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Chia-Hui vs Kaisho Ponbiki

4 Weeks + 1 Week
Regular Match


Chia-Hui vs Kaisho Ponbiki
By carlito
chat_bubble 27
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Final Score: 6.82
Chia-Hui vs Kaisho Ponbiki
chat_bubble 27
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Kaisho Ponbiki
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.81

Comments (27)

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
[quote]We have got to rumble some day. I don't know if Chia Hui has a future, but i dont mind doing a flashback. Cuz as far as i remember it was YOU that caused those battle bugs to ruin my future when you fought Rebel Roach, hahaha. Ah yes... Rebel Roach, my first fight on Void. Haha. I would definitely fight you, and I really like your art style. I been pondering fighting you for a while but was trying to get my game up. I added you to my hitlist, but it might be a little. I got some stuff going on and ain't fighting every month for the first time in over 2 years I been here. We'll get it crackin' though!

Rtv!'s avatar
14 years ago
Finally some time to read stuff. I wish i voted on this, dammit. CQ - That was pretty short, but on the other hand i've been following all your comics and this just makes it complete. The simplicity is easy on the eyes and fun to look at. I hope this isn't the last of it. I kinda grew attached to the lil monk. I like the flow of how each story unfold. Lau is his twin?! We have got to rumble some day. I don't know if Chia Hui has a future, but i dont mind doing a flashback. Cuz as far as i remember it was YOU that caused those battle bugs to ruin my future when you fought Rebel Roach, hahaha. Mr. Rios - I kinda hate you for making some rushed work look so cool. I can't do it >_< LOVED the action, even if it was unclear at some points. No dialogue, full action. You brought back that nostalgic feeling. Kaisho and his opponent are actually the same size, had to get used to the idea he's taller for a second. My favourite part was where Kaisho was dodging Chia's attack and even had the time to read a news paper. Haahahaha, bad ass! Man your style has exploded into awesome proportions since we last fought. (more of an ass beating then a fight.) And i will keep bothering you for that rematch! But first imma root for you on Zuda. Keep up the goods guys.

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
I think I might even be able to leave this site a happy man now.

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
Thanks again for the fight Pon! I took this fight knowing I would lose, and I'm really glad I did. I can't believe it was actually even close. You gave me the best comic I've fight I've gotten yet (or at least MY favorite! I really liked Squidman's against me too though) and if I can afford it, I wondered if I can buy the pages from you at Chicago Con or something. If you still have them that is. Thanks for all crits I got this time around too. As always, I'll try to use what was said to get better the next time.

alberto311's avatar
14 years ago
Good job guy's! Carlito I love reading your comics and you seem to be imrpoving with each one. Ponbiki great art and angles, a few panels looked liked they were rushed, and i wished there was more dialogue to guide me through it. But over all great job.

PyrasTerran's avatar
14 years ago
as always, Chia-Hui comics' strength is content and heart over technical skill.. even so, there's improvement shown after every issue and that's a major plus. The large gaps for writing the letter would work for a bigger piece of lit, but for such a short comic I think it removes potential. You could have had the writing within large pretty images, for example. But like I said, heart and content are in the right place, and if a comic can be emotive regardless of its formalism that's not a bad place to be. ponbiki's comic is the opposite: it's just a straight-up brawl with no rhyme or reason, but it looks great. There are a few times where it's hard to see, but overall very fun to look at. I can speak Spanish so some gags were great :D

Coatl's avatar
14 years ago
While I liked both, I felt like Ponbiki's comic felt a lil sloppy, I hardly could tell what was going on, I feel like you need to add more dialog or something to help out, However, i liked the designs and the over the top feeling that come out of your comic. Carlito, i liked the storyline, I guess i didnt read the last comic, thus I didnt get why he was in a hospital bed, but I like your environment and I hope i get a chance to battle each of you in the future.

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
[quote]Also, if he has a twin, how come they both have the same scars (maybe this is in a previous comic? I havnt been here on EV for ages) It was in my Lau the Assassin Beyond Battle last week that Lau shaved his head and cut the wounds into his face, but you're right that I haven't explained it here. Maybe I'll change my intro or something, or add a page telling the story so far like Amazing David suggested... I have mixed feelings about it.

BornLoser's avatar
14 years ago
Ponbiki: It really confused me but I liked the art. Carlito: It was nice but I felt the narration of the letter could have been weaved into the pictures more so it wasnt just big blocks of whit inbetween each panel. Also, if he has a twin, how come they both have the same scars (maybe this is in a previous comic? I havnt been here on EV for ages)

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
Pon- I loved yours so much I can't even tell you... It was just awesome man. As I was first reading it, I was smiling so hard my face hurt! I've read it 20 times since then, and it just gets better each read. The drunken boxing stuff was just sick! Luchidor worms, crazy clouds of dizzying power and drunkeness, blistering fights so fast.. in between punches, newspapers are read and Hamlet recited. Haha, that was the coolest. Thank you man. And yeah, I'd be super stoked to do a rematch sometime! I promise it would have more action and fighting and training sequences and stuff. I'll be really practicing that stuff soon to beef up, and be more capable. Man That would be cool.

PONBIKI's avatar
14 years ago
Carlito great job i really like what you did. Im not really following alot of stories on void but i see this was very special. Im actually honored on how you made ponbiki a real cool dude. I hope you like what i did i figure you wanted to see him in a fight so that what i gave ya. i thought of more thing but like i said i was busy maybe next time right. good luck man and ill be happy to work with you again. laters

Darius Corry's avatar
Darius Corry
14 years ago
Carlito- Man I loved it. Coming from a man who is pressed on continuity, I loved your approach on this one. Ponbiki- Hope you come around more often, This was simple an' sexy. I jiggled for the Super-German Suplex.

William_Duel's avatar
14 years ago
Carlito, this was pretty ok. I liked it, it continues to follow your storyline and I guess you decided to be a bit more literal in what's going on, sure that's fine. Suggestions I could make would be to make your shadows deeper, it might look crisper that way, some solid blacks with the crosshatching edging away from it, something like that. As for the letter format, it was a neat idea but how well executed it was is debatable. I feel the writing looks too digital, and maybe a bit too forced. Something more 'natural' would have worked and since Chia-Hui didn't learn much english until recently, it might have spruced it up a bit to see him make some intentional typos and cross throughs, yadda yadda, just a suggestion. But yeah, too digital like. Ponbiki, cool beans to see you pumping things out again, the amount of details certainly proves your experience as a vet, but man there's some clarity issues here. In a way, it might be okay cuz it forces the reader to slow down and appreciate the detail but the question is to what degree? It took me a few pauses before I got the gist of some scenes, like when he drank the super Mexican luchador tequila worms. But yeah, nice shit. Kinda simple but ok.

Angie's avatar
14 years ago
It might take a little bit to go up because Toast has to put it up manually

carlito's avatar
14 years ago
UPLOADED. Tried something different. Thanks again for the fight Pon. Hope you like my side. It's been fun. See you guys later.

PONBIKI's avatar
14 years ago
hey hey I sent my pages to Wei in a email i had more pages then the uploader allowed me to post so thats why i sent them to him. hope you like the fight now i got to get ack to some projects i put aside while working on this battle. good luck Carlito

PONBIKI's avatar
14 years ago
Carlito Quinones: Haha.. with the extention, this falls on my birthday now. That's pretty cool.
well thats cool. hey i should have told ya about the extension. my bad but ive been busy trying to promote the Zuda entry.

William_Duel's avatar
14 years ago
Man if only ponbiki had been around while soldat was still alive, urg.

Rtv&#33;'s avatar
14 years ago
Pon, i hereby re-and-pre-challenge you. Welcome back man! Carlito, kick his ass.