it's not? well whatever it is, it's something remarkably close used to the same effect. it makes things feel lifeless & generic, & detracts from the overall look of the page. it's so easy to find alternatives if you're not willing to handletter.
another thing i noticed looking back is you need work on your balloon placement & tweaking points & curves on the cursors. don't be afraid to tweak the curve in & out more & try to keep everything uniform rather than having one giant block wedge cursor & one narrow long one. the inconsistency is unprofessional looking. and when you have cursors running parallel (the big middle panel on pg2), it's just ugly & hampers flow.
For real: Comic Sans ruins comics.
Don't use it unless you're an undersexed soccer mom.
I think you both need to work on your character distinction. take each character's accessories away & they both had the same facial features & body type (albeit one was slightly shorter). give your story some life by breathing life into characters rather than having a generic go-to template.
and apologies or no, hiemie nailed it. if you can't find anything interesting in your own work, what hope does the reader have?
I'm honored Flame that you chose to continue your story from mine, though it wasn't necessary haha. I like your artwork and I hope for more Xia comics. Sorry if I don't have much else to add crit wise.
Fox's pencil work is cool and it was a good read. Just beware of the man-like shoulders paytent has from time to time.
oh well I didn't mean to be a dick, I know there's a forum post about its I am not the only person bothered by it, I just think apologies detract from the comic. Unless you got your hand chopped off and couldn't finish, I personally hate seeing them. thanks!
I wasn't so much adding a apology as I was saying it for Anthony's sake for calling him an As* hole in my comic. But thanks. Look out for my next comic, hopefully cleaner and better backgrounds.
Micheal, it was sort of a joke. I wasn't putting myself down or drawing THAT much attention to it, just making fun of what Fox said earlier. I didn't mean to say "this match is super boring, don't read guys". If it really is annoying though, I'll avoid it in the future.
Thanks for your critique too. I'll definitley use reference next time.
Fox, First thing I noticed was the backgrounds, they kind of disappear after a while and were treated with the same care as the figures to begin with. I think getting those up to par would improve your work leaps and bounds. Also be more mindful of where you place your word balloons. On page 3, 4th panel you are completely covering up the figures and showing all the negative space of the room where nothing is happening. Inverted tails still make me want to kill babies. The slice of life story was kind of nice, but I feel like there could have been a bit more information given about the characters. Oh and NO EXCUSE PAGES. Just but the shit on a plate and let the customers taste it, if they don't like they'll send it back. You don't need to tell them the salmon was a week old.
AX, Please read the last two sentences. Putting yourself down at the beginning of match is annoying. If you know something is boring, fix it and don't send it out. If you can't fix it, you don't really need to draw attention to it. It's likely that no one would know its boring, but now that you told me its boring I am already bored.
art wise I really want to see you tighten up your cartoony style. I am not sure how to say what I am thinking, but the anatomy is a little off, I would encourage you to look at as many cartoons and see how they exaggerate anatomy. I think, however, that the problem will be solved by simply drawing more. I would use reference on cars and buildings too, those seemed a bit curvy.
I liked the story(and was not bored) and don't really have any complaints about it.
@Anthony: thanks for that tut there! I dont use photoshop so often when drawing, but this is a useful thing and gives me a good reason to use PS more. and yeah, I'm workng on not making them look like a coloring book xD. Thanks!
@Pi: ahah yeah, I'm trying my best to work on my backgrounds more. Obviously a weakness of mine. Thanks, dude!
@Kent: Yeah, I'm defenitely gonnawork on that more. Thanks for telling me :D
oh, not at all, man. No offense on this end. I'm Glad you struck back at me ;) . It's all for the fun of it.
Anthony it was a joke you didn't get, sorry if you were offended, thought you would get a giggle out of being the dean who messed up all of paytent's info but it didn't land so sorry.
Anthony it was a joke you didn't get, sorry if you were offended, thought you would get a giggle out of being the dean who messed up all of paytent's info but it didn't land so sorry.
Fox24 – Some nice backgrounds here. Your art would benefit from looking more finished. The first page, for example, would make a really good impression on the reader if the lines were more cleaned up. I can see that you can do angles shots well, and the angles are nicely varied, so that’s an area to keep developing in future comics.
A.X. – I like your character design—I enjoy the clean lines, and the emotions are lively. I think your comic seems a bit too shallow, however – it’s good that you’ve got some shading going on, but you could use more shades of gray, and in more creative ways. One criticism that I get on my comics is lack of line variety, and I can see that this is an issue for your comics as well. It would help “break up” your images if certain parts had either thicker outlines or more line detail—those two steps would help you a lot, I think.
I enjoy both characters, and look forward to seeing more of them soon!
talking is fine, i didn't think either of the battles were that boring. a little slice-of-life-ish, but not stagnant.
fox, i like the direction you took this in, i'd like to see more of patent trying to be a normal girl instead of a superhero. hope the next one gets to see inks, i like the way your lines were turning out in this one.
ax, this was a pretty solid entry. i'd like to see you start taking more risks with your style, rather than sticking to what you're comfortable with. i like the shading, do more of that. i like the varying line-weight, do more of that. i'd REALLY like to see more backgrounds from you, so definitely do more of that. keep it up, looking forward to your next comic.
i thought everyone was joking about how boring this was going to be. And i didn't get the Joke part Fox24. I'm hope you didn't take that end Extra personal. I guess i was hoping some a comeback....
I liked the looseness that have going but i think that if you would have inked this it was have looked so much cleaner. Alot of it looked impressive, but it looked like you used a soft lead pencil with no eraser.
i like how finished you battle looked A.X, but it looks similar to a coloring book. Try using other techniques of shading
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