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Buer vs Chia-Hui

2 Weeks
Regular Match


Buer vs Chia-Hui
By carlito
chat_bubble 21
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 5.97
Buer vs Chia-Hui
By Boris
chat_bubble 21
star star
Final Score: 3.86

Comments (21)

Phill's avatar
15 years ago
phaseout2004: i don't know about the blob... i've been taking extensive study on the anatomy, i've figure drawn too much. I'd like to think, i know my shit. Why i choose to draw like this, has everything to do with how fast i want to draw. If i run over the illustration 3 times and move on, i couldn't take it. Plus, i like the simplicity. I feel that it's easier to recognize figures on a panel without missing a beat (if done correctly) and move on reading.The very reason why clarity is so important with me. I don't like coloring, I do like color; the minimal palette is me compromising. i'll polish, i'll resize. i don't expect changing my style anytime soon.
I've read over your comic at a smaller size dude, and it still looks like shit. Less time spent on a comic doesn't mean better if it turns out looking like a pixelated muggy mess. You've done figure drawings huh? It doesn't look like it to me. Page 1 Panel 5: her skull looks like it was molded from Silly Putty. Clarity is also something to work on as I have no fuckin' clue as to what story you're telling here, and what's this? You didn't even finish?! You'd think that if you were quick enough in drawing these comics, finishing this wouldn't be a problem! You think you know your shit, but you obviously don't! This comic proves it! Spend more time on these comics, use those life studies to your advantage and don't warp the anatomy. And if you think I'm wrong here, PM me and I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.

carlito's avatar
15 years ago
Thomas Tan: Carlito, it feels like you took a bit of a step back on this one, and didn't put as much into your comic as I've seen you do before. You put so much time and effort into your backgrounds and hatching with your Mize battle, I was expecting to see the same effort here. I know you've been battling a lot lately, if it's too much, it's okay to slow down for a bit. In any case, I hope to see you come back with a vengeance on your next comic.
well, after the Mize fight, both Angie and Squid advized me to simplify my style. Angie told me to play to my strengths, which she thought are more of a cartoon style, and Squidman even said to try not hatching, and try to get down to the basic form. That sounded like a good idea to me, and since more then one person thought the same thing I decided to try it out in this series of 5 battles I have going. As far as slacking off or not trying as hard cause I've got some many fights at once, that's not the case at all. I'm putting as much effort into keeping it simple as I did before into making it detailed... but these are one week battles I'm doing. After one week I move on to the next one. The only reason I varied the battle times on the challenges from two weeks and three weeks, was to get all my fights going and not have to worry about anything inbetween.

Boris's avatar
15 years ago
i don't know about the blob... i've been taking extensive study on the anatomy, i've figure drawn too much. I'd like to think, i know my shit. Why i choose to draw like this, has everything to do with how fast i want to draw. If i run over the illustration 3 times and move on, i couldn't take it. Plus, i like the simplicity. I feel that it's easier to recognize figures on a panel without missing a beat (if done correctly) and move on reading.The very reason why clarity is so important with me. I don't like coloring, I do like color; the minimal palette is me compromising. i'll polish, i'll resize. i don't expect changing my style anytime soon.

(Pi)'s avatar
15 years ago
Carlito, it feels like you took a bit of a step back on this one, and didn't put as much into your comic as I've seen you do before. You put so much time and effort into your backgrounds and hatching with your Mize battle, I was expecting to see the same effort here. I know you've been battling a lot lately, if it's too much, it's okay to slow down for a bit. In any case, I hope to see you come back with a vengeance on your next comic. Phase, I think it's time to start branching out. Minimal lines and flat colors aren't really doing the trick anymore, and the digital lettering doesn't really fit well at all. Do more with your inks and lines, this is the place to bear down and improve your techniques. The biggest issue I've had with your art for a while is that it's so inconsistent. Sometimes your stuff looks really rad and fresh, others it looks half-finished or rushed through. Take your time and make everything as solid as you can get it. As for coloring, if you're going to stick to flat colors, I think your choices could have been a little better with this piece. They seemed a little haphazard, like you had an idea but didn't quite get what you wanted. Hope to see more from you soon.

alberto311's avatar
15 years ago
[Alberto- Thanks. I'm taking a break after this series but I'd like a crack at you again sometime.] Sounds great.... I've finally come out of my social and creative coma... I need to sharpen my skills up again. Anytime bro.

amazingdavid's avatar
15 years ago
Carlito this is a good example of beating someone at their own game...nice job...

Phill's avatar
15 years ago
phaseout2004: resizing is imperative. loud and clear. I'd like to request a reevaluation of my submission after you do this. (press and hold CTRL key while you use the SCROLL on your mouse and scroll down) that is, if you haven't already. It should make the image smaller. I don't know any other way to make the image smaller if you don't have a mouse with a SCROLL; if that's what you call it.
Resizing the page itself is easier for everybody, when I look at a comic, I do not want to have to shrink the entire browser in order to view it.

Kuro's avatar
15 years ago
phaseout2004: I'd like to request a reevaluation of my submission after you do this. (press and hold CTRL key while you use the SCROLL on your mouse and scroll down) that is, if you haven't already. It should make the image smaller. I don't know any other way to make the image smaller if you don't have a mouse with a SCROLL; if that's what you call it. Does it help any of the other problems such as coherence or the pixelated look?
the lines have to do with your method of scanning & zooming out will only make the pixel noise fuzzier instead of sharp, but the lines are still noisy. and then you can't even read the text because while it's readable at size, you applied it to a massive page. but seriously, why bother people with adjusting the magnification of their browser if you couldn't bother resizing in the first place? the pixelated look comes from however you're scanning. if you're scanning pencils or ink over pencils or have bleeds or have textured paper, the lines will inherently have some noise to them, little dots & bits. but when you scan as a pure black & white bitmap, the computer has to look at each one of those little dots & bits & have to establish whether it's either white or black with no in between & that's how you get that pixelated look no matter what size you scan at. now there's methods of cleaning this up, but i personally find it far easier to scan the grayscale images & just adjust the thresholds later. as for the text, i'm probably the biggest stickler here, but i'm a stickler because i don't think a lot of people take the look of their text into effect & realize it's part of the look of their page. it can be used to enhance the overall look & in most cases, if you don't put any thought into it, it ends up detracting. if you're going to work digitally, you want something that looks handwritten so it matches the flow & energy of the lines. the more synthetic a font, to me, the less it suits handdrawn line art. plunking down times new roman, looks like plunked down times new roman. it's just kinda halfassed. i myself have the shittiest handwriting imaginable but i'm in the process of trying to just get better at it for the sake of handlettering more & more. also, i know you to have a fairly gestural style, but here, whether from rushing or whatever, it seemed too much so, as it really didn't get the point across some times or just didn't look right. there's a fine line with a gestural style because while you'd like to stay loose, you have to convey your ideas to the audience & here i wasn't getting them.

Boris's avatar
15 years ago
resizing is imperative. loud and clear. I'd like to request a reevaluation of my submission after you do this. (press and hold CTRL key while you use the SCROLL on your mouse and scroll down) that is, if you haven't already. It should make the image smaller. I don't know any other way to make the image smaller if you don't have a mouse with a SCROLL; if that's what you call it. Does it help any of the other problems such as coherence or the pixelated look? The font was used for legibility...i've been handwriting my other comics and thought it was hard to read; i'll have to find some way to fix that. Thanks for the feedback

Kuro's avatar
15 years ago
carlito: not bad on quality but not a great deal of substance here. you could have made this story a lot more interesting by giving your panels more room to breath & spreading it out over another page or two. the way the wide panels on the one page crop out a lot of the action is awkward. did dig the limited palette though. good luck with this string of battles you're in the middle of. i know you've only got so much time between each, but i hope over that time you up the ante & get a little more involved than this here. phase: if i were to be honest, it's hard to find a redeeming quality with this comic, man. to be incomplete is one thing, but the blobby anatomy, the fuzzy scans at huge res, the times new roman, & the lack of coherency really did nothing for me. definitely don't scan straight b&w's or as a bmp or scan at whatever settings you're using because it makes the linework get that shitty pixelated look. and really, there's never any proper excuse to be submitting images this large to the site. color & shrink them before you save.

anthonybaiz's avatar
15 years ago
phaseout2004: Your font, homie. It just wasn't cutting it. The idea and story was good. But you should really work on a structure for your line work. carlito: This was alot better mang.

King_Pong's avatar
15 years ago
Hey phaseout, I'm going to repeat what Phil said, size these pages down smaller. Also it looks like you scanned then as pure B/W, if you did I would highly suggest you scan the linework as a GRAYSCALE, and not B/W your lines will look tons better and not be super pixellated.

alberto311's avatar
15 years ago
Good Job Carlito... quite entertaining.... Much improvement since our first match... Phase: What the..... I'm not sure what's going on.... and the art is lacking the tightness.... it looks as if you drew it with one of those boards that you pass a magnet around colleting the metal shavings and try to put the beard on the guy... :)

Phill's avatar
15 years ago
Carlito: Not bad dude, I thought it was a cute story. Not really a whole lot to this as it is a standard battle, but it's done pretty well and it's a short and sweet battle. I do think you should try to zoom out a bit more with things like action sequences, the sheep biting Buer for example could easily be shot from a distance. Overall it's a very solid entry. Phaseout: Dude... shrink those images! This comic is butt ugly! I wasn't really impressed by the story either as I had no idea what was going on aside from Buer going back to his home to reminisce or something. Shrink your images, and work on your stories! Vote goes to Carlito, no contest.

Boris's avatar
15 years ago
uploaded... it's incomplete. I'll have to do a beyond battle sometime and finish it. sorry.

carlito's avatar
15 years ago
Haha, I seen it. Thanks man. You're in for a surprise though...

carlito's avatar
15 years ago
Looking foward to this Phase, I really like your stuff.