I'm going to echo the masses a bit here, so bear with me:
Tdkgunghoul: Your enthusiasm (submitting an 11 page comic when the minimum was 3) is admirable, certainly. I'm not sure the quantity makes up for the sacrifice in quality. I am, of course, referring to the MSpaint fills. They're distracting, and I'm not sure they added much in the way of clarity. In short, next time-- if this is your only option, you might consider doing without, or keeping a black marker handy. I found the font distracting, too, and I realize it was a last minute selection.
... I'm sensing a theme, here.
The holidays are a busy time for us all, but that shouldn't come as a surprise. You're comic isn't bad, it's rushed. If you had made time to polish this up a bit and do it right, it would have been great instead of just good.
Next time, right? There's always a next time.
I'd like to stress once more (since the general tone of this comment hasn't been as encouraging as I meant it to be) that I really like the fact that you set yourself a sizable goal, and got it posted on time. You accomplished something, here, and you should be proud.
carlito: I appreciate the humour of your little story, here. I'm fond of your limited color palette-- it was effective. Obviously, your setting was very simple. This wasn't challenging for you, and it shows-- I get the sense that if you pushed yourself harder, you could really wow us.
I'd like to see some more line variation from you, if only to pump up the visual interest. Might mean all the difference, dude.
Thought tdkgunghouls story was interesting... I'm A little confused by the ending. Carlito's comic was cute, but a little too easy. Good quality though!!
Apology page time!
Yes, Will, I used mspaint to edit this one. This time though, I had to do my editing at an internet cafe at at 2am all in one go. Also, I forgot which font from blambot I used before, so I grabbed one from random.
As for that one page, that one was actually a mis-scan (is that even a word?) because, as you can see,
this is a rushed job.
On an unrelated note, this is my first time drawing an anthro. Ever.
Carlito, the story is a nice idea, kinda funny but the execution could have been better. A lot better. Those miss panels are too plain.
tdkgunghoul, it looks like you're using mspaint. Please describe your process because it needs some tweaking. Those black fill ins are incomplete and I think the page which you identified as your worst is actually probably the best one there. The text is pretty distracting and far too digital looking. You have the capacity for shading I believe, but I think you're a little too afraid. Push man. Don't be afraid just keep the object and lighting in mind. If you screw up a bit, erase or just change it around.
Uploaded, finally!
Before anybody feels depressed or let down after reading my submission, I'd just like to say that I put
lame internet references as dialogue.
Haha. Yeah I pushed it foward a month when they offered double extentions in December.
Now instead of end of May, I'll probably come back in June.
Really I'm only taking the time off to practice from anatomy and perspective books, and study art on my own for a little while.
Comments (17)