Mike- Thanks man. I'll be working more on foreshortening, I'm not very good at it.
Drastic- Thanks for all the advice. I do tend to try to work on stuff all at once,
I don't really know how else to do it... yeah the limited color thing was just something I thought I'd experiment with on
these "Sheep Fights". I see what your saying though.
Kent- Sweet
Mel- I must not have really executed the joke right.
It wasn't really supposed to be all that random, as much as just a joke on being being paranoid of rival spies,
no matter their appearances.
I definitely have a lot to learn about color... I'll keep messing around with it from time to time. It's never really been
my thing, but I'd like to learn more.
Thanks for the crits from everybody.
Chia, it was cute and random. I don't get why she went from "oh so cute, come home with me" to "WHO SENT YOU". As I said, random.
I find that the colors are very washed out in the panels, but that could be the lack of shading and color choices. Maybe a bit more saturation and use of more color would've made them pop more. Next time!
Mister Kent, Better to turn in SOMETHING so you get SOME SORT of points/votes than to turn in nothing and get a huge straight row of F's THEN submit the rest as a BB. Keep that in mind for your next battle if you can't finish it on time, please.
All is forgiven Kent, as much as I would have liked to see you entry as well.
Well Carlito I think this one turned out pretty well, I can see that your still trying to improve all of your skills simultaneously rather than one at a time which can have its pros and cons, as with all techniques. While your line-work and pacing seems to have improved I will second what was said concerning your backgrounds. Just push a *liiiiiittle* bit more on them. We don't need so many details they distract from the foreground but just some effort in a few more places could really make a difference. I know that your coloring isn't the star of the show but it still managing to clash with your exploration of hatching lines a little for some reason. Don't get me wrong. In some areas it works fine. Others are another story...such as the 4th frame on page 2.
Overall though your on the right track. Give linewidths more attention and don't be shy to shade some colors next time! I'm sure it'll turn out good!
Yeah, sorry about that, everyone - I really didn't want to turn in anything unfinished
I'll have it up eventually as a BB, but I can't wait to work with Carlito again
I liked the art, I would like a *little* bit more background-wise. I think there should have been one more panel of the sheep following Jane, I didn't really get that the animal was following her at first. The panels of her bent over with her ass in the air weren't quite foreshortened right and looked a bit awkward. It was a good read, though. Good Job.
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