Thank goodness this fight is over, hopefully there's no hard feelings here Chia.
Odd13: Thanks, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed.
RTV: Well, I can rematch you whenever, I had you last time quality wise but people preferred your story. But lemme know if you still want to fight anytime soon, just AIM me.
Zsa: Thanks man, I'll try to figure all that out in future comics since I did kinda rush a couple of the pages towards the end.
Angie: I'm glad that you enjoyed the story, I really wanted to avoid the standard "Redblood bumps into somebody who gets angry and fights!" stereotype I've developed over the years, so hopefully I can keep developing the character a bit better with each page I make.
Soulless: Actually, I never really intended to have my character be huge, just how you say... having an acrobatic build (skinny yet strong). But yeah, I could of had an extra page showing that fight (People tend to like comics with fights in them anyway), I was kinda assuming people would know what would happen since my character was reading what was happening and he had no idea what had happened in the end and just assumed that he got into a fight. But... it was kind of a gamble for me to do that and it really hurt my score in the end.
PunkJax: Thanks man, but I gotta say: I ain't avoiding shit. I didn't want a comic with a fight because I've personally done that a million times with almost all of my fights that I've finished, I rarely avoid anything unless necessary. Not every comic needs a fight ya know?
Michaelharris: Dude, first off, Chia Hui starts shit in his fights all the time, read his fight with Dreadnaut if you don't believe me (The character is also an EX monk, not a monk). Second, having regrets for doing something stupid like causing an unwanted fight isn't emo, it's called character development and it's the second most important thing in comics. Third, the journal to me was necessary because it was something I used to have my character reflect back on his life and to introduce the other character instead of the same ol' "Character A bumps into Character B and battles" plot.
Redrevolver: Thanks, I kinda wish I could of gone back and edited panels like I did my last fight, but I had over 2 months of work on that fight. 3 weeks + match type with no extension = less time to look back and fix things. But I'm happy to know you liked this.
Jetaime: Thanks, I'm planning on doing just that, I'm just worried that it'll muck up a few things occasionally. But I gotta try it at least.
SQUIDMAN!!: Thank you as well, that does make sense actually, and I'll push the cross hatching a bit more.
Kotori: An extra page to my half might of made things a bit better and probably a bit more entertaining. Anatomy I'm also wanting to work on big time.
fence: Thanks, and I think the ladies of void have clearly spoken in favor of having me cross hatch the characters and not just the backgrounds.
Nibbles: I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
Hux: Well, the thing about that scar dude, it would of been completely disrespectful to my opponent, my original idea was ripping off a limb, but due to the drama I myself caused Carlito in the past I felt that doing so wouldn't of been wise considering the reception my death match got when I decided to put my grudge into a comic. It would of been interesting, yes. But it would of also been drama that I don't want and this fight had a ton of drama recently.
Thank you all for reading my fight, hopefully the next comic I make will be loads better... for you guys and gals that is.
And because I had to delete Jared Lewis' comment because it won't let me just simply edit part of the comment, here is his original critique minus the part at the end.
"phil, this was a step back for you but stronger than the competition. it was a pretty thin story. and it's good to see you attempting to vary your angles a bit, but practice the perspective of the body from those angles. i think that's why they're coming off as stiff. oh. and the suggestion dawg gave you for a scar would have been more interesting.
carli, i know you're not going to listen but i'll crit yours too. my biggest complaint has been something i & others have been saying from the very beginning. you draw way too small. or with a medium that's too thick. now if this was a traditional battle, it'd be one thing. but since you went digital with this, there's really no excuse at all to have big blocky awkward lines that make everything a bitch to read. the ability's right there; to not utilize it is simply laziness on your part. change your brush sizes, zoom in if you have to, but vary your lines & work in detail rather than drawing figures just a step more advanced than stick figures. also the layouts were bland & superweak. it made everything super tedious to read. and using lines to separate panels instead of gutters always looks sloppier & more amateur hour. and what was with the primary colors? vary your palette some."
hm! I sincerely hope the voting thing is corrected!
while I agree with a lot of what's been mentioned for Phil (stiffness, anatomy bla bla) I actually liked his little story. the little twist of it being a journal entry made it more interesting. I think the inkwork is coming along nicely as well, you're definitely getting hatching, and if you utilized it a little better it'd be crazy awesome.
carlitoo this hurts ; ; and I agree with what's already been mentioned on yours. sharper lines, nicer colours, better drawings.
carlito good job on this one ive always liked your character chi hui not really for the art but for the wrting and the story you make your character more real in entervoid then most people cause you make your character learn and evolve in each passingg story one thing i would say to work on is your coloring try to do some blending of colors and shadeing or maybe go black and white and just focus on shadeing on your next comic
phil as always your art reminds me of old school japanese art mixed with new schoool manga altho i have to say the story and creativity of this story wasnt good your character which i know is king of rougish but i was expecting a lot more from a scar mach and i cant really say you fullfilled my expectations of ths. The art was good but story and over all creativity of the battle was boring i say this cause i know youve done alot better so my suggestion to you is next match study the character your gonna fight pick out somthing in his bio and use it to develop a better story both you guys keep up the good work
Carlito - some of the lines are smugged and one of the pages are hard to read, but i thought it was awesome how you did your art in full color and long pages. doing all that takes alot of effort for which you have to give credit for. Love the story you did, cant wait for your next one.
Phil - Your art was really good at the beginning but then it seems like it feel off alittle, like on the last page you drew a puddle but its floating in the air it looks. Also you made your character come off cocky, it felt like you didnt see carlito as much of a match and i wish you would of done more. its was hard to read it without getting side tracked. But other than that your art is still very impressive.
Throwing in my two cents really quick:
Calito, this was a step backwards artwise, but that's been said. The lines are sloppy and just look plain bad this way. Your traditional work was much nicer all around and the chunky thick lines you used made it look preschool. Also, yes, less can be more. Do fewer pages and show tighter cleaner work to improve. Throwing out tons of badly drawn pages isn't the best way to improve. I also heavily discourage people jumping from a sketchy foundation with trads to digital. A solid foundation and a lot of practice is needed for that to work well, and the name 'wacom' and the wonders of photoshop don't magically make things better. I think you would benifit a lot more from doing things traditionally and practicing your digital skills slowly on the side to get a better understanding of them.
Phil: I liked the take you tried on this, having it be a line-of-thought flashback. It was clipped, however, and since it WAS a scar match, I would have liked to see the fight Carlito obtained it from. The pen work is pretty strong and you're improving in that aspect all the time, which is nice to see. However the anatomy seems to still be an issue for you, along with the stiffness of your characters. Phil is just way too thin, still... I know I've harped on this before, but he just needs some bulk to him when he's as powerful as his bio and his battles paint him to be. Still, it was a good showing and I enjoy seeing people try new things. Kudos to you, and you got my vote.
carlito: you might try drawing bigger and resizing, or at least using a thinner pen. that goes for traditional or digital. Aim to be more creative with your backgrounds; these all look very generic. It looks like you drew everybody pretty consistently this time, so that's good. I thought the page 5 layout was cute.
I dunno, just like with most of your fights, I just don't feel like I KNOW either character. They act kind of generic, like they just fell back on a general character type.
Phill: I think you could probably push your hatching a bit more.. or a lot more... some panels were looking a little flimsy, and lacking in volume. Also I think, if it was raining, the page should prolly be darker overall to kinda enhance that, same in the bar. Hatching shadows into the characters a little would help, too. I liked this comic, though.
carlito: the story was pretty good, but the art was kind of distracting. try to bring some more detail into your backgrounds. it'll help make your characters feel like they're grounded in reality.
phil: your art has improved, but i'll echo what zsab mentioned---try to use hatching to describe the shape of a form. the way you're using it kind of flattens things right now. i enjoyed the story, though. i think it captures that rainy day feeling nicely.
carlito- I think you would have benefited from doing less pages with better quality, although I do admire that you pumped out so many pages. But your coloring looked pretty rushed, and I know you could have done much better than this. I liked Phill's expressions, he looked so vicious on page 11 haha. And damn, that's a pretty brutal scar...
Phill- I think that your art has gotten a lot better, and it looks like you put some serious time into this one. Poses, I agree with the others, are a little stiff. But I am enjoying your backgrounds. I think that avoiding the battle sequence with a little different type of story was a risk, but I have to give you points for trying to go in another direction other than the oh-so-obvious fight comic. You get my vote because you did something I didn't expect and you seemed to have put a lot of effort into this one.
Carlito, please do not draw on the computer, your last battle was soooooo much better. MOst artists don't draw on the computer. They do pencils, then inks, then they scan it to color.
Phil. The art was pretty good, I enjoyed the backgrounds a lot. I thought the whole emo-journal thing was unnecessary, it didn't really add to the story. From what I have seen Chia-Hua is a pretty humble, farily peaceful ex-monk who generally doesnt start shit. It just seemed a little out of character for him to start a barfight. The scar seemed a little anticlimactic too. IF its a scar match I kinda want to see the scar happening, not just happen offscreen and caused by some random nameless thugs in the background.
I found that these comics were actually reversed in a way.
Carlito - Your art was definitely a step back here, except for a few panels where you made Phill look all demonic and stuff. However, I did like the idea and story very much. A blind Phill would be very interesting for him, too. Try doing a good story with your traditional art, though. It'd be amazing. Colors aren't as important as quality, so our traditional work would probably get you higher than this.
Phil: Storywise, this wasn't good at all. I understood what you were trying to aim for in this comic, but it just felt like you were avoiding drawing a fight at this point. Your art feels the same as before, which means it's alright, but you still have much room for improvement, as everyone else.
carlito: Dude... what ever happened to you art style...? By just looking at the thumbnails, I can clearly tell it's all digital... D: But storywise, it was alright, though the yellow smoke scene tend to confuse me at times...
Phillip C: I've seen your previous entries, and I can see some changes... Yeah, it was nice looking at your art and even the story at the beginning, but towards the end, I'm all confused on how Chai-Hui got his scar... And I thought Phil looked muscular...? Then how come in the last page, he looks a little thinner than I last time saw him...? D:
And to think it's already my 18th b-day today here... oh well... Overall, the battle's alright, though I was expecting some blast... Still, you guys just continue drawing and writing... cuz I know you guys are awesome... :]
Honestly I have no idea what I'm seeing here.
Carlito, the art here - is just awful. This is many times worse than your intro pages even, and a definite step (or two) back from your previous battle. The thick blurry outlines - no. NO! Don't do that again. Ever. LUCKILY, your comic was still readable and actually pretty entertaining once I got past the art. You got my vote for entertainment at least.
Phil, it's nice to see you trying something new with your art. Problem is your poses and such are still awkward and stiff. The hatching was ok, I think if you work on it and try and think it out a bit more you might be able to pull it off to good effect, but it's obvious (or at least it looks like) you're just playing around with it here. There's also NO good reason for instance to not have the hatching in the background come right up against chia-hui's outline. It may be that you think it would look confusing, but what it looks like is that you didn't want to spend the effort to make the hatching more precise. I think you're headed in a good direction though.
Unfortunately your story was about as thrilling as watching a pebble age. You wrote a story where nothing happens, and then when chia hui gets his scar, you still don't show anything happening, you just imply it happened...
Carlito-I think artistically this was kind of a step back for you, you lost a lot of the nice details you had in your previous fight in favor of doing more pages it looks like. I would like to see you step away from the color a little while and try to focus on your lineart because you really lost all the nice things you had going on in your previous fight with this fight. No matter how much you color something, people will always spot the problems in your lineart, this is coming from someone who is married to Photoshop and knows from experience. Try to work with more than one linewidth and never ever touch the line tool because it will always look pretty stiff.
I really think your art looks so much better when you don't do anything digital to it so try to go back to traditionals on your next fight. (that's of course not to say don't touch digital art, but you really need a stronger foundation in traditionals before taking the plunge into digital) It would also help for when you do work on color again, to try and tone down the saturation. Story wise I'm happy to see you stepping outside of your comfort zone, this was drastically different from your previous fights and would like to see you continue to focus on your storytelling because it's getting better. I just felt it was kind of odd that Phill goes to cancel the fight and is kind of laid back about it and then out of nowhere he kind of goes nuts. Your action is getting better and was clear for the most part until the part where Phill emerges out of the yellow smoke shirtless. That part kind of confused me.
Phill-I felt that artistically this was pretty close to your last battle which is good. I'm wondering if it may help you to bring some of that hatching you have in your backgrounds into the characters, because it looks odd to have all this nice shading in the background but the characters are kind of untouched. It may also help you to bring some pure blacks into the background like the walls in the bar since they don't look like they're much further back than the bar on the third page. Try to treat the hatching as if it's supposed to actually be shading instead of just a flat pattern, it may really help give your stuff some more visual depth if that makes any sense. Now I do have to agree that your figures are still looking stiff and I know it's a problem you've had in the past. One thing that may help is to treat the initial rough pencilling as gestures and draw the poses in as few quick fluid strokes as possible.
Your inking is looking more smooth but you do need to work on those linewidths. It's really not an issue in most of the panels but on page 3 you have that large panel with Phill very close to the viewer and he's the same linewidths as Chia-hui. I think you're getting better with humans and I like the direction you are taking with Phill visually since he looks much more like a cat now. I also like what you did story wise, it made it much easier to relate to Phill as a character and made it seem as though he'll start going in a much more mature and sympathetic direction. In the past I found it harder to really appreciate him as a character because he didn't seem like there was much to him. So continue to work on that, try coming up with a specific goal for him that may make it easier to figure out how you want him to develop, this was a step in the right direction.
So good job both of you, I enjoyed both sides but I went with Phill on this one.
Hey, I'm glad people like it so far, I tried really hard on this one... the crits are awesome and I'm gonna experiment with some of that color and scanning stuff thanks!
Zsa yeah I missed page 6 in resizing I guess, man that sucks, I coulda swore I had them all the same size except the final page which is bigger on purpose, but guess not.
Phill I thought that first page was really good and thanks for finally coming thru on the battle.
Oh and thanks a lot for putting the thumbs on every battle whoever does it, I think Angie but if not, whoever it is, thank you.
Now this is something different!
Carlito: I found your side the most entertaining as possible, I really enjoyed reading it throughly, and it has great action and build up, I really liked it. You were able to pull some nice panels, very cool ideas.
On other hand, you can still push a lot in your art, for example, I'm not sure, but it appears you did this either on a very low digital resolution, or badly scanned markers lineart. If it's scanning, try getting your stuff at 600 dpi, than resizing it to 300 to work the colors in (then resize the "copy file" to 100/72 dpi to submit, it will become the sharpiest!), or if it's fully digital, work on your stuff on 300 dpi, so that it doesnt look lik everything is blurred!
On a last note, you could have an uniform size for all your pages!
Phill: I have divided thoughts in this one. The story apparently looks like you're revolving on meta-story (dunno if its the right term, it's like youre using things that actually happened between artists inside the battle). The art is hardly as good as your previous one, while it's more hatching heavy, you should study ways to make the hatching work, which it isn't right now. You're using it mostly in a gradient way, but perhaps you should make it to give shape to things. Maybe you could reference some good hatching material before keeping on this, such as Vagabond and Blade of the Immortal, or even JoJo.
On last note, I still think your anatomy needs work. I believe you do the skeleton before drawing the figure, but it seems for example, if the character isn't fully on the panel you just draw that part.. and that doesnt work ,because we tend to forget part of the whole if we just detail one thing (i donno if its too confusing). Other thing you should consider working on is clothing bendings and foldings.
The camera angles you got there are really impresive, though, and I really enjoyed those.
I'm going with Carlito for this one
The basic is there, now push it to another level-
Darker Dark/Shadow/shading: It'll give more bulk to your drawings, don't be scared to user lower hues of the original colors to push out the volume, another approach would be using a slight pinch of complementary colors to these hues but that's experimental for now and takes alot of time.
Backgrounds: One step at a time, try to add more details with the remaining time you have after the big part of your comic is done. Yet those details shouldn't bend the original composition you have, they shouldn't "lure" the attention of the users away from whats actually going on.
Speedlines: Those are a handful to do digitally, there are some tutorials for these out there so if you look hard ull find some useful one, i just use a bic pencil and see what goes.
Storywise: Well, its complete, dunno what else to add, he trains, he's ready, the encounter happens, someone gets their eye skinned out and that's it. It stands on its own and doesn't really push towards a b-movie sequel. And that's cool.
Everything feels flat, characters on background, foreshortening, hair, details on most faces, characters interacting with backgrounds or objects, all of it.
The line weight generally remains the same for all characters and backgrounds and this ultimately kills it all. The eye starts to wonder whats closer and whats not, where the figures are relating to other figures or the background and can eventually get the audience to lose focus on the story to wonder whats going on.
The figures oddly feel stiff...holy shit, your arm and leg curves are going inward instead of outward, dunno if loomis ever had a chapter on tha but Burn Hogarth's Dynamic anatomy does, check it out.
Storywise: Doesn't feel like there was a closure to this episode nor that you cared for the other character, he just pops in, bug you then you go out never to hear from him again but feeling generally bad. Kinda like Batman The Dark Knight without the joker and the same ending, leaves you going " Huh...." which aint bad on its own but leaves you wanting for way more. Maybe a BB opening?
Its a near tie but a slight point to carlito because of the scar and closure. I mean, the man eyes out, that could have been an "Heroic Brutality".
Phil -
Nice short story. I could really feel the cold atmosphere with the pouring rain.
I like the angles you used in the bar. Fun to see how Phil reflects on his behaviour.
Got me curious about where you're going with yer character.
If you lose this, i can give you back yer sight....but then you'd have to re-fight me, hahahahaha.
Carlito -
I really like the simplicity and the flat colouring. Looks pretty funny until the action takes a serious tone.
The eyes...that is some nasty shit to pull, lol.
Loved the Seel cameo, although she shouldn't been lying next to him after what happened two yeas ago. hehehehe.
Keep up the goods guys. I have no shitcrits about how to improve or make this look better. I liked it as it is.
Dude, please stop casting all this self doubt on yourself. It's very annoying (for me at least), and I know for a fact you're capable of doing good comics. The outcome hasn't been decided yet, and 10 days still remain, just do your best.
Comments (38)