It's nice how you quoted yourself there snakeme- er I mean Webrynth. Why don't we focus on le comic.
Rtv!: No spoon huh? Well there's no comic either. Finish up whatever you've got and submit it as a BB soon, otherwise a rematch is gonna be out of the question dude.
Nakia: Dude, I think you're awesome... but! I kinda feel like you're repeating a few things here with the story, we all know The Butcher's past, and I could of sworn that in both halves of the P2 comic the Butcher had him in the end. Unless RTV's would of explained things better, I dunno, seems like there's a huge chunk of story missing here and that's really hurting ya here I believe, and this is a character I really want to take on in the future.
The art, well, your pencils are always great, you and Carolyne are to be envied. BUT! You really gotta find some time to ink this stuff man, you're really looking like you're strugging to get these battles done, take a break when you can soon and come back out swinging cause I know you can really kick ass!
RTV! Finish up your comic all nice and proper!
Whaoah! Their not the same artist are they? Your on the Aproval Comittee. Sploinken Moth wing gentle-man!
Your not being sarcastic are you. Laugh with me now...Laughter I can dodge. United Laughter Coalition. U.L.C. Broadcast your self~
Hoit! Did I just get delusional their? Grandeous & scitzo-effective?
Better go pop one of those nucleomagnetic resonant hightening Lithiums to save the Day!
"Only Heroes survive being Crazy, the rest cross the Border into Insanity" ~snakemeat
Pure and simple, that's Love.
For sure, I never realized before but I'm pretty sure that's the weakest thing about your work Nakia: your primary references are other comics/cartoons. You should really do some real research for the things you're drawing. The burn scars you draw are crazy Spawn but don't make any real sense. Aside from that the storytelling is starting to fall apart. You're beginning to turn into Felle/Rtv, and relying too heavily on other characters and super basic plots to form your stories. Stop being so cliched and try to tell a real story next time. This comic was totally formulaic and it seems like the only story you were telling was the same one you've been telling this whole time: Butcher wants to kill P2 without ever developing into a character. Start thinking more about the middle and less about the ending, the middle is the part we're going to spend more time reading.
Oh also you're retarded for thinking Rtv would turn anything in. Super retarded. Suuuuuuper retarded.
Oh and Rtv, why do you even bother?
That Pencil work on the Scarr Face is Phenomenal, the depth... There was a sense of Vagueness on his transition from sick in bed to Punding pavement. However; vagueness can, if done right, stimulate the imagination, pitch a mystery for a suprise flash-back later. But it did'nt realy work there. You've got skill.
Keap with it. Plan a little more, maybe even get a freind to critique your panel/story action before you invest in it. You must've know RTV wasn't ging to be submitted?
He found his spoon?
Nakia, it's hard to rate the story as it's a two parter, and the art leaves me conflicted. On one hand it was obviously meant for inking but on the other hand I can see how nice (that close up of him looking over at his mask) a lot of it was done even in pencils. I don't know if you ink by hand but I think some time could have been crammed if black areas were just labeled "black" for filling in in photoshop instead of all that time spent actually shading them in with the pencil maybe yes? Do enjoy the expressions, especially S girl's.
I'm no longer 'agreeing' to cancellations. Cuz of past defaults people think it's me and it makes me look bad or like an ass...
But never a bad ass.
This ain't P2, motherfukka. Bring it!
And...welcum aboard Butch.
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