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Chia-Hui vs Media

2 Weeks
Regular Match


Chia-Hui vs Media
By carlito
chat_bubble 29
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.13
Chia-Hui vs Media
By The Pacifier
chat_bubble 29
star star
Final Score: 5.95

Comments (29)

odd13's avatar
16 years ago
Interesting work, Overall both comics are moderately good, quality was well done for both although their dialog flow was quite awkward. Good luck with z' final votes.

BornLoser's avatar
16 years ago
I wasnt talking about lines but surfaces. Many people draw rocks and other surfaces as if they were plastic. Here it looks more real.

squid's avatar
16 years ago
BornLoser, making lines \"too clean\" isn't an error, it's a stylistic choice.

squid's avatar
16 years ago
ah okay, I really wish I could word this better but here I go anyway. I feel like you both need to have more fun with these. Both Media and Chia, in both comics, seem like directionless people. I don't know how I feel aout them because their personalities aren't very well defined. I wish that both Carlito and Brandon would pick the direction they want to go with their guys, and just go. And have fun. and I hope that made some sense to you both -_- Carlito, I really like the idea of Chia trying to learn English from Sesame Street. Brandon, thanks for the Ben cameo, although to be honest she was a bit out of character... your characterization of Danielle was nice, though. put some of that into Media's character next time?

michaelharris's avatar
16 years ago
oh and I kinda didn't understand the endings...

michaelharris's avatar
16 years ago
Carlito, colors were really really vibrant... almost like it was colored with marker. Pacifier, I kinda wish you didn't draw exactly like DBZ both, I liked the consistency of quality all the way throughout, I liked the fresh look at \"fights\" that the stories took too.

BornLoser's avatar
16 years ago
I really liked how both had build up but no fight. There needs to be more stuff like that. Carlito: The art was abit stiff and the color was very VERY digital. You should try to have less saturated colors (ad some grey into it and stuff). The constant sideview camera angles made it look like a flash movie (or modern day hannah barbera cartoon) I really like the ending, and the writing overall was pretty good albeit rushed, make your next story longer. The Pacifier: Good art. I like how you didnt have things look too clean, an error many people make. Good work with the close-ups, but maybe a bit too many of them. There really needed to be a picture of chia jumping away to dodge the crashing spaceship, and maybe a picture of the impact of the ship aswell altho they could both be in the same picture i guess. I did not like how every female character was just one big manga cliche.

The Pacifier's avatar
The Pacifier
16 years ago
carlito-despite the outcome i actually enjoyed this even though the story was rushed on my part i really wanted to color this one but the deadline beat me to it but we should do this in the future when we both get better

Helftan's avatar
16 years ago
i think carlito was going in a really nice direction at first using all the failures of chia hui as his story the start was nice and i think i got it.but you should have went more into the losses and chia hui´s depession about it it was kinda there a short moment where he was just sitting there watching television but the way media sorted it out was very lacking. the surface on the pole on the first picture looked nice hrhr anywhom work harder carlito pacifier i had no idea what was going on.the characters looked nice but it gave me no interest in the characters or the story at all

Punk Jax's avatar
Punk Jax
16 years ago
Okay. These comics felt so vague, I can't help but use them to bounce off each other's failures. Carlito: Okay, your art isn't necessarily the best. You need practice there, obviously. Your stories are getting better, but remember to give them all purpose ( and endings >:C ). For every action, there is a reaction, but there's also a cause. Brandon: Your story made it feel like there was no character to focus on. No characters even seem to have any use but minimal reactions. You should really plan stories ahead when making comics, and even write a rough script before drawing. Your art is good, as usual, but you need to work on your storytelling.

saintpio's avatar
16 years ago
Yeah, both were pretty short story wise but if you guys continue it in your next comics it won't be such a bad thing. And, even though you might not need action. It should have something in there juicy. These were a bit empty. Pacifier wins for me cause the art was goood.

The Pacifier's avatar
The Pacifier
16 years ago
one of the things people tell me is that i need to work on story telling which ive never really been big on so i guess thats something that i have to put effort towards in the future

Angie's avatar
16 years ago
Storywise I found it hard to get into both entries, neither seemed to have any goal or purpose. While you shouldn't get in over your head and do a longass comic, another page or two to either of these to give them a conclusion would have helped a lot. Carlito-Be careful with the crazy saturated colors, try to lower the saturation a little instead of going with straight up default colors. Make sure you keep the light source in mind for your coloring as well since there doesn't seem to be a definite light source. Also watch the use of line tool for your backgrounds, it flattens them out and looks very unnatural. I'm not really sure why Media went to Chia-hui for training, he just saw a picture of him and assumed he could fight well? Having him actually seeing Chia-hui in action would have been a lot better since he just kind of goes up to a dude that's chilling on his couch. You're getting better so keep on practicing Pacifier-You had some nice lineart and details going on here, but all the pretty art in the world will never make up for a good story. Your battles are feeling very abrupt and seem to lack purpose, try to go into your battles with a goal for Media's storyline and make sure that your battles have a beginning, middle, and end. I also felt as if Chia-hui had no reason to be there besides to be someone to react to the ship landing. You're improving all the time art wise so I want to see that same attention given to your story. And neither battles needed fighting, I don't know why people feel as though battles require fighting. Yes they are called art \"battles\" but that doesn't necessarily mean fighting. Void is moving towards focusing on all kinds of comics and pushing people to try new things with their stories. I mean I'm a huge shonen fan and grew up with Dragonball Z and I still don't think all comics should have fighting in them. Broaden your horizons guys and remember that a good comic doesn't always need to people kicking the crap out of each other, even shonen manga takes a break for plot.

dragon-dan's avatar
16 years ago
2 to be continueds?? Lot of build up, no fighting, a good thing?

luniara's avatar
16 years ago
I'm afraid I don't quite understand what is going on in either of these battles. They were both very short and confusing. Carlito, I'm guessing you ran out of time on your battle, thus the abrupt ending. However, I would suggest you working on your paneling. You already have a good habit of filling up the panels you have with backgrounds, so don't lose that. I also recommend adding some more details into your work in the future. Pacifier, Wonderful inking and use of space. The quality you're pulling was very fair, but the story and entertainment lacked A LOT. It just looked like it was a segment of something else- perhaps I need to scroll through your other battles to understand what is going on? Either way, thank you both for submitting. Even though these both looked like they ran out of time- they still have some effort in there.

The Pacifier's avatar
The Pacifier
16 years ago
w00t w00t~! no defaultin this time folksz xD

Kon's avatar
16 years ago
woooo Media is coming back, good luck to you two : D

Punk Jax's avatar
Punk Jax
16 years ago
Oh gods, I've been waiting for this. :D

Dimension's avatar
16 years ago
finally XD was wondering when you 2 were gonna battle... Good luck!