carlito: it was fun, but I kinda wanted more... I enjoyed the use of color but wished you would have added at least one more in there.
Billy d, sorry about the hard times.
Dammit Red it was during Finals time!! I had six of those monsters to go through! The real comic is infinitely better I assure you and I will work on it as soon as I'm done thrashing Qyz.
Not much of a battle on either end...
Carlito- love your use of color as well as the combination of dynamic angles and stylized images- really reminds me of the burial of The Comedian.
William- I'd love to see some fore-shortening, less sketchiness, etc, but you were obviously rushed so I'm not going into a detailed critique.
Carlito, I guess you're playing off the whole Deathmatch, so your side was.. despite uneventful- simple. You're color use was actually alrighht. Symbolic and the same technique you used in your last match. Don't overplay too much of a good thing though, okay?
I think you need to take steps to making your lineart appear more smooth. As it stands now, it's just so crispy enough that I might find it on a KFC menu! Try applying a minimal gaussian blur to your lines, see if that helps clean it up any.
William, Uh... well, you tried? I can go through this plenty, but the fact that you said yourself you were pressed and did not do a good job or spend time on this somehow tells me to not waste my mind. I CAN if you want though. Either way, I'm glad you submitted SOMETHING. Good job on that.
Good show.
Carlito - That was a sweet send-off to Olympia, Carlito - I think your lines were really clean, and your work has shown a lot of improvement lately. Keep it up.
William - I'll be sad to see Soldat go - she has/had a lot of potential
Please forgive me for this piece of crap. I'm not gonna make any excuses, the excuses exist but either way I apologize to everyone. In fact, don't even bother reading mine. I got permission from Dawg to use his character but I apologize to him too for this terrible comic. I will try not to fail so hard next time.
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