Carlito: Ive always liked your writing, and for each battle your art is cathcing up to it. Keep up the good work.
AmazingDavid: Great art. Good story. Very different way of using chia-hui. All good.
Carlito-I have to agree with what everyone has said about the style, it's been a problem in your previous battles as well so it's well worth working on. When your style is constantly changing from panel to panel between a more cartoony style and more realistic style, it makes the whole thing look inconsistent. Now I do think that you've improved, from what I can tell it was pencil you used on this? If so, perhaps keep going that route, I think you're really benefitting from the pencils on this, the hatching looks especially nice. I didn't care much for the story as it felt abrupt, it may have helped to have a little more build up on the thief than focusing on the lady and her necklace, like maybe you should have jumped between the two a little more? Other than that it was a pretty good battle and a step up for you
Amazingdavid-Now I'm fine with pages that are nothing but text, but perhaps you should have been a little more careful with the design? It's really hard to read red blocky text on top of white text. A better font and perhaps giving the red text a black outline or something would have helped keep the text from blending together, try to keep from using so many fonts in the future as well. You had some really nice inks on this and this looked loads better than your previous battle. Be careful with all that blur though, blur is fine if you are subtle with it but it's a bit much when it totally overpowers the lineart. Those are really my only suggestions, the rest looked pretty slick.
I am willing to GET MY ASS BEATEN SO HARD from all Brazilians....if that's what it takes...SWIMSUIT MUD BATTLE!!!!
Carlito: you're getting waaaaaay better dude, the colors and anatomy were an improvement. I also liked that you messed around with the camera angles a bit more, I feel that it draws me into the comic more. I think this battle needed more backgrounds though. But over all this was awesome dude! keep working hard :3
@amazingdavid: I liked this battle more than your first and it was also fun to read in my opinion. the art was good and really enjoy your style; however I think the different color schemes for some pages was a little bit weird, I suggest sticking with only one next time. Aaaaand I also recommend using a ruler sometimes in your backgrounds since the lines look a little too shaky in some areas. Very nice work though, the action was good and I really liked this :3
fantastic job guys!
apparently I have a canadian fire brigade a bear and a moose...that's all I fucking need...all Brazil has is thongs and hot bronze women...tasty tasty bronze women...
haha! i liked the ending, carlito XD also liked how you drew Flint
@amazigndavid: a little confusing but it was very origional and amusing. i liked the cleanness of your drawings =D
Carlito this was awesome, this was by far the best work I have seen from you. I thought the story was hilarious, and I feel like you got Flints mood down pat. Your line work is getting cleaner and more expressive at the same time (if that is even possible) I also think your choice of how to frame your panels is becoming more intelligent. I still think you need to work on your anatomy, and BGs other than that this was good go of it. Keep up the good work!
@Dr. Salt...You don't Hastle with the Hoff!
@Perca Thanks for the feedback yo...Um yeah the backgrounds were kind of set up to contrast the characters...Yes I know I should probably spend a bit more time on them. And I did shove like a 40 page story into 17 pages. It wasn't really a time or work ethic issue, I seriously just like to do that...What you do with images is what I do with ideas, so yeah that's probably never going to change.
@souless...thanks dude...Im like a box of cracker jacks..
@Mike...My only goal in life is to piss you off...I specifically had that in mind when doing this...AND I TOTALLY CALLED YOUR good to have brothers...
... Just reading these entries made me speechless... seriously...
@carlito: You really improved a lot since the last time I read an entry from you...! And the way you colored was REALLY good... Your story was simple, but it made me smile after the ending... :)
@amazingdavid: The style you used here, REALLY surprised me because, well, I never expected this from you... But dammit dude, it blew me off...! I'm not sure if the ending is a cliffhanger, but your story was so intriguing to me... xD
Awesome battle, you guys... <3
@carlito: You're getting better and I liked your simple plot. Easy to follow and made me laugh in the end. The coloring is getting better too, I'm glad to see you're improving. Some anatomy issues here and there, but overall the comic was enjoyable. I like the way you roll.
Nit pick: don't copy/paste panels. I saw what you did there ha ha. Another thing, watch out for character scale around other characters (they seen to shrink and grow, watch for this) and also for the style you're drawing. It seen each panel you draw your own character it's a different drawing style, it kinda distracts the reader, try sticking to a style from the begging to the end of the comic. Ok enough for you, as I said, you're improving ha ha
@amazing: dude, remember the comment I left on your last battle? screw it. Your panels rocked my socks so hard so hard sweet jesus man... The only thing that kinda threw me off was the amount of text going on.. Like, your inks were awesome then.. BAM text text text. Those starter pages totally broke my heart, even so I understand what you tried to make the reader feel, you could still draw lots of confusing shots that wouldn't necessary be part of the comic and would get the reader all \"WTF IS THIS????\". My first impression was \"Whoa\" then there was so much text that I totally stop reading and started to just admire the art and colors...
It sounded like you had too much going on for few pages, I would suggest cutting the plot next time, developing less ideas with much more awesome than a bunch of ideas that get the reader confused and tired. I \"read\" your side 4 times already and couldn't manage to follow all the text, it gets in a point I give up and continue paying attention to the drawings ha ha I don't think that was your idea, amIrite?
I'll be nick pick master now, and ask you to not draw bgs in all the panels like some person I know do and get things confusing as fuck *ahem*, but at least give em more love... I felt like some of your previous fight bgs were totally sweet and then in this one, while you have a super rad black shading going on, the bg (not in all but in the panels that I spotted) were just noisy lines making generic shapes... I know you can draw bgs, it just felt like you left em messy to make the chars stand, prob is that it turned like the chars did not belong to that scenery XD (hope I'm not sounding confusing here).
To be honest I'm still drooling over the characters and poses and colors and I took twice the time I should to give you a proper feedback and not a box of praise, truth has to be said. This was totally over my expectations, screw your intros, this is so much better ha ha ha. Don't you ever break my heart again, you hear me?????
@perca That would be a feet of modern science to overcome millions of years of evolution to force your ovary ridden body to cry manly tears...
I make no promises...
Screw it, just make this awesome ok? >:I or I'll punch you so hard that you'll travel back time. I SWEAR.
Well...I'm glad to see that you are unleashing the beast 'pon me.... (dammit... T_T)
I like it...and it's a style I used to work we will see how it comes off...I'm excited regardless....
can't wait to see and read yours
@perca That would be a feet of modern science to overcome millions of years of evolution to force your ovary ridden body to cry manly tears...
I make no promises...
I'm starting a new group if anyone wants to join it's either going to be called \"PATHOPWMBGD\" Or People Against the Hatred of Other People Who May Be Glandularlly Disfigured...or The Michael Harris is a Punk Ass Club...which ever is more prudent
Comments (41)