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Estrella D\' Muerte vs Kaisho Ponbiki vs Stoffpuppe vs Xia | All-Together Now! 2010 Round 1


Estrella D\' Muerte vs Kaisho Ponbiki vs Stoffpuppe vs Xia | All-Together Now! 2010 Round 1
By Cracking Skulls
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Final Score: 5.74
Estrella D\' Muerte vs Kaisho Ponbiki vs Stoffpuppe vs Xia | All-Together Now! 2010 Round 1
chat_bubble 12
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Estrella D\' Muerte
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Kaisho Ponbiki
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.03

Comments (12)

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
13 years ago
A.X. - Wow! You had some stiff competition but you did very well for yourself! It was a pretty brave attempt to go with markers, cause they're pretty unforgiving, since we see every single line you make and it can't help but show up. I think you should try inkwash next time, it has results that are just as good if not better, and they're much more beginner friendly. You need to get some more anatomy practice going on with yourself, because at the moment, you've got some head shapes and nose shapes that could use some variety or toss ups. If you want, I have some various resources that could help you. Also, I think you should work on adding some blacks and various details to the backgrounds you have. Your grays, while helping, also need some kind of supporting feature to help the backgrounds not feel so flat, I think. Whether it's a darker gray or the introduction of a black, something could be used there to help it pop. I think making Xia bored isn't a good message to send to the reader. Because more often than not, you could easily get the reader bored. It's okay to start it that way, but to plop it in the middle of the action or segment of the story isn't good for the pace of it. However, I loved how you had Stoffpuppe come back exactly where she died. I hope the story you've started here is going to be continued later, because despite your unfinished state, I really like what you've begun here. Ponbiki - Man, you've been doing a lot this year and it's been fantastic to see your participation here. I loved this fight a whole bunch, too. Your anatomy, line art, and blacks are definitely spot on for this fight. Your style is super energetic and without having heavy interaction, you say all that really needs to be said for the story. You could use a few more technical details, such as Ponbiki's gun when we see him the first time and you had some issues where some of your art was a bit unclear or muddled. I think some spots could have used some gutter space or white if there was a heavy thing of black there to make it a little more obvious. The last panel on the first page for example, was a little unclear to me at first. These are all semantics for the most part in the long run. I'm really excited to see how you're going to do the next rounds, because you're totally going to make it to the finals if you keep this quality up.

drawdan's avatar
13 years ago
Stephen mimicked most of what I was going to say on both sides. I always Love your stuff Pon, though I admit I got lost in the linework a few times. The last page of Pon and Estella was frickkin awesome.

Iketeruguy's avatar
13 years ago
A.X.: Your fight showed some promise but even outside of not being complete it was paced a little slow I thought. I like that you took the time to build up to some rising action and drew backgrounds a fair amount, but I think you should've cut some stuff out in the writing process to make it easier for you to finish the drawing side of your entry. As a result you had a decent finished product for the more low key portion of your story but the more exciting parts were very incomplete and maybe even left out entirely. Still, good show. Just try to be more concise. Pon: Your work has always been some of the more dynamic stuff on this site and that shows here. It used to make your battles a little unclear at times, but that's much more improved now. The story was paced a little fast and I had to re-read it to figure out what was going on with the doll (but that was more to do with my unfamiliarity with the character), but I enjoyed reading it again, so good work! Your art conveys a lot of character, especially with Estrella who is VOID's number one femme fatale.

PONBIKI's avatar
13 years ago
A.X nice stuff. i like were you were heading with your story...funny how you too used estrella to manipulate puppe to fight with pon.. crazy stuff. im sad you dint finish, but sometimes that happens. keep it up. sorry to everyone if mine was short. i had like 3 pages i cut out to make it less chatty i guess. since im still not good at writting i kept it short. good luck to everone on the tourney.

Fred's avatar
13 years ago
AX, you had a nice start, I think, sad you didnt finish. I was a bit bored by xia's boredom. but the rest wasnt bad. well, except for the quality drop... Ponbiki, it looked good and seems like a very interesting storyline start, but everything happens way too fast for my tastes, we dont get the time to properly enjoy and grasp the story.

Cracking Skulls's avatar
Cracking Skulls
13 years ago
Gonna have to apologize on my side. I had everything planned but looks like I couldn't keep up. Pon, loved your comic, dude. good luck to everyone on the tournament.

PONBIKI's avatar
13 years ago
pages uploaded. good luck to everyone.. laters

carlito's avatar
13 years ago
SO EXCITED AND HUNGRY FOR THIS BATTLE I ALMOST CAN'T BEAR TO WAIT!!! You two both make comics that I like... And PON you're a living, breathing, active Void LEGEND! No joke, you and James: my two favorites. EVER! And a Estrella AND Kaisho fight!?! YESSSSS!!!

PONBIKI's avatar
13 years ago
nice match up! Good luck A.X.

Wolcik's avatar
13 years ago
Yup! Definitly a good fight :)

E.W. Schneider's avatar
E.W. Schneider
13 years ago
Oh man, I can feel it, this is gonna be a good fight. Good luck you guys!