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JPOP vs The Shepherd

4 Weeks
Regular Match


JPOP vs The Shepherd
By justarhymes
chat_bubble 26
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Final Score: 5.79
JPOP vs The Shepherd
By saintpio
chat_bubble 26
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The Shepherd
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.42

Comments (26)

Kon's avatar
16 years ago
Saintpio> That was just so random. I think it was way better than your last one art wise but the story was just SO off topic. You should've done your BB first, seriously. Also I still enjoyed it because I think you ARE kickass. Can't wait to see you kill/get killed by Claymore. Make this real. Dawg> That was funny but useless. BUT STILL. I think you could've worked on it more.

neens's avatar
16 years ago
doop dawg you poop, you shoulda done more ; ; but you didn't, and I guess that is that. it looks like you had a good start for something, at least. pios that was fun haha. you did a nice job portraying crazy jpops and stuff, I liked the comic. I also think it still managed to work well without a bb or whatever

jayd4life's avatar
16 years ago
J-pop:(dawgmastas)- please show some more creativity next time bro. Besides that, it wasn't really half bad and everything was pretty much straight forward. Shepherd:(saintpio)- nice storyline, I especially like the J-pop vision, lol pretty funny. Animation with the slashes worked out pretty much for yah, but the only thing I feel that I was missing out on was the whole slaughter duo part. T_T

amazingdavid's avatar
16 years ago
aaaahahahahahahaha....I was equally entertained by both of these...\"Epic\" stories. I had to give it to Dawg simply because he had the shepherd fuckin' a's classic... sorry I don't have a valuable critique, anywho keep up the good and violent work you two...

Caravaggio's avatar
16 years ago
Such much violence! My sensitive eyes! Hmmm. This is a weird case where I think the styles you two have, which I think are quite similar, actually helped each other. Sometimes it's interesting to see different takes on fights, but after reading one and then the other it seemed more like a continuation than anything, that was neat. I'm not entirely sure what to say about the fights themselves. Even with the warning on Pio's fight it still seems like some kind of thread is missing. The actions in both of these stories seem more like parts of a larger 3-part-action kind of story than the smaller slices the actual subject matter makes up. If that makes sense... -_-

saintpio's avatar
16 years ago
Oh, I hadn't even thought about a bb. Just figured it would make me sound like I had a plan. I'll probably do a time warp and explain it in my next battle or something, unless my next battle is the death match. I thought up a much better character the other day so we'll see what happens with the shepherds story.

Phill's avatar
16 years ago
Dawg, I know what you're feeling right now, there's always the next fight to put more heart into mang. It's still always awesome that you give us something new each time you battle. Saintpio: I really do wish to see that BB soon, cause without it, this comic was pretty hard to understand and get into at first. However, as always your stories are always very unique and fun to read. I think however that you should start practice on drawing faces and teeth more often. I do like how jagged Shepherd's are, but I think you could highly benefit from having some characters that look a bit more clean cut if you know what I mean, and more background practice. Vote goes to Saintpio because we all wanna be BFF!

saintpio's avatar
16 years ago
Thanks for the comments guys. You were right. I had a good start and end in mind but i had no idea what to put in the middle. Just kinda put in a few pages in these last couple of days. What I really wanted to do was put in a seinfeld ending with j pop stand up but I ran out of time. Oh yeah, and the flash back was meant to be hinting at j pop being schizo but I just wanted to draw them so it was worth it.

Angie's avatar
16 years ago
Oh shit you're right haha It looked like marker to me, I didn't look as close as I should have but was afraid of old men sheep sex

justarhymes's avatar
16 years ago
It was digital. And I appreciate you all trying to rationalize it, but it's not very good. Even though the jokes give me funny memories. Saintpio you deserve this easily. If only because of your wacky Hazard Theater member drawings.

Angie's avatar
16 years ago
dawg-Oh dawg, I caught that felle reference haha It was nice to see you try something different for you, the coloring may have worked a little better digitally since I'm not a fan of the marker there. Story wise you caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting that at all saintpio-Dude, that was like the best Cog drawing in the history of ever haha I'm going to have to echo what Squid said and say that you should try varying your panel sizes some more. All those large panels make it difficult to figure out how the pacing is supposed to go. I feel as though you really rushed your backgrounds on this, never neglect them so you can continue to improve! Story wise this was pretty fun, and also caught me off guard, I got a good laugh out of it.

squid's avatar
16 years ago
uh. are you both, like, channelling Helftan or something? dawg: Sometimes your scribbly shading is too much, especially when you draw the figures really small.. like in the wideshot of the barn with the sheep and the naked fat guy whom I assume to be the Shepard.. Story was bizarre XD, but sparkling with your usual primo grasp of characterization and dialogue. And stuffs. I like how consistent your comics are. I mean you pretty much know what you are getting with a Dawg comic. I also liked the pencil toning, it gave some nice texture. I feel like the color didn't work as well as it could, but I'm not sure why. Too much white? :/ St. Pio: I felt like the comic kind of meandered in the middle, like it could have been more concise. Or maybe it simply wasn't that interesting. The ending made it all worth it for me, though. Art wise, have you tried working with smaller panels? I feel like you are working with a lot of space, and your drawings are pretty simple and might not need the huge panels..

Dimension's avatar
16 years ago
Dawg: O.o; I liked the color scheme you used, but the art was a little too messy. The story made me laugh though...hmmm, I still feel that your comic needed more to it. Saintpio: Wow, you really did make J-pop schizo XD not sure how clear the flash back was though.... um anyways I thought this looked pretty nice and I thought it had a good ending. :3 the dialogue was a bit confusing sometimes though :0

Helftan's avatar
16 years ago
Dawg this is one of my favorite battles of yours but you're fighting against my favorite combatant on void and he did his best comic this time in my opinion.I hope to battle both of you when i get time you guys rock this i think is my favorite void battle since i joined amazing work both of you!

Caravaggio's avatar
16 years ago
Holy shite, we're not getting a new fight for over a week? Bad mojo man. And remember, I want to see J-pop eating out of a garbage can. :p

Betito's avatar
16 years ago
Go Saintpio! =D Good luck! Good luck you too Dawgmastas

odd13's avatar
16 years ago
ohhohoyoho....this I look forward too! gl 2 u folks

Dimension's avatar
16 years ago
oh, how did I not see this D: good luck to both of you~

Red's avatar
16 years ago
yesssssssssssssssssssssss awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Angie's avatar
16 years ago
Give it your all you guys!

squid's avatar
16 years ago
I can't think of something clever, but let me just say that I am pretty excited for this.

Kon's avatar
16 years ago

saintpio's avatar
16 years ago
I'm feeling good about this one already. Definately will make up for my last comic I swear.