn haha... Good luck Chris, & thanks for the support. Looking forward to yours.

The Bent One's avatar
The Bent One
14 years ago
Rematch!!!!!! Awesome, I can't wait!

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
you'll get it done man, no big if you need to extend

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
Having some problems. Hopefully I can work it out for everyone.

Fox24's avatar
14 years ago
nervous? It's a battle no matter how it comes out I'm sure that the world will love it!

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
Thanks everybody! My first REMATCH in almost 30 fights on Void! I'm pretty nervous for this one. Let's get it Chris!

Orion's avatar
14 years ago
Awesome! Nice to see you back. Can't wait to see 'em.

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
14 years ago
Hey, alright, welcome back Carlito. Best of luck to you and best of luck to Fox!