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Chia-Hui vs Worltex

3 Weeks
Regular Match


Chia-Hui vs Worltex
By Wolcik
chat_bubble 29
star star
Final Score: 5.92
Chia-Hui vs Worltex
By carlito
chat_bubble 29
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.59

Comments (29)

Kuro's avatar
15 years ago
yeah, wol, your palette could use a lot more variation. perhaps more texture in places too. a lot of times the greens got all blendy. and seeing as it was all happening at night, greens aren't truly greens anyhow, as the night sky & any ambient city light would change that. beyond that, it got to the point where you really stopped drawing the backgrounds & just relied on really really basic photoshop to try & sell the idea. other places, it was just line tool. it all seemed really basic. give them more love carli, the story worked all though short & concise. i think one of the main reasons for that might have been because chia hui was a minor character in his own story. no moping. the anatomy & perspective still has a lot of inconsistencies but it's showing improvement. still though, just because a character has a headband doesn't mean they don't have a forehead. and good to see you try to use tones but think more about where you use them. pages like the third one feel like they have a lot of blank space because you stopped drawing backgrounds & left a lot of white oblivion behind characters.

Darius Corry's avatar
Darius Corry
15 years ago
Wol- Like me , you're determined to get your story out. Granted, I am a big fan of continuity and good stories, don't let it deter you from executing visually (as I've also done). As far as the dialog, I already know the deal so yeah.. Carlito- Yup, you've found your nitch. Only thing is, it could end up being a chance in the future. I would watch who you'd pit the ex-monk against when taking the humor route.

Angie's avatar
15 years ago
Wolcik-I think you really shine the most when you work in black and white, your coloring at the moment could use some work but I would rather see you do some very nice black and white pages than do coloring with weaker lines. I'm interested in seeing where Worltex's story will take him, I actually preferred the first half of the comic because we got more of a chance to see what this guy is about instead of focusing on the House of W. It kind of started to fall apart when you introduced Chia-hui because it felt forced. I do agree with Michael that the chibi anime parts seemed kind of out there for your style. Carlito-You're getting a lot better with your lines and consistency, I think this method of inking is working a lot better for your. Perhaps add some more blacks in the future so things don't feel so barren. It looks like you're still having issues with the distance between eyes though, remember that only 1 eye should fit between 2 eyes in terms of distance. While yeah, Wolrtex was totally out of character, that's part of what made it funny, because you wouldn't really expect a character that seems more straight laced to act like that. Keep up the good work you two

JoshuaEliGilley's avatar
15 years ago
Wolt: Here's a challenge for you: Next time you color, try to put 10-20 different greens in there. You need to work on getting more of a range to your colors, because that dark/intense christmas green....AHHHHH!! theres just so much of it. And some pages/panels there's not really any BG aside from that GREEN. I understand if you like it and it's Worltex color, but many grass/trees/etc.. were also that color or close to it. See if you can get more range in your greens, and your colors overall. Another possible thing is try monochrome or greyscale toning. I think you're drawing is steadily improving, but the colors just kill it. Story was ok, I like that you've got an ongoing story, but try to focus on other's tales also, and how they might intersect. Carlito: I have to agree, i'm more entertained by your comedy than Chia's usual tale. Pg 3 panel 6 Flints head looked crazy wierd...maybe his features were too high up, or the top of his head was too short. Other than that, and the lack of texture in some areas, this was some solid art, liked the last page a lot. Maybe you can find a balance between the funny story-telling and the serious?

Hiemie's avatar
15 years ago
Worltex... ehhh, I dunno, I'm not feeling it. Carlito, I love this comic. Do more like this. Just silly comedy. This is totally your forte. Just like the spin the bottle comic.

michaelharris's avatar
15 years ago
oh sorry Wolt I assumed you were an American, I understand more, but it would be a good idea to get someone to look at your scripts. The anime just didn't seem to mesh well with your style of drawing.

dragon-dan's avatar
15 years ago
carlito, thank you for pulling such a surprise fight out of the hat. When, like, Hiemie or someone uploads, you expect it to be funny. Yours I was caught completely off guard, and as a result, laughed my ass off. Thank you

William_Duel's avatar
15 years ago
The problem with spell check is that the words are spelled right but are the wrong words to use. It would probably help for you to belt out a script, maybe slide it over to an english speaker or even put it in the forums so someone can point out the mistakes.

Wolcik's avatar
15 years ago
Thanks a lot of critique William_Duel: From now on I won't be drawning on tablet, but only finishing or fixing the lines, cause I go off the chart (like last page). Michael X: I try to read more western comics to learn how to show movment in their way (instead of huge amount of speed lines) angieness: I thought that this suppose to be "old" void's problem XD Armonis: I guess I suck at telling jokes XD I was trying to show some gatekeeper's relations (before they'll be removed). RedRevolver: Thanks Red :) Your comments always seems to make me feel better XD I try to come back with more black in my next comics, I promise. I know that a lot of black for shading can make better and gives birth to bg too (as for me). I knew I was going to color this one and I felt a lot free space for color, and I seem forgot that I suck at it XD However my crappy shading (it's even worse cause it was rushed and with just burn tool) is better than having it in plain colors - I compared. michaelharris: I just like to change things around W in order for him to progress. I know that I could just trow him into situations where he interacts with someone, but that can be very hard to make real - I find better ideas my way. I used SpellChek for it, it was the first thing I did - then I did panels and later fixed the lines and addded the colors. I guess I have to ask someone to read my scripts in the future - because since I'm not using this language too much (not speaking it), I don't have the "feel" of naturality in it. That's true that anyone could attack the gatekeeper at HoW, but that's not anyone could do. Normal person could be talked to, even a demon could explain to him what's inside. This idea of him hunting battles with unnatrual things came to me after reading through all his battles - I felt like it would follow his progress. The truth is I wanted Worltex to progress in his relationship with Mel - make it more real, like I'd know how to make character development XD Maybe that's why Chia has such a small role in all of this. I know I'm not a animeish person, I don't draw it and it could possible be good coming from me.

michaelharris's avatar
15 years ago
Wolt: I guess I'll have to disagree with Red, I am not really a big fan of the continuing storyline, I like to try to make my battles character specific, but you could have put anyone in Chia's place and the story would have went the similarly. Why was he at the house of w? Isn't it open to all anyway? Couldn't he have just walked in? Spelling!!!!!! I don't mean to be harsh, but you didn't even try to spell check this. The dialogue also seemed a little unnatural rather than sounding like something people would say. I really like you character drawing I would focus on backgrounds too. The anime faces seemed a little out place too... Carlito: This is the greatest story ever written. Ok well I just hink its cool cause Rev is in it. Anywho, I did enjoy the story. I don't think a story has to be 20 pages for it to be a good story. The characters(though a tad out of character for most of them) interacted naturally in a believable meeting and environment. The art was pretty good. I would start using some perpective drawing with vanishing lines and such for your buildings, you also had a lot of "anonymous box" buildings too. I think you should decide a consistant style of shading you use full blacks, you use parallel lines, you use cross hatching and theykind of clash against each other. You also use the dot pattern, I am guessing from photshop, but you set it too small so it comes out like a plaid pattern instead of dots like in the word "bang" and the blood pool.

Red's avatar
15 years ago
Wolt: I really like when people have a continuing storyline like this. It makes the comic so much more interesting. However, I like your comics better in black and white. The last beyond battle you did was some of your best work. I think you should work in black and white :) Carlito: Your art is getting better, but I was disappointed in the story. You could have swapped Worltex out with any other character and the story would have worked. Therefore, you really didn't take Wolcik's character into consideration at all. It's fine to make jokes about other characters, but it didn't seem how the joke applied to the character specifically. Gave Carlito the quality vote and Wolt the other 2. Wolt's had a lot more thought put into it, it seems.

Nathan's avatar
15 years ago
Carlito: Aahahah. Oh man. I think this gave you the opportunity to break free from your generally more serious character and focus more on paneling, art and entertainment. I thought it was awesome. Worltex: I've been watching you and your character for awhile now, as you remind me a bit of myself. I think that you also tried to branch out with a little humor here. I'm not going to say I laughed, but it's good to see you trying to test the waters in that area. Good effort. The art has some issues which have already been pointed out, mostly some perspective and I noticed specifically some inconsistencies in characters from one panel to the next.

Angie's avatar
15 years ago
Something to remember is that in Void you take what you want as canon. It wasn't out of the ordinary for people to randomly kill the other's character in old fights but they still were alive in the next battle.

Wolcik's avatar
15 years ago
Carlito, I'm only agry at you because I'm losing :( At the begining when W said "21?" next thing he should say is "What's that?" I feel like looking at someone else in my character's body - when he gooes whoo I see Bill Cosby XD This story also provides no character development for Chia-Hui, it's like omake of some sort :P

Wolcik's avatar
15 years ago
Wait?! If Carlito wins will Worltex be dead then? Cause I thought that wasn't a death match 8-P I should work more on my lines, also some quick black buildings as bg would be much better, but that's all should be done before scanning. I just lost my best value in this battle. I'm happy that I at least delivered the part of story I wanted XD

MikalXaiver's avatar
15 years ago
Wolt - Good entry. A few perspective and anatomy issues here and there but I think over all a good core product. The fight seemed sorta static to me, pehaps due to the lack of motion lines of some sort. Might just be me but your word bubbles and font kinda kept snagging me up. Blambot up a good one and that's an easy fix though. Keep up the good work though. I suspect Worltex and Mikal may meet before long...*cue supenseful sting music* Carlito - Funny little entry! Would have liked to see something a little more fleshed out story wise but I'm a sucker for plot is all. For some reason Worltex 'Wooo!' face had me in stitches

William_Duel's avatar
15 years ago
Carlito's entry was humorous to be sure even if it was a little OOC for those involved. While it's awesome that you had backgrounds, I think in some places they could use a little detailing. Like the first page when you have the basketball court, in my opinion I think its a little bland and I think it's the bottom panel of page three...the gray block buildings don't look too great. My only major gripe here is that Chia-Hui has very little screen time if any, and could have used a little more focus. I liked Worltex's entry because it incorporates the themes established by both characters. House of W is this refuge for those who are different, strange and outcasts and the story reflects this. But kudos for incorporating Chia-Hui's flaw of judgement as well. I think your shadowing could use some improvement. The soft shadowing is okay but I think you could have benefitted from some darker shadows here and there. Of course some anatomy issues here and there but everyone could benefit from anatomy practice from time to time.

Wolcik's avatar
15 years ago
Carlito... It's funny that's for sure XD You changed Worltex's personality completly that's an other thing. I bet you could find diffrent characteristic to annoy people - like being a smart ass XD W is too old for B-ball :P I can't say anything about anathomy, since mine was crappy in this battle :( The grey tons you used, did they had to have texture? I wonder how it would look without it.

Wolcik's avatar
15 years ago
UPLOADED I don't seem to have a style. That's why I try something new each time, but this time - it doesn't look good to me. I did just a small sketch and traced/redraw lines on PC - it's colored but that's all the advandages there are. I'm sorry Carlito that I didn't do better, but at least that's a easier win for you ;D Can't wait to see your part XD

schupfnudel's avatar
15 years ago
carlito: This battle is taking me FOREVER... to write, thumb, draw. It's like being stuck in time or something.
I hear ya on that carlito ... But you can do it!! Looking forward to your comics you two!

Wolcik's avatar
15 years ago
Carlito, How can you lose when you're doing even thumbs? I bet that you're effort'll show :)

Darius Corry's avatar
Darius Corry
15 years ago
Man I'm thriled! The Mage vs. The Monk. I feel like I'm gettin my hopes up for a fight tho...and end up with just interaction. And you know both are recent associates so I'll keep my eyes peeled....

Wolcik's avatar
15 years ago
I almost wasted a 1 week , but I that's because I want to show a little of HoW in here :) From lack of any comments I might think that nobody is really thrilled by this battle, but I hope to supprise you :) as Worltex's story has to contine XD Good Luck Carlito :)