Carlito - Thanks again for the match and thanks for the kind words. I've read all the comics you've done for Void and I really enjoyed them. You've shown a lot of growth and hard work with your stuff. And the Lau - Chia switcheroo has to be one of the boldest accomplishments I've seen on this site. Good job and great work. And it's an honor to be on that list of your top opponents.
Maybe I'm biased but I really liked reading this comic. First off I've always liked that since Chia's been incapacitated, the sheep's been getting the spotlight. The subtlety and it's relationship to mine really brings out the humor for me. Also, "Keep staring, sheep." Hah!
Danielle will be waiting for you, man.
Everybody else: Thanks for taking the time to look over this battle and for leaving the comments, everyone. I always appreciate it greatly.
Neo, I really like the energy from your drawings, but sometimes it's a little hard to see whats going on. I'm trying to learn how to ink myself, but putting a thicker line on certain parts might help the poses read better.
This battle was spacetastic : ). Good job to the both of you, I liked reading both of your comics. I think for me personally they're about equal in quality!
Neo- You're one of the people I REALLY like on this site, and you get better almost every battle you do! It was a honor to fight you and I'm sorry I didn't turn out something better. The fact that you followed AND used the Lau as Chia-Hui stuff was AWESOME!! And man! The Swan Strike was just SICK!
This was up there in my top 3 comics against Chia-Hui, and I thank you for it and ALL the work you do on here.
1. Vs Ponbiki
2. Vs Ben
3. Vs Neo
Good job. This is head and shoulders above your earlier stuff. I like the way you pace things and that you generally seem to actually try and keep everybody in character. You've avoided my two biggest Void pet-peeves! That said, if I have a complaint, that complaint is that it doesn't feel like there's any resolution, or that a whole lot happens in these pages. You have a beginning and middle of a story but that's about it. You should always go out of your way to make sure you're not wasting a reader's time. I guess fielding a character who's in a coma has its draw-backs! Hah. Good fight dude. Keep it up.
This is easily your best Bat fight yet. It's extremely polished, easy to follow and just cool to look at. I'd say that it's paced very well and it's probably up there with some of your better Danielle fights in every area except that the writing's not quite as strong. Good work! Keep it up also!
Cool ethos cameo! i like the gang build up carlito, cool comic too your line art is getting stronger. Neoicarus I loved the action and the comedy timing in your pacing was great. nice work guys
Nice art as usaul Neo! Thanks for the battle.
The swan punch was awesome! Now I gotta fight Danielle someday! I been wanting to fight her since I got on void haha. I even have doodles & thumbs of her laying around somewhere... or I did. I think I mighta threw 'em out.
Comments (17)